Cost of tradies to soar?

Wal Gordon is in favour of the Government's plan to reform apprentice training under one merged polytechnic.

Dramatic increases in trades' bills predicted from training reform - but not everyone is buying it.

Bank names Shipley replacement

Jenny Shipley said that it was in the best interests of the bank that she retire from the role.

Former prime minister had chaired the board but stood down amid Mainzeal fallout.

NZ takes Facebook fight to UK

Big investors are calling on Facebook, Google and Twitter to take more action to ensure their platforms aren't used to ...

NZ Super Fund boss heads to London to seek support for reigning Facebook in.

Tall fences come at social cost video

Avalon resident Peter Whittington spoke out about the development in Avalon that has seen a fence erected above his ...

Suburban fences are getting taller, and an urban design expert says that's a big problem.

Buyer made $700k overnight

The family thought the Royal Oak, central Auckland, property was worth at least $2m.

Auckland house sold to a lone offer for $1.85m. It sold again at auction for $2.55m.

more top stories

Marina plans 'all systems go'

Port Marlborough chief executive Rhys Welbourn says the extension will "future-proof" the marina.

The South Island's largest marina is set for another 252 berths, with the "slow but ongoing trend" towards bigger boats in mind.

Death in Aus scaffolding collapse

One worker has been taken to hospital in a critical condition.

One man died and another is badly hurt after scaffolding fell on them at a Sydney construction site.

Fee win after investor revolt

Wakefield Hospital is owned by Vital Healthcare Property Trust.

Property manager surrenders authority to increase fees after pressure from unitholders incuding ACC.

Storm deluge fills up hydro lakes

Aviemore Hydro dam in the Waitak Riveri valley is at 268.3 metres above sea level almost 3m above its minimum consented ...

The storm which lashed the West Coast last week has had a flow on boost to hydro electric lakes in the central South Island.

2 cases of unlawful Govt spending

In two instances, departments spent public money outside the authority provided by Parliament.

In two instances, departments spent public money outside the authority provided by Parliament.

Meatworks employee injured

There have been two injuries occurring at Anzco Foods Eltham reported to WorkSafe in the past two months.

It's the second injury reported to WorkSafe in two months.

Lawyer tipped to chair ComCom

Commerce Commission commissioner Anna Rawlings has been tipped to be named as the competition watchdog's new chair in ...

Anna Rawlings is expected to be named as the new Commerce Commission chair soon.

Landlords' sweet triumph

It took the family a little more than two months to transform the building into a cafe.

Sweets, sandwiches and sushi are now being sold from a Taranaki building recently at the centre of a drug raid.

Train spy cracks $22b deal

During a 2½-hour Eurostar trip, Lazard dealmaker Vincent Le Stradic unwittingly provided a window into a ...

As dealmaker Vincent Le Stradic typed frantically on the Eurostar, he ignored his neighbour. Big mistake.

Upscale Aus houses hit hardest

Australian house prices fell even further in March, driven by sliding house values in Melbourne and Sydney's most ...

Australian property values have slipped 7.4pc since their peak, with elite areas faring worst.


Train spy cracks $22b deal

During a 2½-hour Eurostar trip, Lazard dealmaker Vincent Le Stradic unwittingly provided a window into a ...

As dealmaker Vincent Le Stradic typed frantically on the Eurostar, he ignored his neighbour. Big mistake.

Monday pay rise day

Good news if you're a minimum wage-earner or pensioner.

Social media kills your savings

Banned dealer 'done with' cars video

small business

Landlords' sweet triumph

It took the family a little more than two months to transform the building into a cafe.

Sweets, sandwiches and sushi are now being sold from a Taranaki building recently at the centre of a drug raid.

Silent disco at dawn

Kiwi Silent Disco owner Tim Fraser-Harris prepares for the dawn silent rave at Kirby Lane.

A silent disco from 6am and 9am in central Nelson is offering an unique way to get energised before work.

Vines Village wins award

Jeff Fulton, along with his twin brother Tim, have taken a sustainable approach to their business.

The Vines Village Café won the Business Innovation category at the Cawthron Marlborough Environment Awards.

Call to regulate Airbnb

Airbnb has become massively popular.

Regulations on peer-to-peer accommodation have been questioned in Taranaki.

better business

Kiwis say climate change real

Tens of thousands of school pupils took to the streets demanding action on climate change. ECCA's new research found ...

