Updates about the situation of anarchists Davide Delogu and Giuseppe Bruna (Italy)

May 25th, 2020

From Malacoda:

Update on the anarchist Sardinian prisoner deported Davide Delogu, as of May 21st (from Sardegna Anarchica):

From today’s (May 21st) phone call with Davide we learn that the prisoner who had started the protest with him, since he too has been in solitary confinement since January, has broken off the protest. We bring back Davide’s message:

«He no longer continues the strike for his own reasons, but he sympathizes with me by not taking the lousy food from the prison. My conflict has increased, verbally assaulting and defying, and let Commander Rizzo come to my cell to give me explanations! But since he is a great coward, he delegates to the inspectors who come to commission me his repressive decisions and also to them as with other evil guards, at my request “if they have the courage – I tell them – to open the cell and come and tell me to my face”, but they run away. Infamous!».

The Sardinian anarchist comrade, a deported prisoner, Davide Delogu, never needed to be told of hold on in his almost 20 years in prison, he keeps his head up, continues not to submit to the barbarism, carries on his total struggle in an determined and never resigned way. Davide has never been a victim of prison repression, he doesn’t suffer harassment, at most it is he who does it.

But it is urgent to move in his support!

The total isolation to which he has been subjected for months, the continuous renewal of censorship, the continuous transfers, the book packages that are not delivered to him, the deportation from his Sardinia, the new protest that he has been carrying out since May 14th… Davide cannot carry all this weight alone. It is time to be there!

We know that in his long imprisonment he never gave ground, showing his teeth, we know that we are on the side of those who don’t accept and who don’t resign themselves, and we remain at his side unconditionally once again.

And although we are convinced that anarchist action must be a constant, we hope that especially at this time the refractory fire will transmit as much heat as possible to him.

Freedom for Davide! Davide in Sardinia!

Sardegna Anarchica [Anarchist Sardinia]
Cassa di Sostegno per l’Anarchico Sardo Prigioniero Deportato Davide Delogu [Support Fund for the Anarchist Sardinian Deported Prisoner Davide Delogu]

Anarchist Giuseppe Bruna on May 11th, 2020, began hunger strike in Pavia prison (from Fuori dalla riserva):

We learn from a private letter received from Beppe that he has been on hunger strike since May 11, 2020, in response to a failed transfer from the section where he is.

He informs us that no doctor has visited him since the outbreak of the pandemic, despite the various cases of contagion found inside the prison of Pavia; he also informs us that he has not received any health treatment regarding his other pathologies.

Phone calls to his mother, sister and partner have been authorised, but in absurd conditions.

Beppe asks us to spread as much as possible his battle for a transfer to AS2 (“High Surveillance 2”). For this he will lead the hunger strike to the bitter end.

He sends a closed fist salute.

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Mauricio Morales – 11 years later, Insurrectionists Don’t Forget You

May 24th, 2020

It’s been 11 years since your last ride… 11 years… and we were all surprised when it was the first anniversary of your death, Mauri. The years go by, but something always remains, right?

For those of us who knew you and for those of us who knew you after your death, it has been 11 years of having you around, 11 years of continuing to propagate, breaking in, bothering, laughing loudly or in whispers, stubbornly propagating the Black Death.

How much has happened in these years, there is no rational measure that can quantify it. There are those who will say that we have lost, others that we have gained a lot, what is really important is that we continue… and that anarchy, as a concrete practice against any form of domination, as a permanent exercise, continues unrestrained. And that is why our dead people enjoy excellent health and continue to laugh, today already in other laughs.

How much you would have enjoyed the streets in these months, we smile when we imagine the answer, but you were, Mauri, in memorable days, in the chaos and its sweet deliriums. You were there, because there are those who insist on going out with you to the chaos. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago, Chile: 6° Comunicado público de la “Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo”

May 23rd, 2020

En tiempos de incertidumbre por lo que pueda suceder con la pandemia y todo el contexto social que la envuelve. La lucha está presente en las cárceles, en el confinamiento en casa y en las calles. Es inevitable continuar contra todo pronóstico manteniendo siempre nuestra memoria intacta y las manos activas.

