
Review of "What is Situationism: A Reader"

A short book review from Black Flag #207.

The book itself is available on Libcom here.

Bakunin and the Historians

Anarcho Syndicalist Review 2015 Winter 63 with follow up to summer 1992 review

Libertarian Labor Review (later renamed Anarcho Syndicalist Review)
Summer 1992
“Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin, the anarchist, was a political thinker; his reputation, based partly on his appetite for action and partly on unsympathetic historiography, obscures this…” Robert Cutler opens the introduction to his anthology of Bakunin’s writings with these words. Another historian, Nunzio Pernicone, deplores the modern fashion of “Bakunin-bashing.” And Arthur Lehning, in a 1978 review of the historical literature, refers to a conspiracy of silence...

Review: Revolution as Merchandise - "Unfinished Business-The Politics of Class War" - a British road to Anarchism

A review by "Nat Turner" of Class War's book Unfinished Business from Here & Now issue 13 (1992).

The review covers autonomist currents in London in the early 80s as well as a discussion of "identity politics".

Class War newspaper

A partial online archive of issues of Class War, a UK-based anarchist tabloid newspaper founded in 1983.

1997: Interview with Angela Davis

Angela Davis is interviewed about the state of the US labour movement, the effects of globalisation and racial challenges for Black Americans in the 90s.

Discussion Bulletin

Discussion Bulletin 1995 70 Mar Apr

Discussion Bulletin edited by Frank Girard was published quarterly from 1983 to 2003. See also the publication titled The Libertarian Communist Discussion Bulletin (2009-2015).

Lovable Anarchism: Campus Protest in Japan From the 1990s to Today

Kyoto Students occupy clock tower

A paper documenting several examples of recent protests by students and university employees on campuses in Japan following a period of privatisations and a move towards short term contracts.

1995: Tahitians Campaign to Stop French Nuclear Testing

The resumption of nuclear weapons tests in Polynesia by France the mid nineties provoked anger in Tahiti. Tahitians organised a determined campaign against the tests.

1996-8: Sierra Blanca Community Opposes Nuclear Waste Site

History of the campaign against building a nuclear waste disposal site in a Texan town. The campaign was notably in that it mobilised people across the US and Mexico and that the $55 million deal was supported by State Governor George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Working for the Rat: Murray MacAdam

An article on working conditions for Haitian textile workers for the Disney Corporation and the attempts by US labour activists to pressure the company to reform its practices.