Glasgow meetup, 1st quarter 2019

Please find below all the information for the next 3 WordPress meetups is Glasgow, corresponding to January, February and March 2019.

We’re looking forward seeing you there!

WordPress helpdesk and networking

Tuesday, 22nd January 2019, from 6:00pm until 8:30pm, at the Citizen M’s hotel lounge

If you have a WordPress site and you’ve got a bug or there is something you are not quite sure how to do, come and meet the WordPress professionals who may be able to help you or point you in the right direction.

If you are a WordPress professional and can spare a couple of hours every 3 months, come along to give some guidance to people who are learning or are stuck and need advice.

This event also aims to be a meeting point for WordPress developers and web designers looking for their next project or collaboration and for people who have a project and would like to meet a WordPress professional.

Event #53 : WordPress HelpDesk and Networking

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019, 6:00 PM

citizen m hotel
60 renfrew street Glasgow, GB

26 Members Attending

* WordPress Helpdesk * If you have a WordPress site and you’ve got a bug or there is something you are not quite sure how to do, come and meet the WordPress professionals who may be able to help you or point you in the right direction. Given that WordPress 5.0 is likely to have been released before the end of 2018, there will be a special focus on …

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“Yoast” by Kayleigh Thorpe and “Digital Marketing” by Valerie Ferrat

Tuesday 26th February 2019, from 6:00pm until 8:30pm at the Old Sheriff Court (Scottish Youth Theatre venue)

Two talks. We’ll be updating the event description as soon as we have all the details!

Event #54: “Yoast” and “Digital Marketing”, by Kayleigh Thorpe & Valerie Ferrat

Tuesday, Feb 26, 2019, 6:00 PM

The Old Sheriff Court (SYT)
105 Brunswick St, Glasgow G1 1TF, GB

16 Members Attending

We have had to reorganise the calendar and the meetup dedicated to the mental health topic will be held later on in the calendar. The new schedule for the February meetup will consist of two talks: * One on Yoast, the SEO WordPress plugin, by Kayleigh Thorpe from 34SP * The other on Digital Marketing, by our co-member Valerie Ferrat. More details c…

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“Writing effective website specification documents”, by Mark Wilkinson

Tuesday, 26th March 2019, from 6:00pm until 8:30pm at the Old Sheriff Court (Scottish Youth Theatre venue)

Do you want to set your website project up for success? Do you want to avoid any costly surprises along the way? Of course, you do.

A thorough, focused web specification document will keep your web project running smoothly and, most importantly, will give you the best to chance of delivering a project that meets the goals of your visitors and your business.

Mark Wilkinson is a developer and co-founder of Highrise Digital, a specialist WordPress agency focusing on building WordPress solutions for post-small pre-enterprise businesses.

Mark has been using WordPress since late 2005, all the way back to version 2.0. He is also an active member of the UK WordPress community, attending meet-ups and WordCamps in the UK, as well as getting involved in organising such events.

Event #55: “Writing effective website specification documents” by Mark Wilkinson

Tuesday, Mar 26, 2019, 6:00 PM

The Old Sheriff Court (SYT)
105 Brunswick St, Glasgow G1 1TF, GB

12 Members Attending

Do you want to set your website project up for success? Do you want to avoid any costly surprises along the way? Of course, you do. A thorough, focused web specification document will keep your web project running smoothly and, most importantly, will give you the best to chance of delivering a project that meets the goals of your visitors and your …

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Glasgow meetup, November 2018

For this coming meetup, we will have our first ever Lightning talks by three members of the WordPress Glasgow community.

Each talk will last around 10 minutes and there will be plenty of time at the end to ask questions and discuss the topics covered by the talks.

TALK #1: “Introduction to the WP_CLI” by Sean MacKay

WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. It allows you to do all sort of nifty tasks without ever using the web browser.

TALK #2: “Mistakes and How to Make Them” by Jeremy Davis

A light-hearted look at some of the WordPress mess-ups I have made
with some practical tips on how to avoid making them yourself.

TALK #3: “Digital Certificate 101” by Nigel Pentland

A rapid explanation of what a digital certificate is, and what it looks like.

Event #52: Lightning talks

Tuesday, Nov 27, 2018, 6:00 PM

No location yet.

22 Members Attending

ALL SKILL LEVELS. Arrive from 6:00 pm for 6:30 pm start. An evening of lightning talks on a variety of topics. The talks will be around 10 minutes long and a great introduction to new topics. There will also be time for Q&A and group discussion of any subject related to the talks. TALK #1: “Introduction to the WP_CLI” by Sean MacKay TALK #2: “Mista…

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WordPress Glasgow October 2018

The current meetup organisers are super busy at the moment so we’re scaling down to one get-together a month, instead of our usual two. But we are very proud of the quality of the talks we’ll have on offer!

Please get in touch if you would like to join the team or have a proposal for an event you’d like to organise!

This month’s talk is of special interest for anyone who uses, or is thinking of using, their WordPress blog and social media to grow a following.

