Posts Tagged ‘Italy’

Scripta Manent Trial Statement by Comrade Gioacchino Somma (Italy)

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Two years after the beginning of this trial, which I am facing with my comrades, anarchist brothers and sisters, and after letting the prosecutor speak, with a sick fantasy that does not surprise anyone, today more than ever I reaffirm with even more force the fact that I am an anarchist, an individualist and an insurrectionist.

Having read thousands of pages of court files, written by the different inquisitors of Turin and Naples, has made me even more convinced that it is better to sometimes have problems with justice, rather than for it to agree with you.

I keep my ideas, which you do not like because they aim at the destruction of everything that has to do with your miserable world.

If I could have chosen, I would never have been born, but others chose for me and I was only able to live in this world in my own way. I will never be part of the herd to which you dictate the path of grazing… I am different. I prefer to leave the trails and walk with the wolves. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Car of Sodexo set on fire in Graz (Austria)

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

(Graz/Austria) – Car of Sodexo set on fire

In the darkness of the 6th of march we set a car of the company Sodexo in Graz on fire. Sodexo makes a profit with the deportation system by delivering shitty food to deportation centers. All companies that profit from this industry are our enemies and just deserve our hatred.

We feel connected to all accomplices who are fighting against the domination in this world.
Above all, those behind bars and those who support them, we want to show our revolutionary solidarity through this fire!

Through the walls we specifically send a burning hug to all recently detained anarchists in Turin, Trento and Rovereto. SILVIA, NICCOLO, BEPPE, ANTONIO, STECCO, RUPERT, AGNESE, SASHA, POZA, NICO, GIULIO tutti liberi!

We also send a burning greeting through the bars to Loić! We hope that you will feel supported by such acts in your unbending attitude.

For this action, we used fire accelerators that we filled into emptied beverage cans. We put the cans on the floor under the tires of the car. After 5 to 10 minutes, the tires burn and the car flares off.

Fire to Sodexo!
Fire to all cages!

(Graz/Austria) – Karre von Sodexo angezündet

In der Dunkelheit des 6.3. haben wir in Graz eine Karre der Firma Sodexo angezündet. Sodexo macht mit dem Ausschaffungssystem Profit indem es Abschiebeknäste mit schaebigem Essen versorgt. Alle Firmen die aus dieser Industrie Profit schlagen sind unsere Feinde und verdinen unseren Hass.

Allen Kompliz_innen die gegen die Herrrschaft dieser Welt kämpfen fühlen wir uns verbunden.
Vor allem jenen hinter Gittern und jenen die sie unterstützen möchten wir mit diesem Feuer unsere revolutionäre Solidarität zeigen!

Durch die Mauer senden wir speziell eine freurige Umarmung an alle kürzlich Inhaftierten Anarchist_innen in Turin, Trient und Rovereto. SILVIA, NICCOLO, BEPPE, ANTONIO, STECCO, RUPERT, AGNESE, SASHA, POZA, NICO, GIULIO tutti liberi!

Ebenfalls senden wir einen feurigen Gruss durch die Gitter an Loić! Wir hoffen das du dich durch solche Taten in deiner unbeugsamen Haltung unterstützt fühlst.

Für diese Aktion verwendeten wir Brandbeschleuniger den wir in entleerte Getränkedosen umfüllten. Die Dosen stellten wir auf den Boden unter die Reifen der Karre. Nach 5 bis 10 Minuten brennen die Reifen und die Karre fackelt ab.

Feuer für Sodexo!
Feuer allen Käfigen!

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Posted in Direct Action

“Operation Scripta Manent” – Prosecutor sentencing requests (Italy)

Friday, March 8th, 2019

The Turin Public Prosecutor Roberto Maria Sparagna made the following requests for sentencing of those accused in the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial:

Alfredo Cospito: 30 years
Anna Beniamino: 29 years
Gioacchino Somma: 7 years and 6 months
Valentina Speziale, Marco Bisesti, Pasquale Valitutti, Omar Nioi, Erika Preden, Alessandro Mercogliano, Daniele, Stefano, Claudia, Sergio: 6 years and 6 months
Alessandro A. , Francesca G.: 8 years
Nicola Gai: 10 years
Danilo Cremonese: 10 years
Patrizia Marino: 7 years and 3 months
Carlo Tesseri: 8 years and 3 months
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Stefano Fosco, Elisa Di Bernardo: 7 years

For none any extenuating circumstances.
No contested recidivism.