Tras los muros…

En las cárceles la lucha de los/as presos/as para poder acceder a beneficios intrapenitenciarios y salir prontamente a la calle se expresa con diferentes tipos de manifestaciones, las que van desde huelgas, barrotazos, comunicados y hemos podido ver a través de los medios de prensa la fuerza de los motines, sectores de las prisiones controladas, algunas con incendios, también con duros enfrentamientos cuerpo a cuerpo contra los carceleros con varios bastardos heridos -aunque después se han cobrado revancha con sus herramientas- su cobardía ante los disturbios ha quedado en evidencia en varios registros.

En la calle… Read the rest of this entry »

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PDF: Diálogos Incendiarios / Internacional Negra Ediciones

May 22nd, 2020

PDF: Diálogos Incendiarios

Presentamos un nuevo libro de la Internacional Negra Ediciones, proyecto internacionalista de difusión anárquica que, desde voluntades anarcoinsurreccionales informales y sediciosas, vuelve a resurgir en
español, portugués e italiano con un nuevo título: «Diálogos Incendiarios: por la propagación de la sedición anárquica», cimentado en el intercambio epistolar en torno al curso de la guerra anárquica entre los compañeros Alfredo Cóspito, Gustavo Rodríguez y Gabriel Pombo da Silva.

Hemos decidido de manera consciente hacer este lanzamiento el 22 de mayo, en oportuna celebración del Día del Caos, recordando al compañero anarquista Mauricio Morales, quien un día como hoy en el año 2009 dejó
esta vida luchando contra el Poder al estallar la bomba que cargaba en su mochila, la cual detonó antes de tiempo a pocos metros de la Escuela de Gendarmería de Chile.

Dedicamos este libro a todxs nuestrxs compañerxs en prisión alrededor del mundo, con especial dedicatoria al compañero Alfredo Cóspito encarcelado en Italia y, al querido Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, quien fuera detenido en Portugal y extraditado a Estado español en el momento que este libro salía a la luz. Enviamos toda nuestra fuerza al compañero Gabriel frente a esta nueva venganza de las autoridades por su eterna
lucha irreductible.

Este libro contará de versiones impresas que circularán en espacios afines, entre compañerxs y proyectos anárquicos diversos alrededor del mundo. Invitamos a apoyar activamente su difusión compartiendo su versión digital, imprimiendo ejemplares y/o realizando presentaciones y lanzamientos allí donde existan voluntades dispuestas a hacer hasta lo imposible por propagar el Caos y extender la guerra anárquica.

Voluntades y colaboradorxs editoriales de Internacional Negra Ediciones.

22 de mayo de 2020.

edicionesinternacionalnegra@riseup.net (Chile)
internacionalnegramx@riseup.net (México)
internacionalnegra-br@riseup.net (Brasil)
black-international-editions-it@riseup.net (Italia)

PDF: Diálogos Incendiarios – PORTUGUÊS

Apresentamos um novo livro da Internacional Negra Edições, projeto internacionalista de difusão anárquica que, desde as vontades anarco-insurrecionais, informais e sediciosas, volta a brotar em espanhol, português e italiano, com uma nova publicação: “Diálogos Incendiários: Pela Propagação da Sedição Anárquica”, concretizado a partir da troca de idéias sobre o rumo da guerra anárquica, que tiveram, mediante cartas, os companheiros Alfredo Cóspito, Gustavo Rodriguez e Gabriel Pombo da Silva.

Decidimos fazer este lançamento no dia 22 de maio, oportuna rememoração do Dia do Caos, em memória do companheiro anarquista Mauricio Morales, quem, num dia como hoje, no ano 2009, se despediu da vida lutando contra o poder, quando a bomba que carregava na mochila explodiu acidentalmente a poucos metros da Escola de Agentes Penitenciários do Chile.

