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#HambacherForst: It is and remains the same struggle

Although we realize that a police action in the forest can happen at any time, we startle at seven o’clock in the morning of Monday morning when we are awakened by the call “police in the forest”. Police vans come along the former A4 motorway, stop and cops get out.

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#Montreal: Anticapitalist #MayDay 2019 – Cabot Square – 6:30PM

On Wednesday May 1st, at 6:30pm, in Square Cabot, the anticapitalist caravan is back at it again to say f*ck your borders and fuck your prisons!

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Aktion Unterholz on the repressive police operation in #HambacherForest

Statement by Aktion Unterholz on the massive and very repressive police operation in the Hambacher forest.

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The #GiletsJaunes: The people are constrained to respond to the violence

Le Monde‘s front page of Tuesday, March 19th, reads “L’Exécutif contraint de répondre aux violence [“The Executive is constrained/obliged to respond to the violence”]”. Yet as the yellow vests movement(s) enters its fourth month, after thousands have been gassed and beaten, after thousands have been arrested, after hundreds have been hurt and dozens crippled or blinded, it is difficult to know how to take the title.

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Immortal: A tribute to Anna Campbell and Haukur Hilmarsson

In April 2017, Anna Campbell made the journey to Rojava to fight with the YPJ in defence of the revolution and the Kurdish people. Eleven months later in March 2018, she was killed alongside Sara Merdin and Serhilden by Turkish Forces while defending Afrin. Their bodies were never recovered.

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#GiletsJaunes: #Paris is ours!

Never before had the Champs-Élysées truly been “the most beautiful avenue in the world”. For a day, this artery, this symbol of luxury, became the embodiment of a regained common power.

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After far right #FVD won elections: #Antifa bloc at “Together against racism” demo in #Amsterdam

Netherlands: On March 20 the far right FvD has won regional elections, the election results also play a role on a national level, as regioal parliaments vote for the members of the senat. With 13 seats, the FvD is now the biggest party in the 75 seats strong Dutch senate. The far right PVV of Geert Wilders will have seats in the new senate.

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#Athens: Complaint filed by an anti-racist organization

Ali Suari is a 20 year-old refugee from Guinea. He left his country after being subjected to horrific torture practices and an attempt to have him murdered, experiences which still make him suffer from a sleep disorder. He managed to get to Athens in October last year, after having lived in the camp in Moria, on Lesbos, for two years.

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Anarchist Days (Jornadas Anarquistas) 2019

Statement by Coordinación Anarquista Brasilera (CAB), Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU), Federación Anarquista de Rosario (Argentina) (FAR), Organización Anarquista de Córdoba (Argentina) (OAC), OSRL Anarquismo Organizado (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Núcleo Pro-Federación (Chile) and Coordinación de Grupos Anarquistas (CGA-Francia).

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#Finland: Protestors climbed on machines to block the works at #Valkeakoski gold mine

Protestors climbed on machines to block the works at Valkeakoski (Finland) gold mine – “Independent specialists have to asses the environmental impacts of the mine”.

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