Posts Tagged ‘Rome’

International Animal Liberation Gathering 2019 – Rome (Italy)

Sunday, April 21st, 2019

Rome, 26th-28th July 2019

An occasion to meet each other, to share analyses and skills and to discuss experiences and strategies in the fight against the oppression of animals and the destruction of their habitats. A fight that for us is part of the wider fight against every form of exploitation, oppression and authority, for total liberation.

This gathering wishes to connect individuals and small groups of like minded people working for animal liberation in a way that is radically different from that undertaken by the majority of animal right groups nowadays. Animal activist groups that lack wider politics, be it for political apathy or for well thought out choices, are becoming increasingly appealing to people with fascist, nationalist, sexist and racist views. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

“Scintilla” repressive operation (Italy): Niccolò transferred to Cuneo prison

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Niccolò Blasi, anarchist arrested 7.02.2019 in the context of the repressive “Scintilla” operation – which involved the eviction of the Asilo Occupato in Turin and the arrest of six people (two of whom were subsequently released from prison following the fall of the “subversive association” accusation) -, was again transferred, this time from the prison of Ivrea to that of Cuneo. Below is the address:

Niccolò Blasi
Casa Circondariale di Cuneo
via Roncata 75
12100 Cuneo
Italia (Italy)

While the others arrested on 7.02.2019 still in detention are always in the prisons of Ferrara and Rome Rebibbia. Here are the addresses: (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Rome: Atacado Repeater set on fire in solidarity with Paska, Ghespe and Giova, and all anarchist prisoners (Italy)

Thursday, November 8th, 2018



Note from Instinto Salvaje: In the following claim it mentions what recently happened in Santiago, Chile, with the case of Kevin Garrido, who was murdered on November 2 in the prison of Santiago 1. We remember that this individual was not anti-authoritarian, since that he wrote communiqués whilst in prison his affinity to authoritarian groups called eco-extremists. We publish this action because it is a gesture of solidarity with jailed Italian anarchists, we are not going to silence it, but to clarify information delivered by irresponsible means of counter-information without positioning themselves in this social war.

On a September afternoon, we mobilized to set fire to a telephone repeater. We had in our eyes and in our hearts anger for the death of a person in the forest of Hambach, during the resistance to the eviction of the police. Telecommunications infrastructures are today one of the strategic points of the modern technological domain, functional to the development of other devices and technological structures that are also part of a complex network, in which each element depends on the other. The authoritarian essence of the system is clearly expressed in this technological interdependence. Despite the current tendency to create increasingly autonomous systems, it is still possible to hit an element by putting the whole network out of use with a cascade effect.

With this action we want to launch an invitation to hit the telecommunications networks as an act of solidarity for the anarchist prisoners Paska, Ghespe and Giova, still in prison. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Rome, Italy: Arson Attack Against Diplomatic Corp and ENI Vehicles

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

When you set out at night with the intention of burning or putting something out of action, interrupting the paralysis inherent in everyday life, you never know exactly what you will find once you are on the street. Which is how it was one night in mid-June when we came across a Diplomatic Corp car and one belonging to ENJOY* parked side by side next to the footpath. If until then, they had been united together in the same shitty existence in service of devastation, power and domination, we could not help but see their willingness to share the same demise together. And so, just like it was with some excavators in France not long ago, we took note of their will by enjoying the sight of the flames that enveloped them.

We hope that despite the high temperatures of recent days that the heat of this fire may bring a smile to all the comrades locked up in prisons, subjected to judicial controls or under surveillance…

To the Argentine comrade Diego Parodi… Strength, hold on!
To those facing investigation for the G20 in Hamburg.
For the prisoners and the accused of Operation Scripta Manent.
For Giova, Ghespe and Paska.

For Anarchy!

*Translation note: ENJOY is a ‘sustainable’ vehicle sharing company run by energy company ENI and public transport operator Trenitalia


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Posted in Direct Action

Comrades Gianluca and Adriano sentenced (Italy)

Sunday, July 20th, 2014

Rome – 18th of July 2014

The anarchist comrades Gianluca Iacovacci and Adriano Antonacci were
sentenced today by the judge Simonetta D’Alessandro to 6 years (Gianluca)
and 3 years and 8 months (Adriano) of jail for several sabotages and incendiary attacks against ENIL, ENEL [Energy companies], a fur shop, banks and the working site of a refuse-dump in the area surrounding Rome, between 2010 and 2013.

The judge confirmed the charge of 270bis (subversive association) with the aim of international terrorism. Gianluca claimed some time ago the responsibility for some of the actions they were accused of, the ones signed by FAI.

During the trial he refused to defend himself and resigned the lawyer, both of them refused to participate in the trial by video-conference.

Incendiary solidarity with our two comrades!!!

