
A Decade Since the Financial Crash

The world economy is in poor shape and the American economy is in even worse condition. The 2008 crisis has not been resolved and many analysts fear a new financial explosion. Capital continues to stay clear of investment in production and is trying to recover without running up more debts. Company returns are low, profit rates are decreasing. Capital is moving more and more into speculation. It is the same old situation, except that the rescue costs of the previous crisis cannot be repeated in the next crisis. The sound of war can be heard in the distance, accompanied by the rising threat of a new, catastrophic barbarism.

The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe

Dead bodies in the aftermath of the Deir Yassin massacre, 1948.

In-depth article looking at the systematic preparations that were made for the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Palestinians from what would become Israel in 1948. The article highlights, among other things, the 'Village Files' project between 1940-47, which involved the systematic compilation of maps and intelligence on Arab villages and a series of military plans culminating in Plan Dalet, according to which the 1948 war was fought.

US Power and the New Course Towards War

We live, and have been living, in an epoch of capitalist decadence. Notwithstanding longer life expectancy, technological advance, and the claims of its defenders, the capitalist system is incapable of addressing existential questions such as the destruction of the environment via man-made climate change. After all, to do so would get in the way of making profits. Short-term expediency portends long term disaster.

John McCain – War Hero or Racist War Monger?

The publicity surrounding John McCain’s recent funeral was excessive to say the least, with wall-to-wall coverage in the United States and Britain, as well as other countries around the world. We were relentlessly informed in a slew of whitewashed obituaries, cringe-worthy plaudits and declarations of love from the bourgeoisie on both sides of the Atlantic for more than a week, in newspapers, online and on television, what a heroic champion of freedom, democracy, civil rights and free speech this man was; as well as being above all a great patriot.

No War But the Class War

A decade on since the financial crash world capitalism’s basic problem of low profitability remains. The only way the capitalists can revive ‘growth’ is by starting a new cycle of accumulation and this can only be done if a mass of existing capital is devalued.

Yemen’s “Forgotten War” Re-ignited

As we have seen in Syria and elsewhere modern imperialist war is total war with no holds barred. There is no Geneva Convention, or set of humanitarian concerns, that can act as a check on the bestial appetites of the contending parties. The situation in Yemen remains unbelievably dire.

Against Nationalism and War!

May Day 2018 Statement of the Internationalist Communist Tendency.

Protest without illusions

CND march

Compilation of writings of British anarchist Vernon Richards from 1955 to 1964 on the anti-war movement and movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Yeryüzü Postası respond to the assault on Afrin

Turkish internationalists Yeryüzü Postası's statement on the assault on Afrin by the Turkish government.

A way ahead for a new peace movement

The first pamphlet published by the Scottish Solidarity group in June 1966 about the anti-war and antinuclear weapons movements.