Dedicamos este livro a todxs nossxs companheiros em prisão mundo afora, especialmente para os companheiros Alfredo Cóspito, encarcerado na Itália e para o querido Gabriel Pombo da Silva, que foi detido em Portugal e extraditado para Espanha, no momento em que este livro saía à luz. Mandamos toda nossa força para o compa Gabriel diante desta nova vingança das autoridades contra sua irredutível luta.

Este livro tem versões impressas que circularão nos espaços afins, entre companheiros e em diversos projetos anárquicos ao redor do mundo. Convidamos a apoiar ativamente sua difusão compartilhando sua versão
digital, imprimindo exemplares ou realizando atividades e apresentações ali onde existam vontades dispostas para fazer o impossível pela propagação do caos e a expansão da guerra anárquica.

Vontades e colaborações editorias da Internacional Negra.

22 Maio 2020.

internacionalnegra-br@riseup.net (Brasil)
internacionalnegramx@riseup.net (México)
edicionesinternacionalnegra@riseup.net (Chile)
black-international-editions-it@riseup.net (Italia)

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PDF: “Hermosamente Violento. Reflexiones-Tensiones In Memoriam” en recuerdo de Mauricio Morales ($hile)

May 21st, 2020

: Hermosamente violento para imprenta

+ portada para imprimir

“Hermosamente Violento. Reflexiones-Tensiones In Memoriam” en recuerdo de Mauricio Morales

Esta breve revista salió de imprenta el 2019, a 10 años de la muerte del compañero anarquista Mauricio Morales. Hoy en una nueva conmemoración de su muerte, entre la revuelta, la pandemia y la agudización del control social decidimos liberar esta publicación con los únicos objetivos de propagar la memoria de lxs anarquistas muertos y el combate a la autoridad.
Hoy como ayer nuestra memoria es negra, nuestro corazón también.

*Un 22 de Mayo….
*Un instante en la Guerra Social
*Los estruendos siguen resonando en la Memoria
*Nuestra Memoria Negra sabe traspasar los años y las fronteras
*Algunas divagaciones sobre Memoria Iconoclasta

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PDF: Kalinov Most #6 – Publicación Anarquista Internacional / Abril 2020 ($hile)

May 21st, 2020

Descargar: Cuerpo Kalinov Most 6 especial digital

+ Portada Kalinov Most 6 especial digital

Inesperados sucesos han ocurrido desde que sacamos el quinto número de la revista durante la primera quincena de octubre de 2019. Hoy, con todos los acontecimientos actuales y buscando no perder el ritmo de nuestra publicación hemos decidido difundir el N°6 en digital para su lectura. En la medida de nuestras posibilidades sacaremos algunas pocas copias para su distribución.
Seguimos apelando a priorizar nuestra edición en papel, por lo que está solo es una excepción debido al contexto. En este confuso, zigzagueante y distópico panorama disfruten de esta nueva Kalinov Most.

– Editorial
– Una revuelta recorrió el mundo…puede volver a hacerlo
– Crónica de una revuelta Catalana
– Algunas palabras sobre la revuelta en la región Chilena
– Sobre el surgimiento de expresiones heroicas: Imaginarios sobre la “Primera Línea”
– A martillazos con el Estado: Conjugando el territorio y la afinidad durante la revuelta
– La Hidra de 3 cabezas (Pero ninguna es un microbio): Desvelando el coronavirus
– Apuntes inacabados en y de la pandemia


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Anarchist Prisoner Amadeu Casellas Receives Provisional Freedom (Spain)

May 19th, 2020

Statement by Amadeu Casellas, after his release

Salud compañerxs,

Yesterday, May 14, I received provisional freedom, awaiting an acquittal or conviction. As you already know, justice in this state is not impartial, depending on whether the prosecutor has been military, fascist or ecclesiastical, that is already a problem for the working class. The same is the case with presidents, magistrates or judges, who depending on their ideology, can also be condemnatory or acquittal. I no longer want to talk about the state hitmen, also called Mossos d’Esquadra [police force in Catalonia], who are manipulative, corrupt and pathetic.

In any case, as you can imagine, I am very happy with my freedom, after the two years I have been unjustly locked up in prison.

