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Trump incorrectly states that his father was born in Germany

US news 4 hours ago
In a discussion about Germany's contributions to NATO, President Trump said his father was born in Germany, but records show the president's father was born in New York City.
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This afternoon while discussing NATO and criticizing Germany's contributions to its cost, the president said his father was born in Germany. Fred Trump was born in New York City. Learn more here:

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I can't access the original from home, but here's the index listing for Fred Trump's 1905 birth. In New York City. I mean, c'mon now.

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9 replies 33 retweets 116 likes

It's strange that Trump is now saying his father was born in Germany. In "The Art of the Deal," Trump incorrectly said that his father's father came to America "from Sweden as a child," when his paternal grandfather was actually an immigrant from Germany.

107 replies 309 retweets 844 likes

Fred Trump was born in NY. Friedrich Trumpf was born in Germany, emigrated to America at age 16, made a fortune as a hotelier in the Yukon Gold Rush, & was later denied repatriation to Germany for dodging the draft

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Note: Trump’s grandfather (Frederick) was born in Bavaria, though Trump’s father (Fred) claimed Frederick had been born in Sweden. Frederick immigrated to the US 30 years before Fred was born.

23 replies 71 retweets 205 likes

The most likely scenario is that keeps getting his father and grandfather confused.

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