
Thèses sur les luttes prolétariennes de 2018 au Proche et au Moyen-Orient et leurs perspectives

Résumé de l’article
Les thèses qui suivent donnent un résumé introductif à l’article Iran : Que s’est-il passé après la répression des travailleurs de Haft Tapeh et des métallurgistes d’Ahvaz ? publié en anglais dans son intégralité sur le blog Libcom de l’auteur.

Theses on the 2018 proletarian struggles in the Near and Middle East and their prospects

An article summary
The following theses give an introductory summary to the article Iran: What after the repression of the Haft Tapeh workers and the steelworkers in Ahvaz? published in full length on the author’s Libcom blog.

The Protests in Basra, southern Iraq

This is a report about what is currently going on in Basra, the third main city in Iraq. The protesters back to the streets from 4th of this month, September demanding their basic rights.

Towards an International Meeting in Kurdistan

We received and publish…

In front of the expansion of the Middle-East War and the new Iran-Iraq revolutionary waves:

Towards an International Meeting in Kurdistan

Mass protests continue in Baghdad and Southern Iraq

This is a short report covers the current situation in Iraq, now in their third week. So far the protesters have been able to protect their own independence and none of the political parties or regional governments have been able to tame or control them.

Mass protest in central and southern Iraq

The below is a report about the current situation in central and southern Iraq. It is over a week there has been a massive demos and protests against the central and local government and also against the oil companies . The report below briefly explains the situation .

Red flag over Babylon: a brief overview of the Iraqi Communist Party

A brief history of the Iraqi Communist Party. First published on the now-defunct Ritual magazine website, June 2015.

Pundits outraged as Assad does to Ghouta what the US did to Fallujah

The aftermath of the latest US led assault on Fallujah

As pundits decry war crimes committed by the Assad regime in Eastern Ghouta, a look to how the punditry viewed the US' 2004 assault on Fallujah

Syria seen from the Viewpoint of imperial purity: the crushing narcissism of empire

Bomber Harris Superstar, anti-deutsch

Cautiously Pessimistic responds to Patrick Higgins' The Enemy at Home: U.S. Imperialism in Syria published in Viewpoint Magazine.

No to State, No to war. Yes for self-administration and the Social revolution

Immediate call to all our comrades Anarchists and Libertarians wherever they are
A direct and special call to our comrades Anarchists and Libertarians Arabic-speaking

No to State, No to war. Yes for self-administration and the Social revolution