Luna Carmona's talk, WPGlasgow October 2018

“Build a Community with WordPress and Social Media”, by Luna Carmona

Tuesday 23rd October, 18:00. Venue TBD.

Continue reading “WordPress Glasgow October 2018”

WordCamp Manchester 2018 Schedule Announced

WordCamp Manchester 2018 Logo

WordCamp Manchester is returning to it’s regular venue, the Manchester Metropolitan University’s Business School Building on Saturday the 27th October. It’s the only WordCamp running in the north of England this year.

The schedule for the conference day has been announced with topics for the talks including accessibility, SEO, security, managing clients, design and (of course) the new WordPress editor – Gutenberg. There will be two tracks on the day, with 7 talks in each along with a lightning talk session per track. Between talks, there will be a chance to network with the other attendees and meet the sponsors in the sponsor area.

Tickets for the conference are priced at £35 which includes refreshments, lunch and an invite to the after party (which will be held at the MMU Students Union building).

There is also a contributor day being held on Sunday 28th October at Ziferblat in the Northern Quarter. Tickets to contributor day are also available and are free, again food and lunch are provided. First time contributors are particularly welcome.

There are also opportunities still available to sponsor WordCamp Manchester.

Two events in Glasgow this September

We have two super exciting meets this month in Glasgow. One of them is the first Contributor Day in Scotland!!

Here are the details:

  • WordPress Glasgow Contributor Day – Saturday 8th September, from 10:00 until 16:00 at the South Block, 60-64 Osborne Street, Glasgow G1 5QH (find on map)
    WordPress is built by thousands of people all over the world, normal people like you and me and mostly during their spare time. Come along and help make WordPress from right here in Scotland!
    We’ll have team leads from Accessibility, Core – Data Privacy, Core – Gutenberg, Marketing, Support, Theme Review and Polyglots.
    To register, please refer to
1st Glasgow Contributor Day
1st Glasgow Contributor Day
  • Website Health Check, HelpDesk and Networking – Tuesday 25th September from 18:00 until 21:00 at the  Citizen M (ground floor lounge) 60 Renfrew Street, Glasgow G2 3BW (find on map)
    A super charged schedule with a website healthcheck desk, a WordPress community helpdesk and our first go at speed networking! 
    If you fancy coming along, simply RSPV on the meetup page below: 

Event #50: WordPress Glasgow Helpdesk, Website Health Check and Networking

Tuesday, Sep 25, 2018, 6:00 PM

citizen m hotel
60 renfrew street Glasgow, GB

18 Members Attending

This is the first of a new quarterly get-together for the WordPress Glasgow meetup. This new format has evolved from the popular Community Workshop we used to run before the summer break with some additions that we think will make it more sustainable for the organising team and of interest to a wider audience. Here’s what’s on the schedule: * WordP…

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Hope you can join us!

WPGlasgow this August

We are currently reviewing our schedule and will be meeting only once this month.

Easy Introduction to HTML and CSS, by Derek York

Thursday 28th August, 18:00 at the Garment Factory, 10 Montrose Street, G1 1ET

This workshop goes ‘back to basics’ to give you skills to amend your webpages.

WordPress has great ‘page builder’ tools like the new Gutenberg editor or plugins like Divi or Elementor. They help you put together blocks into a page layout. However, sometimes you may want to do something different that doesn’t have a setting in your page builder or editor. Then it can be handy to know what webpages are built on – HTML and CSS.

After a brief introduction, we’ll use a basic text editor and a browser to write a wee bit of code and build a simple web page.

Then we’ll write a stylesheet to change how it looks.

We’ll finish by seeing how you can use the WordPress code editor and developer tools to make edits to the code of your pages.

Event #48: “Easy introduction to HTML + CSS”, by Derek York

Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018, 6:00 PM

Garment Factory
10 Montrose Street Glasgow, GB

32 Members Attending

Suitable for ALL skill levels. Arrive from 6pm for 6.30pm start. This workshop goes ‘back to basics’ to give you skills to amend your webpages. WordPress has great ‘page builder’ tools like the new Gutenberg editor or plugins like Divi or Elementor. They help you put together blocks into a page layout. However, sometimes you may want to do somet…

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Two WordPress Glasgow meetups in June 2018

Here’s what we have in our calendar for June:

  • WordPress Community Workshop – Thurs. 14th June, 6:30pm at CitizenM’s Glasgow, ground floor lounge
    Our very popular and relaxed get-together where we help each other get better at WordPress. We all sit around the big table and talk about the WordPress projects or conundrums we are working on at the moment. Bring your laptop or tablet, as well as questions and answers for your co-members.
  • How non-developers can contribute to WordPress, by Jenny Wong – Wed. 27th June, 6:00pm at iCafe Merchant City
    Please note that, due to a date conflict with the JPMorgan Meetup Collider, this event will take place on a Wednesday 27th June rather than our usual 4th Tuesday.
    Also, due to the devastating fire at the Glasgow School of Art nearly two weeks ago, our usual venue remains closed and the meetup will take place instead at the iCafe Merchant City, 70-72 Ingram St, Glasgow G1 1EX

    WordPress is nothing without the numerous amounts of contributions that have made it into the CMS that it is today. When someone tells you that anyone can contribute to WordPress you may not believe them.
    In this talk Jenny will discuss how every contribution counts, and explain the different ways non-developers can start contributing back to the open source project we all love so much.