From Anarchist Black Cross Italy
Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Social Control

Italy: Update on operation “Scintilla” in Turin, “Renata” in Trento

Friday, March 8th, 2019

Update on the repressive operation “Scintilla” in Turin and news on the operation “Renata” in Trento/Rovereto

This is an update about the repressive operation “Scintilla” in Turin and news about the operation “Renata” in Trento/Rovereto.

Freely translated and summarized from Macerie and Roundrobin. Originally published in German on Barrikade.info

Turin – Operazione Scintilla

Giada and Larry were released from custody.
The accusation of subversive association (Article 270) was dropped. The other accusations remain for all defendants, except:

Niccolò was sentenced to “double imprisonment”, one for art. 270, the
other for a firecracker apparently found in his house.

Background information on Turin, see here. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation (Italy)

Sunday, February 24th, 2019

[Below in French and Italian / Sotto in francese ed italiano].

Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation.

On Monday 11 February in the bunker hall of the Turin prison a large group of comrades expressed their solidarity with the anarchists on trial following the “Scripta manent” operation (6.09.2016). Roberto Sparagna (the public prosecutor in the trial) was unable to take a word to formulate his indictment. After several slogans and the reading of the following text, the Court interrupted the hearing. The courtroom was evicted through the intervention of the riot squads. During the protest, solidarity was expressed to all the anarchists arrested and on trial during this period, following the repressive operations “Scripta Manent”, “Panico” and “Scintilla”, and against the eviction of Asilo Occupato in Turin.

Freedom for all prisoners! Long live anarchy!

Below the text: (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Arrests and searches following a repressive operation against the anarchists in Trentino (Italy)

Friday, February 22nd, 2019

[In English and Italian language, below Italian version].
[In inglese e italiano, sotto la versione italiana].

During the night and the morning of Tuesday, February 19, 2019, seven anarchists were arrested in various places in Trentino (Italy): Agnese, Giulio, Nico, Poza, Rupert, Sasha, Stecco. One person (Sasha) was placed under house arrest while all the others were imprisoned in various prisons. The main accusations are “subversive association for the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (article 270bis of the penal code) and “terrorist attack” (article 280 of the penal code), with reference to some direct actions that took place in Trentino during the last few years. Other offenses of which they are accused are: “interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of exploding material”. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

About the repression against anarchists in Italy

Friday, February 22nd, 2019


Unfortunately, Italy has a long history of repressive operations against anarchists. Since Operation Marini in 90s, the waves of repression against comrades, which brought into jail many people with charges of terrorism or criminal association, were countless. Just to name a few of the biggest repressive operations: Cervantes, Croce Nera, Ardire, Mangiafuoco, Thor, Ixodidae, Nottetempo, Fuoriluogo…

These operations usually lead to several house raids in all Italy and to the arrest of several comrades who spend 1 or 2 years in pre-trial detention. Then they face trials with charges of ‘association’ and usually they are also accused of several direct actions for which the inquisitors never found any responsible. Sometimes the public engagement of these comrades in the anarchist struggle and their open expression of anarchist ideas (direct actions support, prisoners solidarity, running an anarchist magazine or website and so on) is the only evidence that the prosecutors bring into the court. For this reason, in the majority of the cases all the accused are later acquitted at the trial, but only after having spent many months or years in prison.

Besides these huge operations, there is a constant small-scale repression against local anarchist groups which are especially active on the territory, for example with struggles against police repression, evictions, detention centres for migrants, jails, gentrification, corporate interests… In these cases anarchists are constantly repressed with recurring trials and spend much of their time going in and out of prison, house arrest or other restrictions of their freedom. This kind of police strategy of trying to burn out comrades with the aim of destroying the local anarchist group happens in many cities but since many years has been especially strong in Torino. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Update: Solidarity with the imprisoned comrades in Turin (Italy)

Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

Found here (18/2/19)

Antonio Rizzo, Giuseppe De Salvatore, Lorenzo Salvato and Niccolò Blasi were transferred last Saturday (16/2/19) to the high security wing of the Ferrara prison.

Here is the address:

C.C. Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara FE

Silvia Ruggeri and Giada Volpacchio continue to receive mail via the following address:

C.C. Lorusso e Cutugno
via Maria Adelaide Aglietta, 35
10151 Turin TO

In moments like these, we stand together. Regardless of whether the comrades are «guilty» or «innocent». The state will always persecute those who want to overthrow it. So let’s take good care of each other and don’t leave the prisoners alone!

