Middle East

Thèses sur les luttes prolétariennes de 2018 au Proche et au Moyen-Orient et leurs perspectives

Résumé de l’article
Les thèses qui suivent donnent un résumé introductif à l’article Iran : Que s’est-il passé après la répression des travailleurs de Haft Tapeh et des métallurgistes d’Ahvaz ? publié en anglais dans son intégralité sur le blog Libcom de l’auteur.

Theses on the 2018 proletarian struggles in the Near and Middle East and their prospects

An article summary
The following theses give an introductory summary to the article Iran: What after the repression of the Haft Tapeh workers and the steelworkers in Ahvaz? published in full length on the author’s Libcom blog.

Iran: What after the repression of the Haft Tapeh workers and the steelworkers in Ahvaz?

Iran: Manifestation against the arrest of steel workers

The proletarians in the Middle East have not yet realized it, but the struggle to defend their living situation and against the imperialist war is developing towards a revolution in which the overthrow of the Shah regime was only child's play.

Proletarian internationalism and the war in Syria

An anti-criticism by Fredo Corvo

Confederalism, Democratic Confederalism and Rojava

This article explains the definition of Confederalism by Murray Bookchin and the concept of the Democratic Confederalism by Abdulla Ocalan . The article tries to show the similarities and differences between both concepts and both views . In addition it followed by brief review of what has been achieved in Rojava.

Who is profiting from Syria?

This is one of a series of articles written by Shoal Collective in the run-up to the DSEI arms fair. This one focuses on Syria, who is involved in the conflict, and who is arming them. It was originally published in The Region.

Image by Syrian artist Tammam Azzam

As all the world’s conflicts are played out in Syria, arms companies are making a killing.

DSEI will host Israeli government, military and defense industry representatives

Originally published on International Middle East Mdia Center

This September, the world’s largest arms fair will be held in London. The DSEI weapons exhibition will be hosting political and military delegations from around the world who will be shopping for drones, guns, missiles, tanks and ammunition from the thousands of arms companies who will be attending.

Rojava: the fraud of a non-existent social revolution

Cult of personality - portrait of Öcalan

Text from Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti Kapitălu in response to recent myths propagated about the Rojava "revolution", with a detailed background about inter-imperial rivalries, the so-called "Kurdish question", national questions in general... To many leftists and anarchists, Rojava is a paradise on earth. We say: down with paradise!

The early Christian communists

Agape Feast

The early Christian Communities practiced communism, here's how we know.

Standing with Syrians: an open letter to an anti-imperialist

Eva is a real person who I have known since 2007, as described in this article. But in this text Eva also stands for many other people, whether outspoken or silent supporters of the Syrian regime and its allies. I will not re-post her photo here. In a world flooded with images, it is important to maintain our ability to imagine a moment.