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There is an urgent need to improve the welfare and job quality of digital workers, write Mark Graham, Sai Englert and Jamie Woodcock.

Following a national women’s march across Pakistan, Zahwa Shah examines the blow-back from men and the political actors still blocking feminist organizing.

Can the country produce its own iconic Prime Minister? It desperately needs one, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Putin’s critics have labelled him a ‘kleptocratic dictator’ and drawn comparisons with Hitler. Russia expert Mark Galeotti tells Madeline Roache that it is more complicated than that.

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Latest issue

March-April 2019, Issue 518

Big story

  • Corbyn vs the nation
  • Worlds apart
  • How to be an internationalist
  • ¿Hasta siempre?
  • Solidarity with the Niger Delta

Also this issue …

  • The far-right international
  • Uber drivers of the world, unite!
  • Vijay Prashad on Thomas Sankara
  • Is veganism too confrontational?
  • Žižek talks Trump and Twitter

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