In closing, we would like to quote a part of the accusations that led to the arrest of the comrades in Turin:

“In order to establish contacts within CPR [Immigration and Repatriation Centre], they threw tennis balls with a multilingual brochure and a mobile phone number with which they agreed simultaneous actions within and outside the CPR structure. Then they put matches and everything needed to start a revolt and setting fire in packages of biscuits and other goods.”

May the revolt spread.

Feuer den Gefängnissen.
Feu aux prisons.
Fuoco alle galere.
Fire to the prisons.

Black Pigeons Collective


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Posted in Social Control

Call for Solidarity with the Imprisoned of Operazione Scintilla, Italy

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

Summary of the recent repressive operation in Italy in connection with the resistance against the Italian migration regime

This is a translation of an original article in German, with pictures.

On Thursday 7 February 2019, at 4:40 a.m., the eviction of the squat “Asilo occupato” (“the occupied kindergarden”) in Via Alessandria 12 in Turin, occupied since 1995, began. The eviction was carried out as part of the “Operazione Scintilla” (“Operation Spark”). Several hundred
Carabinieri in riot gear, police officers and Guardia di finanza with machine guns and plain clothes police not only evicted the house, but also arrested six anarchists. A seventh person is still being searched for.

The charges are serious: formation of a subversive association, incitement to crime and the possession, manufacture and transportation of explosives in a public place. The charges are related to the resistance against the Italian migration regime, namely against the deportation camps/prisons CPR and CIE (Centro per l’Immigrazione e il Rimpatrio = Immigration and Repatriation Centre; Centro di identificazione ed espulsione = Identification and Deportation Centre), more information below. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Italy – Issue 3 of the anarchist paper Vetriolo is out (Winter 2019)

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

This is the fourth issue of ‘Vetriolo’. Four issues are certainly not a few for a publication such as this. Rather than accumulate and reinforce certitudes, we believe the paper has tried to corrode and crush them, as it posed new doubts and nourished old questions. Certainly not out of a
mere taste for rhetoric or polemics, but because we think that there are always a lot of ‘knots to be untied’. At the same time we think that it’s necessary to reflect and analyse, a difficult task which is certainly not opposed to the corrosive demolition of certitudes; on the contrary it’s complementary to it. In these reflections and analyses we have always maintained that reality is not an incomprehensible enigma, contrary to what those who want to impose their resignation on us have always stated. So in this issue we also tried to analyse the current reality, and in particular we wanted to do so by proposing some hypotheses, besides carrying on the reflections and analyses which characterized previous issues with more or less extended theoretical articles alongside articles of agitation and topicality. To the readers their own considerations. We reiterate and remind, once again, that this paper is neither an aseptic intellectual product nor a container of opinions and points of view. Precisely because it doesn’t intend to close itself up in easy answers, shout solutions ready for consumption or brandish pre-arranged theses, this is an instrument which can imply a lively involvement with the ideas it affirms, and we always wish this is the case.


– L’Idea indicibile [The Idea that cannot be said]
– Azione… e reazione [Action… and reaction]
– L’assalto con l’asta. Un incontro sportivo tra lotte e repressione [Pole vaulting. A sports competition between the struggle and repression]
– Quale internazionale? Intervista e dialogo con Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Ferrara. Seconda parte [What international? Interview and talk with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara. Part two]
– La punta dell’iceberg [The tip of the iceberg]
– A Marco [To Marco]
– Degenerazioni. Tra orgoglio e vittimismo di genere [Degenerations. Between gender pride and victimization]
– Pensieri e parole. A proposito del karaoke su Battisti [Thoughts and words. On the fuss about Battisti (a member of PAC, Armed Proletarians for Communism, he was accused of participating in the murder of a marshal, a police officer and a jeweller in the 1970s. After escaping from prison in Italy, he found refuge first in France and then in Brazil. He was arrested in Bolivia in January 2019 and he’s facing extradition to Italy)]
– Nazionalismoduepuntozero. Dodici ipotesi su robotica, crisi della globalizzazione e «ritorno» dello Stato-nazione [Nationalismtwopointzero. Twelve hypotheses on robotics, the crisis of
globalization and the ‘return’ of the nation-State]
– Libia: guerra per procura tra Italia e Francia [Libya: proxy war between Italy and France]
– La fine dell’insurrezionalismo? [The end of insurrectionism?]
– La morte dello Stato [The death of the State]
– I grandi editori [Big editors]
– Una storia sinistra. Terza parte (1962-1982) [A sinister story. Part three (1962-1982)]

Orders and contacts: vetriolo@autistici.org

2 euros per copy. For distributors: 1.50 euros per copy for orders of five and more copies. Postal fees in Italy: 1.30 euros (up to 2 kilograms). Free for prisoners. Issues 0, 1 and 2 are still available.

