Labor demands Santoro's head

Labor demands Santoro's head

Labor has called on Prime Minister John Howard to sack his Minister for Ageing Santo Santoro for owning shares in a company connected with his portfolio.

Opposition acting public accountability spokesman Alan Griffin said Senator Santoro had clearly failed the basic test of making a full declaration of share ownership.

Senator Santoro made a 100 per cent profit on a $6,000 parcel of shares in biotechnology firm CBio, which was developing treatments for rheumatoid arthritis.


He admitted today he was "technically in breach of the rules" but said his actions were an oversight which he immediately remedied the moment he became aware of it.

But Mr Griffin said the senator had breached Mr Howard's ministerial code of conduct used recently to justify the resignation of frontbencher Ian Campbell who admitted an error of judgment in meeting disgraced former West Australian premier Brian Burke.

"Absolutely. He should have declared any potential conflict of interest around your shares. He didn't. It is not good enough to say it was inadvertent or unintentional," Mr Griffin told ABC Radio.

"We have seen with Senator Campbell, that in a situation of a minor breach, the prime minister acted ruthlessly and yet on this occasion he is not prepared to do anything.

"Given what he did to Ian Campbell, certainly action can be taken with respect to Santoro."

Asked if Senator Santoro should be compelled to resign, he replied: "It is certainly a breach of the ministerial code of conduct.

"And if John Howard holds to the same standards that he held Ian Campbell to, then yes." Senator Santoro says he bought the shares before taking on the ageing portfolio in January 2006 and overlooked them when declaring his interests upon being sworn in as minister.

His spokesman told Brisbane's Courier-Mail newspaper Senator Santoro had discovered he still owned the shares when he received a financial statement on October 11, 2006.

Senator Santoro contacted his financial adviser the same day and ordered the shares be sold.

The sale netted $12,000, of which he gave half - the profit - to charity.

Senator Santoro was adamant it was an oversight.

"I informed the prime minister, I informed the Senate and I think I couldn't have been more open, couldn't be more open than that," he told ABC Radio.

"It wasn't the newspaper or radio or TV. It wasn't the opposition, it wasn't any third party that made me make that decision.

"It was my decision, without prompting, without force, without coercion. I made that decision myself because it was the correct decision to make."


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