
S.E.M. Ensemble


Upcoming Performances

SEM will perform Miya Masaoka's "States of Being, States of Becoming" on March 13th at The Armory. Tickets here.

Petr Kotik will perform his 1971 piece "There is Singularly Nothing" at a fundraiser for the Neo-Pastiche Festival on March 20th. RSVP here.

Petr Kotik will conduct the Art Ensemble of Chicago on March 24th at the Big Ears Festival in Knoxville. Info here.

SEM will perform at the Neo-Pastiche Festival in Asheville, NC in April. Info here!

Contact Us

S.E.M. Ensemble, Inc.
25 Columbia Place
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: (718) 488-7659

Contact Dexter Dine, Managing Director at:

Two Evenings at The Willow Place Auditorium


Morton Feldman (1984) & Alvin Lucier (1994)

Alex Mineck (2016) & Alex Huddlestone (2018)

SEM Mivos QuartetYarn/Wire

March 22 & 23, 2019

- at -

Willow Place Auditorium

26 Willow Place, Brooklyn NY

Friday, March 22nd 5pm-10pm

Morton Feldman - For Philip Guston

S.E.M. Ensemble

Petr Kotik, flutes

Joseph Kubera, keyboards

Chris Nappi, percussion

The S.E.M. Ensemble will perform Morton Feldman’s magnum opus “For Philip Guston,” on March 22nd. SEM has been associated with Feldman since the early 1970’s, while both were based in Buffalo, NY. Feldman composed “Instruments I” for Petr Kotik and the S.E.M. Ensemble in 1973 (Jan Williams, Julius Eastman and Petr Kotik were among the performers who premiered the piece). In 1987, Petr Kotik commissioned a new work by Feldman, but Feldman died in the fall of 1987 before he could compose this new work. Instead, in February 1988, SEM performed “For Philip Guston,” for the first time. The performers in 1988 are the same as they will be in 2019: Kotik, Kubera and Nappi. Alex Ross in the New York Times commented: “… the performance by the S.E.M. Ensemble is no less gigantic than Mahler's Eighth Symphony.”

Saturday, March 23rd 7:30pm-9:30pm

Alvin Lucier - Disappearances

Alex Mincek - Torrent

Alex Huddlestone - I found a few configurations//some stripes

Improvisation with Mivos Quartet & Yarn/Wire

Mivos Quartet

Olivia De Prato, violin

Maya Bennardo, violin

Victor Lowrie Tafoya, viola

Tyler J. Borden, cello


Laura Barger, piano

Ning Yu, piano

Ian Antonio, percussion

Russell Greenberg, percussion

As part of their 10th Anniversary Season celebrations, Mivos Quartet is joined by their friends and colleagues Yarn/Wire for an exciting evening of new music. The program will be centered around Alex Mincek’s expansive octet Torrent. The program also includes a beautiful quartet from Alvin Lucier and the 2018 Mivos/Kanter Prize winner Alex Huddleston in a scintillating spatial quartet. Both ensembles will join forces in improvisation as well. The concert is a demonstration of the myriad ways that Mivos champions new music.

The March 23rd concert is supported in part by a grant from the Paul R. Judy Center for Innovation and Research at the Eastman School of Music.

S.E.M. Ensemble’s 2018-19 season has been made possible with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. The season is funded in part by The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc., The Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University, The Amphion Foundation, The Low Road Foundation, Sheldon Berlow, Virginia Dwan, Martina Forman, Philip Foster, Allegra Fuller Snyder, Beth Greenberg and Jim Wright, Julian Lethbridge, and Rotraut Moquay-Klein. Special thanks to Paula Cooper, Jasper Johns, Werner Kramarsky, and Brooklyn District 33 Councilman Stephen T. Levin.


Recent News

Ostrava Days 2019: August 12-31

SEM's concert at Paula Cooper Gallery was mentioned in the New Yorker, check it out here.

Photos of SEM's concert at Paula Cooper Gallery on December 19th can be viewed here.