    Event #44: “How non-developers can contribute to WordPress” by Jenny Wong

    Wednesday, Jun 27, 2018, 6:00 PM

    iCafe (Merchant City)
    70 Ingram Street Glasgow, GB

    16 Members Attending

    This event is suitable for ALL SKILL LEVELS. WordPress is nothing without the numerous amounts of contributions that have made it into the CMS that it is today. When someone tells you that anyone can contribute to WordPress you may not believe them. In this talk Jenny will discuss how every contribution counts, and explain the different ways non-de…

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Two WordPress Glasgow meetups in May 2018

Kayleigh Thorpe talk for WPGlasgow, May 2018

Here’s what we have in our calendar for May:

  • WordPress Community Workshop – Thurs. 10th May, 6:30pm at CitizenM’s Glasgow, ground floor lounge
    Our very popular and relaxed get-together where we help each other get better at WordPress. We all sit around the big table and talk about the WordPress projects or conundrums we are working on at the moment. Bring your laptop or tablet, as well as questions and answers for your co-members.
  • Making WordPress Fly with Jetpack (updated), by Kayleigh Thorpe – Tues. 22nd May, 6:00pm at iCafe Sauchiehall St.
    In this talk Kayleigh will be showing the various features of the Jetpack plugin, from its built in analytics, to form and portfolio building, and how you can use the Jetpack plugin to improve your site’s visibility.

Two WordPress Meetups in April 2018

Here’s what we did in April 2018:

  • WordPress Community Workshop – Gutenberg Special – Thurs. 12th April, 6:30pm at CitizenM’s Glasgow
    Gutenberg is the new WordPress editor, to be released sometime in April. It will mean a big change to the way we write posts and pages and, in a future release, it is expected to make page builders redundant. We aim to help you, as a WordPress user and content author, learn the ins and outs of the new editor before it comes out.
  • Find Content Ideas Relevant to Your Audience, by Ahmed Khalifa – Tues. 24th April, 6:00pm at iCafe Sauchiehall St.
    When it comes to creating content, the hard part is 1) coming up with ideas, and 2) it’s something that your audience is searching for and looking for on Google. And since the old boring cliché of “content is king” is always around us, it feels like you are under pressure to do your content justice by maintaining its high-quality and consistency.

WordPress Essex Meetup – April 2018

This month at the WordPress Essex Meetup we’re having a GDPR themed night. With the imminent implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) almost every development agency, design studio, freelancer and website owner will be impacted by the changes to the law enforced from 25 May 2018.

Open GDPR Workshop

This will be an opportunity as a collective to raise questions, get to grips with the potential impact, understand how we can ensure our sites are compliant and generally develop a deeper understanding of GDPR. We’ll also look at some of the plugin options to help manage data. If you’re willing to share your own websites, we can also use these as case studies during the evening.

Presented by Dan Maby. Dan is a Director at Blue 37 a creative digital agency. He thrives on business development & project management, as well as having a passion for productivity & marketing. When not in front of a screen, you’ll find him organising events. Follow him @danmaby.

Running Order (STC):

Arrive from 18:30 for networking
19:00 – Opening remarks
19:10 – Talk TBC.
19:45 – wp_update_post
20:00 – Break
20:15 – The GDPR Workshop.
20:45 – Closing remarks
21:00 – Social

How to find us

The Anglia Ruskin University website has a comprehensive list of way to access the venue.

  • Car – The University car parks are free after 16:30. Sawyers Car Park is the closest, just off Hoffmanns Way.
  • Train – The Chelmsford Train Station is an 11 min. walk to the venue. See this map.
  • Bus – Regular bus services run to and from the venue.

Code of conduct

The WordPress Essex Meetup is intended to be a safe, judgmental free event for the local WordPress community to come together, share knowledge and grow. We have a code of conduct that all attendees, speakers, volunteers, and organisers are expected to abide by.

Sponsors & Supporters

This event is supported by Blue 37 – a strategic-thinking team of digital experts with a creative edge, and Primary Image – a WordPress web design agency based in Southend-on-Sea.

WordPress Essex Meetup – April 2018

Thursday, Apr 19, 2018, 6:30 PM

Anglia Ruskin University
Bishop Hall Ln, Chelmsford CM1 1SQ, GB

5 WordPress Community Members Attending

This month at the WordPress Essex Meetup we’re having a GDPR themed night. With the imminent implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) almost every development agency, design studio, freelancer and website owner will be impacted by the changes to the law enforced from 25 May 2018. ## Open GDPR Workshop This will be an opportun…

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