But this is not over yet, because I have to go and collect the conviction or acquittal, and as you can imagine, if it is condemnatory I will have to appeal it. Among other things, because the state’s hired killers, the Mossos d’Esquadra, manipulated evidence, which was demonstrated in the trial that took place on the 5th and 6th, as well as other evidence that was manipulated by themselves.

I want to thank all the Grup de Suport for all the help they have given me during these two years, which has been a lot, and I hope that the next few days we can all stay together and celebrate my freedom.

And to be able to start, for those who want to participate in new struggles against the many abuses that are inside the prisons, the fact that I have come out does not mean that this has ended.

The struggle continues, because there are many Amadeus in prisons and many fascists that watch over them, torture and humiliate them. For those who want to continue organizing the struggles of the prisons in the Catalan and Spanish death centers, we will be in contact.

Thanks to everyone for your support.

Salud and Anarchy

Amadeu Casellas

Source, via AMW.

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Brazil: Doxxing Attack Against the Leader of the Right-Wing PRB Party by NOS

May 19th, 2020

Translated by AWW.

Adjudicación de ataque doxxing contra dirigente del partido derechista PRB en Brasil [Esp/Port]

To all

We claim responsibility for the doxxing action against ANTÔNIO PEREIRA FONTINELE, who resides in São Paulo, Brazil. Details in the links below:




This individual holds the position of “regional coordinator in the southern region 2 of São Paulo” in the leadership of the right-wing PRB – Brazilian Republican Party, also called Republican 10 (party of the “centrão“, a condominium of right-wing rental parties and base of the government of the fascist Jair Bolsonaro) created and financed by the billionaire Edir Macedo, evangelical “bishop” who owns the IURD – Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and the Record TV network, spokesman of the Bolsonaro regime. FONTINELE is linked to Marcos Pereira, president of the PRB and federal deputy of São Paulo, whom Bolsonaro wants to elect president of the national congress. Read the rest of this entry »

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Greece: International Days of Action – Solidarity Call for Prisoners Worldwide / 29-30-31 May 2020

May 19th, 2020



The existing health crisis and its management from governments until now, globally, has unmasked the real character of authority, which was hiding itself behind the democratic mask. This oppressive system imposed an ultimate control of life, forbidding everything. Now, all civil liberties have become senseless words. This extreme condition that we live in, reveals that the prison-model is the true capitalistic model of society.

Prison is the most extreme form of bio-politics and extermination. Prisoners are under constant surveillance and control, something that, nowadays is happening to the whole society.

In this period of time, prisoners in Greek prisons are dying, one after another, from minor causes such as rotten teeth etc. Selim Zerolari and Azizel Demiroglou were two prisoners that we were informed about their deaths, this month. Mass media, of course, managed to conceal or distort these news. Furthermore, the state has grabbed the opportunity, due to the curfew, to move the most active prisoners, anarchists and others, into other prisons. Silence in the streets gives more power to the state to repress the voices of the imprisoned people.

Incarceration has always been, and remains, a form of torture and a tool of submission for authority. If we don’t resist to this modern totalitarianism, we will live in this prison-society, which states systematically impose.

Throughout the planet, in the face of the corona virus threat, prisoners stacked in prisons and migrant concentration camps are shouting: We are prisoners, not death row convicts!

Korinthos migrant concentration camp, Greece: 1,200 migrants go on hunger strike, March ‘20
Italy, March ‘20: 27 prisons in revolt due to the corona virus, many prisoners killed in the clashes
Argentina, April ‘20: Revolt in Concordia prison, guards respond with shootings
Palmasola, Bolivia, May ‘20: 2 prisoners left to die from the corona virus, prisoners revolt
Chile: Strike mobilization at high security prison in Santiago, May ‘20
Thebes prison, Greece: Prisoners revolt after prisoner dies because she was not taken to hospital, April ‘20

29-30-31 MAY 2020

Comrades, Solidarians with prisoners’ struggles


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BAD News #34: Angry Voices From Around The World

May 19th, 2020

Episode number 34 (05/2020) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a monthly news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 1:22 h

You’ll also find the audio on A-Radio Berlin’s new website.