[Translated by act for freedom now!]

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Posted in Library

Genoa, Italy: Italian Institute of Technology attacked by FAI/FRI – Immediate Action Group

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

IT – Italia: Attaccato Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia


In the early hours of December 24th we attacked the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).
H24 [security company] surveillance at the receptions and private security in the car were not a good deterrent; we were determined to attack you and we did it! The IIT is the flagship of the Italian state and is a foundation for technological development and national policies in favor of science and technology. It works to strengthen the markets and policies of looting and devastation every day committed by capital and government.

It carries out neuroscience studies, “brain technologies” and genetic research for the manipulation of living things. Active in nanotechnology, conducting research on nanomaterials and their use, as well as on the development of materials for converting and storing energy, which today’s production system needs in huge quantities to maintain the speed of the mad rush of progress.

In addition to iCub, in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, they perfect robots for industrial production.

In the service of capital and the police state that assures it, they are engaged in the creation of systems of “computer vision” for systems useful for identification and social control. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Italy : Updates on the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial

Thursday, December 13th, 2018

At the hearing on 14th November a calendar of future hearings was once again announced after the expert appointed by the court to transcribe phone tapping asked for more time, obtained a 60-day extension and a second expert was also appointed. The prosecutor made it known that the judicial police had forgotten to deliver a CD audio and asked for an extension of the custody measures, but for the moment a calendar was set out complying with the length of custody… which is due to expire at the end of February (taking account of the 30/35 hearings till now, from mid-January the deadline slides to 18th February, plus some more days considering the hearings due in January). During the hearing of 14th, a DNA expert appointed by the court following Capra (DNA expert for the defence)’s report, gave his statement; the expert for the defence had challenged the reliability of the old report in several points. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Italy : Report on the 8th November hearing of the ‘Operation Panico’ trial

Friday, November 23rd, 2018

Source: Anarchici fiorentini
Translated by act for freedom now!

The third hearing of the trial concerning Operation Panico took place on Thursday 8th November. We don’t know how it went nor are we much interested. The events speak for themselves. Giova, Ghespe, Paska, some of the other comrades on trial and an audience of comrades were in court. As soon as the hearing started, through his lawyer Paska demanded to speak in order to read out a declaration. He had come to court with the signs of the beating he had been given in La Spezia prison in the morning before being transferred to Florence. He started to read out his declaration, which began by telling of the screws’ beating, but the judge immediately ordered his microphone to be switched off, blabbing that what the comrade was saying was not pertinent to the trial, that the court was not the place to denounce this kind of thing and similar bullshit. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Paska on hungerstrike + updates + flyposter (Italy)

Thursday, November 15th, 2018


Italy: Updates on Anarchist comrade Paska’s hunger strike and appeal for solidarity

+ More on Actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Rome: Atacado Repeater set on fire in solidarity with Paska, Ghespe and Giova, and all anarchist prisoners (Italy)

Thursday, November 8th, 2018



Note from Instinto Salvaje: In the following claim it mentions what recently happened in Santiago, Chile, with the case of Kevin Garrido, who was murdered on November 2 in the prison of Santiago 1. We remember that this individual was not anti-authoritarian, since that he wrote communiqués whilst in prison his affinity to authoritarian groups called eco-extremists. We publish this action because it is a gesture of solidarity with jailed Italian anarchists, we are not going to silence it, but to clarify information delivered by irresponsible means of counter-information without positioning themselves in this social war.

On a September afternoon, we mobilized to set fire to a telephone repeater. We had in our eyes and in our hearts anger for the death of a person in the forest of Hambach, during the resistance to the eviction of the police. Telecommunications infrastructures are today one of the strategic points of the modern technological domain, functional to the development of other devices and technological structures that are also part of a complex network, in which each element depends on the other. The authoritarian essence of the system is clearly expressed in this technological interdependence. Despite the current tendency to create increasingly autonomous systems, it is still possible to hit an element by putting the whole network out of use with a cascade effect.

With this action we want to launch an invitation to hit the telecommunications networks as an act of solidarity for the anarchist prisoners Paska, Ghespe and Giova, still in prison. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action