• Rudolf Steiner

    Steiner Academy Exeter is an “Inadequate School”.

    Ofsted have published their inspection report into Gove’s Steiner Academy Exeter and it is about as damning as you can get. “Leadership is dysfunctional at every level in the school.” “Leaders have failed to ensure the safety and well-being of pupils.” “Governors have failed in their duty of care towards both adults and pupils. ” “Teaching is inadequate. Staff do not consider progress in mathematics, reading and writing to be fundamental to the educational wellbeing of pupils. ” “Learning often lacks purpose, and pupils quickly lose interest and their behaviour deteriorates.” “Teachers’ supervision and behaviour management of children is unsafe. [read more...]
  • libel


    It is now three years since I had to defend myself for five days in the High Court with Melanie Byng against a series of claims that we had defamed Angel Garden and Steve Paris. [read more...]

What the Steiner Waldorf School Movement did not want you to read.

by Andy Lewis in featured 139

Earlier this month, Grégoire Perra was finally acquitted in a French court after the Federation of Waldorf  Steiner Schools in France decided to sue Grégoire Perra, a former Steiner teacher, for publishing a critique of the schools and the anthroposophy movement. The trial appears to have collapsed as the court accepted that [read more...]

Steiner Schools and Risk Factors for Child Abuse

by Andy Lewis in featured 113

When you lead children to feel the beauty of sunrise and sunset, to be sensitive to the beauty of flowers and to the majesty of thunder and lightening,  when, in short, you develop in them the aesthetic sense, you are doing far more for them than if you were to [read more...]