In this episode you will hear contributions from:
1. Free social radio 1431AM:
• Hunger strike of V. Dimakis
• 1st of May in Greece
• Some words about Grup Yorum, the hunger strikes and the deaths of 3 comrades.
2. A-Radio Berlin:
• Interview on the film “Radical Resilience” about political burnout and how to avoid it.
3. FrequenzA:
• The audio is from two internationalist, which are based in Rojava at the moment, about their thoughts and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the society there and why it makes sense to fight the capitalist system worldwide.
4. Radio Fragmata:
• Updates on situation in Greece and coronavirus (May Day 2020, New environment destructive policy, police brutality, refugees struggles and fascists attacks, anarchist and revolutionary prisoners situation, mutual aid actions)
5. Invisible Radio:
• Voices of people from Moria camp and Last incidents in prisons and camps in Greece

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English here:

Or visit the anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero Network:


A-Radio Berlin

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“A goodbye, or maybe, a goodbye…” by La Rebelion de las Palabras

May 17th, 2020

The counter-information site La Rebelion de las Palabras recently discontinued their blog. Below is a translated statement about their reasons to do so.
Since the emergence of what is termed the International Network of Counter-Information and Translation in the anarchic sphere, a multitude of individuals and groups construct and maintain regular and not so regular transmissions, crossing borders and bringing news of resistance and repression further than before. The limits of these new-medias, not so new after years of development and recuperation, are increasingly being known, and many counter-information groups have added to the debate with their contributions, ongoing or usually at the closure of their site with their own reflections.

Hello everyone.

For some time now, we have been internally questioning the real usefulness of this blog for social movements, or revolutionaries, in our environment and beyond. We have tried to review which were really our contributions to the fight and which, on the other hand, only contributed to the spectacle, the folklore, and a purely aesthetic radicalism. We wanted to look back, see the changes in the news and materials, the drifts we had taken, a little driven by our own criteria, but also by fluctuations in the type of content that came to us. Through this exercise, we realized that we also had another need. It had to do with the way in which certain movements or spaces of struggle perceived us and did or did not count on us as a space for dissemination of their initiatives, calls, projects or reflections. And this, in turn, led us to the situation we have now. Read the rest of this entry »

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Palermo, Italy: From the South isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo

May 16th, 2020


Davide has sent us the following communiqué which we are pleased to publish, the following has been written together with a companion of his from the isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo.
Unconditionally we will continue to stand by our comrade’s side!


Sardegna Anarchica
Cassa di sostegno per l’anarchico sardo prigioniero deportato Davide Delogu


From the South isolation section of the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo

We are two prisoners who have been thrown into the isolation section “South” of the Pagliarelli prison (in Palermo) without any judicial measure to justify it. We are Carmine Lanzetta (AS3 [detained in “High Surveillance 3” circuit]) from January in total continuous isolation started with the disciplinary isolation for 10 days that still continues, and Davide Delogu, Sardinian anarchist, from February in continuous isolation for reasons of order and security for which we should not do more than 15 days, held hostage with the revenge of total isolation.

Both of us do not bow to the annihilation in which our torturers would have us and fight against the hellish misery of this infamous section to be closed, with the consequent transfer. In half of the section there are the two of us in cells with nothing inside, far from each other. In the other half they put the prisoners in precautionary quarantine and we all use the same shower and the same phone. So we became their guinea pigs. Someone even before us tried to make a complaint to the prosecutor and complain to the magistrate, but these instances are blocked or made to disappear. There is no response to our lawyers’ complaint send via PEC e-mail either; prison administration taking advantage of the emergency of Covid-19 so the lawyers can’t enter the prison to visit us. We are in a section of isolation that had been abolished since 2000 because of the inhumanity embodied there and which is still being put in place. The cells have nothing inside, are deprived of everything: TV, radio, bathroom door, window, rags, brooms and cleaning sticks, hot water with a mini sink always plugged, a walking space that is a cubicle without a bathroom, but there’s no shortage of excrement of any kind, something we don’t dwell on. They inflict all kinds of abuse without being able to subjugate us, however, does not change the antiphon. Those who hold power in this prison are dangerous people, starting with commander Rizzo who feels omnipotent and all the hierarchs who continue with their harassment, like the deputy director who inflicts disciplinary isolation with natural ease, even though he knows in what non-human conditions he leads people. And the director Francesca Vezzana is co-responsible for all this. All this must end and we demand the closure of this section of isolation “South” and our transfer to another prison.