To write them:

Gianluca Iacovacci

CC di Alessandria
Via Casale 50/A
15122 San Michele (AL)

Adriano Antonacci
CC di Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

via fenrir

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Posted in Prison Struggle

'Nihilist Sect of Free Death' takes responsibility for several unknown incendiary attacks in Rome and issues opening statement (Italy)

Saturday, July 19th, 2014

We receive and transmit with the following editorial note:

With regard to “warning signals” or “phone calls” prior to explosive attacks, this is part of the tradition of many countries’ urban guerrilla groups, and it aims to prevent unnecessary loss of life and injuries. Many of these radical groups don’t need to issue warnings for their attacks, as they are carried out with a different set of operating parameters – often targeting property in such a way that unintended harm does not result to humans or non-human animals. There is also security, logistical, technical and repressive factors, but generally speaking, the nihilist, anarchist and anti-civilisation tendencies are separated from authoritarianism, conservatism and fascism by this regard, by the priority placed on rejecting any attack which has as a result indiscriminate loss of life and mass injuries for the base population. We presume these parameters are the “encrypted codes” which the Nihilist Sect of Free Death refers to in the communique below.


“I teach you the Overman! He is that sea; in him your great contempt can go under.”

The Nihilist Sect of Free Death is based on the precise points of a project and experiment:

– The attack on society and its values, such as morality, ethics, equality, democracy, legality, law, etc.

– The rejection of all legal and juridical issues.

– The Nihilist Sect of Free Death is unique, and denies any pact of federation or association with other groups, even if they had “affinity” with the project.

– The Nihilist Sect of Free Death doesn’t make recourse to warning signals or “phone calls”, but any Attack carried out successfully or only attempted, will go under specific encrypted codes in order to avoid “confusion” as for all the judicial ethical body of society and everybody else who want to use it for their own “purposes”.

– Against so-called “heterogeneous” or generalized solidarity, which is bound to affect the specificity of the project.

– The Nihilist Sect of Free Death’s “own” claim in specific cases, such as the case where an individual who’s not part of the pact of association is indirectly involved in it under the form of imprisonment..

The die is cast…

PS: To begin the experiment, various incendiary attacks were successfully carried out against mobile objects in the mess of the metropolis called “Rome”.

Nihilist Sect of the Free Death

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Posted in Direct Action

Update about the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano (Italy)

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

via fenrir:

On the 4th of July in the court of Roma (Italy) the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano was held. Even though it was supposed to be with closed doors, a group of comrades managed to enter the courtroom in a moment of distraction of the security guards, in the initial bureaucratic phase of the hearing. They shouted strongly their rage against a proceeding which occurs in the complete absence of the accused. After some minutes they were jostled outside of the courtroom by the Carabineros [military police], while the judge pretended not to even notice what was going on.

We remember that the judge D’Alessandro, accepting the request from the prosecutor, decided that the trial was to be held on videoconference; both Gianluca and Adriano decided not to attend the show-trial, refusing to appear through a screen.

The prosecutor Minisci, already known by the comrades since he’s the same prosecutor in the case for the riots of 15th of October 2011 in Rome, to
reinforce the charges of 270 and 270bis (association for the purposes of terrorism) quoted also some actions that happened outside of Italy, with the aim of inventing some fictional international subversive association. He closed his speech with his request of sentence against the comrades:

– 8 years for Adriano
– 9 years for Gianluca

Next hearing will be on the 18th of July for the speech of Adriano’s defence lawyer and probably for the sentence.

Solidarity with the accused comrades!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Towards the trial against Gianluca and Adriano on 26 May in Rome (Italy)

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

Also, check out the latest letter and drawings of Gianluca. International solidarity to the two anarchists against all systems of domination – War to the techno-industrial complex and the immiseration of life.

Gianluca and Adriano, anarchists, were arrested 19 September 2013.

The operation was co-ordinated by the deputy prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo of the anti-terrorism unit and the general commander of Mario Parente Ros, and considered the anarchists authors of a number of various kinds of damages that occurred in the province of Rome : Thirteen acts of sabotage committed against some banks, a fur shop, and branch offices of ENI and ENEL (energy companies) and the Roncigliano landfill.

The authorities impose upon them the charges of association for purposes of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order, as well as those of fire and theft, aggravated by the circumstances of competition, disfigurement and contamination of other people’s property. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Rome: Presentation of a new Anarchist Black Cross newsletter at the Bencivenga squat (Italy)

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

Introductory note by RadioAzione, via Actforfree:

I receive and transmit the editorial of the Anarchist Black Cross newsletter, which will be presented on 25th April at the Bencivenga Squat in Rome. Besides spreading letters from prisoners and claims of attacks, counter-information should propose analysis, be it from the internet or on paper. I’m sorry I don’t agree with some passages of this editorial, when the comrades probably talk without having a direct experience of counter-information via web. Most importantly, there exist no virtual worlds but comrades who meet in person and organize initiatives all over the world. But I’m happy about this new Anarchist Black Cross bulletin, especially as there’s always the need of analysis on paper:

Fires of revolt continue to brighten the darkness of a world otherwise destined to annihilate the individual and lead him/her to homogenized slavery: these pages aim at stoking the fire and lighting more of them.

