Abbott’s T-shirt tizzy – a year too late
Saturday February 11th 2006, 8:31 am

It has been very close to a year ago when I last caught up with Greens Senator Kerry Nettle. Nettle introduced a showing of the film Vera Drake on 2 March 2005, whilst wearing this particular t-shirt… which for some odd reason, is only NOW controversial.

(click for larger size)

Health Minister Tony Abbott is presently all upset because he’s all but lost the ability to keep Australian women from accessing the abortifacient drug RU486. Abbott is now (rather coincidentally, of course) claiming that he’s ‘offended’ by the wording of Nettle’s t-shirt.

Wassamatta, Tony- bit of sour grapes?

Get over it, Reverend Abbott. You don’t own Australian women’s ovaries and uteri- and if you’re not a uterus owner/operator, your opinion on women’s reproductive rights is fairly irrelevant. 


UPDATE: If Kerry’s t-shirt offends Abbott, Alan Moir and Bill Leak must give the Mad Monk an absolute conniption.

 image: Alan Moir for The Sydney Morning Herald
image: Bill Leak for The Australian

7 Comments so far
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The text under the message on Kerry’s chest tells us who designed the shirt. It reads: YWCA – Young Women’s Christian Association. They are clearly not offended!

I suggest next week Kerry wears the shirt that is a warning from the pope!

Comment by suki 02.11.06 @ 9:12 am

Suki, I presume you’re referring to the one that says “I am the feminist the pope warned you about!”

That’d be right. 🙂

Comment by weezil 02.11.06 @ 9:16 am

That’s the one.

Care to chip in to send it to her?

Comment by suki 02.11.06 @ 12:37 pm

You betcha!

Comment by weezil 02.11.06 @ 1:00 pm

Check out Daily Flute’s cartoon in the SMH on Monday!

Comment by Ampersand Duck 02.11.06 @ 11:37 pm

Hey Duckie, we have seen the advance version. Can’t wait.

Comment by weezil 02.11.06 @ 11:40 pm

I really wish the entire subject was viewed from a direction other than ‘selfish women’ not wanting to spend 9 months creating a dependent.
If The Abbot would only spend some energy lecturing males not to make babies they don’t want to raise.
I wish Centrelink would run a ‘You Fuck It, You Feed It’ campaign.
I wish somebody would have their rapist’s conception surgically removed and sent to Abbott with a note saying ‘if you think THIS is a VIABLE human, then set another place for dinner cos it’s yours’.

Comment by Brownie 02.12.06 @ 11:04 pm

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