If you have been sitting on the fence lamenting the future of Australian digital rights policy and you want to act, we want you! Get involved in our policy team, flagging your interest is easy. Email us at [email protected] by … Continue reading

Civil society and the technology industry have serious concerns about the proposed Assistance and Access Bill and Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) is extremely concerned that the Australian government is rushing the review of the proposed Assistance and Access Bill. Despite … Continue reading

Voting links for board nominees at the 2018 AGM will be sent to eligible members on Tuesday 20 November. The AGM and financial reports have been added to the 2018 AGM information page on the website. We ask members to … Continue reading

Recently, EFA was generously granted sponsorship for a board member to attend the 2018 Internet Governance Forum in Paris, between the 12th and 14th of November. Someone was going to draw the short straw to attend the forum, and that … Continue reading

Electronic Frontiers Australia is celebrating a renewed enthusiasm from members one year after a board refresh. “EFA members were instrumental in highlighting the flaws of MyHealthRecord, and challenging the overreach of legislation such as the Access and Assistance Bill,” said … Continue reading