One of the few advantages offered by the obsessive search for global information is the revelation that even on the other side of the world there are hearts beating at the same rhythm as ours, hearts which arm skilled hands skilled in doing much more than typing a keyboard. The race to the abyss carried out by technological society is getting increasingly frantic, but fighters all over the world are keeping the pace; and even if they risk of being crashed by such a gigantic monster, they are struggling against it so as to make it fall down. Now is the time to roll up our sleeves and do more. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Comrade Francesco Carrieri imprisoned in Savona (Italy)

Friday, October 4th, 2013

We learn that Francesco, a comrade arrested following the revolt of 15th October 2011 in Rome, was accused of breaking his bail conditions and was sent back to jail. A dozen people went immediately outside the prison of Savona in solidarity with the comrade.

Address of the comrade:

Francesco Carrieri
C.C. di Savona
Piazza Monticello 14
17100 Savona

Here follows the text of a leaflet distributed during a solidarity initiative in Savona, a place where some graffiti on the wall seem to upset the normal routine of a city that hosts a disgusting prison right in the middle of blocks of flats. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communiqué on the arrest of comrades Adriano and Gianluca (Italy)

Sunday, September 29th, 2013

From rete-evasioni via informa-azione.info
Translation act for freedom now/B.pd

In the afternoon of Wednesday 18th September the Carabinieri [paramilitary police] of the special squad ROS [Special Operations Unit] raided the houses of four comrades in the Castelli Romani area. Searches were carried out and personal belongings seized. Two comrades were arrested and accused of belonging to an association with purposes of terrorism: they are Adriano and Gianluca, currently in solitary confinement in a prison in Rome and accused of carrying out a number of actions claimed by different names. The article used this time is 270bis of the penal code, which states: ‘association with purposes of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order’. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Call for an international mobilization in solidarity with the convicted rioters of Genoa 2001 (Italy)

Monday, June 25th, 2012

English translation of poster:

Vandalism and looting is what we live everyday. The revolt explodes.

The window panes of the rulers of the world are bursting. The only regret: That we did not do it enough.

On 13th July the last grade of judgement against 10 comrades, convicted for having participated in the clashes occurred in Genoa in 2001 on the occasion of the G8 summit, will be held. The comrades were given heavy sentences, ranging from 10 to 15 years, by the Court of Genoa and now their imprisonment may become executive. Ten people are being used as scapegoats: through them, the State wants to attack the hundreds of thousands of people who took to the streets in those days, and particularly those who contributed to unleashing the revolt against the arrogance of the Powerful. We won’t accept the reprisal of the State; condemning these comrades means to attack the whole movement. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Perugia – Anarchists investigated, searched and questioned (Italy)

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

Posted on March 30, 2012 by Culmine – Translation act for freedom now/B.pb :

On 29th March the power of attorney of Perugia, following an investigation led by public prosecutor Comodi, has unleashed a repressive operation against 4 anarchist comrades. House searches were carried out in Pisa, Chieti, Brescia, Genoa, Catania, Ravenna and other cities. We don’t have a complete picture yet but we know that 2 comrades were forcibly taken to the ROS [Special Operations Unit of the Carabinieri] barracks in Perugia after being house searched, where they were supposed to be questioned by the public prosecutor. The comrades gave no comment interviews and were released in the night after 22 hours of kidnapping. The charges are: 270bis and 280, the latter concerning ‘a subversive nature of crime organization’. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Cyber-raid against Culmine – Email account violated and copied by state forces (Italy)

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

Message from counter-info website Culmine via Contra-Info:

Culmine is informing you that in the context of an investigation against anarchist comrades from Italy, our mail has been violated and copied. So, we notify that we will no longer use culmine(at)distruzione(dot)org and that in the next days we are going to decide if and how we’re going to continue operating the blog culmine.noblogs.org (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Rome: Explosive attack by Anti-Social Nucleus / FAI-FRI against MPS Bank (Italy)

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Translated from informa-azione:

Rome, 9th March 2012 (Adnkronos) – On the day following the explosion of a device outside the branch of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank on Via Dei Prati Fiscali in Rome, a letter claiming the attack has been addressed to the AdnKronos group in piazza Mastai. The letter is signed by the Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front / Anti-Social Nucleus.

The letter has been delivered this morning and has been seized by DIGOS officers [political police division] immediately called on the premises. Surveys and investigations are being carried out by the police. The explosive attack, with which the Anti-Social Nucleus explain their affiliation to the FAI/FRI, is claimed as a new contribution to the struggle against the State, the banks and capitalism.

The Anti-Social Nucleus-FAI dedicate this action to Eat and Billy, Indonesian anarchists arrested following an attack on a bank and already mentioned in other claims accompanying similar attacks. Solidarity is also expressed to anarchists arrested all over the world, including those who ended up in jail for the actions against the TAV.

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Posted in Direct Action