80% of Kiwis surveyed agree climate change is real, and we want business to do something about it.

KiwiRail grad fights climate change

Malia Vehikite found her passion in energy management.

Malia Vehikite is making a name for herself in the energy sector as part of the EECA graduate programme.

A bond much stronger than hate

Barbers Jim Rose, Luke Taikoko, Anthony Welsh, Jeff Whiting, Cole Weldon and Logan Roiall at the shop raising funds for ...

Auckland barbers heard of the tragedy in another city and immediately asked how they could help Christchurch terrorism victims Wasseim and Alin Alsati

Jordan Peterson's books shelved

Jordan Peterson says he wants to preserve the Judeo-Christian bedrock of western culture.

Controversial author's work appears to have been pulled from a major chain.


NZ's biggest mall could open soon video

Department store Farmers could be one of the first stores to open.

A $790m mall will open in stages, and the first of 230 shops could open in July.

Upscale Aus houses hit hardest

Australian house prices fell even further in March, driven by sliding house values in Melbourne and Sydney's most ...

Australian property values have slipped 7.4pc since their peak, with elite areas faring worst.

Stepfather wins house back

Peter Ford regrets lending his stepdaughter money. He lives in the house behind him but used the title of the adjacent ...

He wanted to help his stepdaughter become financially independent, but it all backfired.

Thousands exposed to lead-based paint video

Housing NZ tenant Chelsea Bullen had her home stripped of lead-based paint - but it was done without her knowledge.

The majority of Housing NZ homes across the country still contain lead-based paint according to an Official Information Act request.

opinion & analysis

Youth or experience? Both, please

But a few old heads in a team, who know how things work, where ideas are actioned in a cohesive and structured manner ...

OPINION: There is nothing like youth to challenge the boundaries, but a few old heads help to drive ideas.

Apple v Huawei: Who delivered?

Oprah Winfrey was one of the stars used to launch Apple TV plus.

OPINION: Apple grabbed the headlines with its Apple TV plus launch, but Huawei is the real innovator.

Bringing your Aussie super home

You might have superannuation in Australia, but you might not want to bring it back.

Kiwis are sitting on billions of dollars of 'lost' Australian super, which can be sucked into the black hole of the Aussie tax office.

Reacting to racism at work

Thousands of people took part in a Love Aotearoa Hate Racism rally in Auckland on March 24.

OPINION: I'm getting increasingly intolerant. In particular, I've had it with racists.

nz farmer

Meatworks employee injured

There have been two injuries occurring at Anzco Foods Eltham reported to WorkSafe in the past two months.

It's the second injury reported to WorkSafe in two months.

Small changes see emissions fall

Owl Farm managed to reduce its emissions by 8 per cent after it slightly reduced its stocking rate and levels of ...

Owl Farm at St Peter's School has lowered its emissions footprint without risking profitability.

Vintage arrives early video

Ken Hill (86) enjoys his 20th year of grape harvests. He started after his retirement to keep up with physical activity.

A dry summer has shrunk the growing season but not the quality of Nelson's harvest grapes.

$100k to undo farmland firebreaks

Simon Marshall with his mother Pauline. Simon has helped rehabilitate his mother's farm after it was widely excavated to ...

A farmer whose land was dug up is waiting to see if the $100k spent reinstating the land will be fully compensated.


Upscale Aus houses hit hardest

Australian house prices fell even further in March, driven by sliding house values in Melbourne and Sydney's most ...

Australian property values have slipped 7.4pc since their peak, with elite areas faring worst.

Airline owner killed in crash

Natalia Fileva was a major shareholder in S7, which began growing into a major carrier in the 1990s and is Russia's ...

Natalia Fileva was a co-owner of Russia's largest private airline and one of the country's richest women.

Zuckerberg posts vanish video

Throughout 2006 and 2009, Mark Zuckerberg was active on Facebook – but there are no posts visible for the two full years ...

Facebook says it "mistakenly deleted" CEO's old posts - including all those made in 2007 and 2008.

Boeing 'playing with lives' video

The October 29 crash near Jakarta claimed 189 lives.

Widow of pilot on doomed Lion Air flight speaks out, saying US company just didn't listen to warnings.

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