Ethical gifts you’ll love!


Our suppliers

The Ethical Shop works closely with our wonderful ethical, eco-friendly and fairtrade suppliers.

Supplier of the month

Ocean Sole

Ocean Sole

At Ocean Sole our mission is to turn flip-flop pollution into art and functional products to promote our oceans. We are a Kenyan social enterprise who focuses 100% on conservation entrepreneurship.…
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Shop by values

Explore by product characteristic

  Vegan Friendly
Especially suitable for the vegans in your life
  Eco Friendly
Kind to the environment
Items with educational value
  Fair Trade
Manufactured under fair trade conditions
Made from organically grown crops
Made from recycled materials
  Made in the UK
Buying locally means a happier planet!

Shop by cause

Explore by partner organisation


  New Internationalist
Independent not-for-profit publisher on global justice issues
  Myriad editions
Publishers of fiction, graphic books and atlases
 Britain's walking charity; protecting and promoting walking
  War on Want
Poverty is political; campaigning against the root causes
  Soil Association
Certifying and campaigning for planet friendly food and farming

Associate Partners:

  Amnesty International
 Citizens worldwide standing up for humanity and human rights