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Peter Costello has attacked Labor's economic credibility.

Peter Costello has attacked Labor's economic credibility. (AFP)

Labor flags using Future Fund for more plans

The Federal Opposition says it might use the Future Fund to pay for more election promises.

Treasurer Peter Costello has savaged Labor's plan to use more than $2 billion of the fund for its high-speed broadband Internet plan.

Labor treasury spokesman Wayne Swan says more promises could be paid for in the same way but he has given nothing away about what they would be, other than infrastructure spending.

"We would look at using some of the income stream for productive purposes," he said.

Mr Costello has used that to try to attack Labor's economic credibility.

He has ridiculed Labor's plan as a smash-and-grab raid on the Future Fund, which was set up to pay the superannuation entitlements of public servants.

"The Labor Party, like bears to a honey pot, have got their paws into this and once they've developed a taste for that honey, there will be no going back," he said.

But Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has told ABC TV's 7.30 Report that superannuation payments would not be jeopardised.

"When it comes to the future earnings from the fund, then our approach to that will be case-by-case, to look at hard economic infrastructure projects capable of generating an economic return which we may consider are worthy of support," he said.

Mr Rudd has also refused to say which infrastructure projects Labor would pay for out of the Future Fund.

Labor says its broadband plan will boost productivity, which will help to cope with the ageing population.

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The Federal Opposition has not ruled out dipping into the future fund to pay for more infrastructure projects if elected.

The Federal Opposition has not ruled out dipping into the future fund to pay for more infrastructure projects if elected.

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The Federal Government has continued its attack on the plan by Labor to dip into the Future Fund to spend $4.7 billion on a national broadband network.

Talk to any analyst in this country and they will tell you that when it comes to getting information on the Internet, Australia is being left behind.

Former NSW auditor-general Tony Harris has rejected the argument by the Federal Government that it would be irresponsible to divert money from the Future Fund for a national broadband plan.

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