Therefore, from today, May 14th, 2020, we begin the food strike, refusing to go to the cubicles and unworthy walking spaces, trying to beat the bars every day for 20-30 minutes.

Let’s start the strike permanently, for now let’s avoid the hunger and thirst strike in order to keep us strong for when we will lead more incisive forms of struggle, since by limiting ourselves to these we won’t go very far, so that we can face the squadrette [groups of guards specialized in beating and massacre prisoners] that abound here, to get what we want until the end.

Updates will follow.

Prisoners of isolation section “South”, Pagliarelli prison, Palermo
Carmine Lanzetta
Davide Delogu

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Germany: Against the EU-China Summit in Leipzig

May 16th, 2020

From 13 to 15 September, the heads of government of all European countries will meet with the Chinese government in Leipzig. This will not only be about intensifying trade relations. Rather, it will be about building a new global partnership so that the EU is not ousted from the table of the great powers in the future. The deterioration in the EU’s relationship with the USA under Donald Trump has made it necessary to find another partner to coordinate the shaping of its own global interests with the EU. The topics of the summit are therefore not only economic relations, but also foreign and security policy and – unsurprisingly – digitalisation and digital cooperation, as well as climate protection and human rights. The summit is based on strategic position papers which already began in the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation from 2013 and have since become increasingly concrete at the annual meetings. This year, not only representatives from China and the EU will meet for the first time, but also all heads of state and government.

Economic Cooperation Read the rest of this entry »

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Towards an Anarchism in the Philippine Archipelago

May 16th, 2020

Abstract: The politics in the Philippine archipelago is dominated by hierarchical and alienating politics as represented by reformism and National Democracy. Against these the paper forwards the liberatory politics of anarchism. The paper introduces anarchist concepts such as egalitarian organizing, mutual aid, and direct action for people unfamiliar with these concepts. After situating anarchism in the anti-authoritarian struggles in the archipelago, the paper also argues for a shift in the anarchist politics of the archipelago from an autonomist anarchism towards a revolutionary politics as a social movement.

There is a necessity for a liberatory politics in the Archipelago known as the Philippines and as anarchists we think Anarchism has the framework to fill this need. The dominant forms of politics we have now are insufficient for developing a liberatory politics in the archipelago. This liberatory politics becomes a necessity because politics in the Philippines is currently an alienating affair—a politics done to people rather than people doing politics. We are also dominated by domineering structures and institutions like the market, capitalism, and the state. Against these we forward the liberatory politics of anarchism for a world beyond domination.

Download PDF: Towards an Anarchism in the Philippine Archipelago (revision 2020-04-04)

via AWW & Bandilang Itam.

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Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva extradited to Spain from Portugal

May 14th, 2020


Our comrade has been handed over to the Spanish State this morning (May 13) and is currently in the Badajoz prison (Extremadura). He is well and strong as always. Surely he will have to stay 14 days in a mandatory quarantine and then, supposedly, be transferred to another prison. In that sense, more information will follow.

Even if we have no guarantee that the mail will work regularly, it is obvious that it will not be a virus that is responsible for the fact that the letters of your loved ones and solidarity may not reach him! So it would be better to send registered letters (also as a result of recent problems that occurred in the Porto Judiciary Police jail where Gabriel was able to receive the correspondence only by documented registered shipments).

[updated corrected address 27/5/20]

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Carretera de Olivenza, km 7.3
06011 Badajoz


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