Wanning Sun

Chinese social media platform WeChat could be key in the federal election


In the run-up to the state election, Michael Daley's anti-Asian rhetoric quickly spread via WeChat. As a result, candidates from both parties are using the platform to advance their own message.

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Wanning Sun

Wanning Sun FAHA is best known for her research in a number of areas, including Chinese media and cultural studies; rural to urban migration and social change in contemporary China; soft power, public diplomacy and diasporic Chinese media. Wanning is the author of a major report Chinese-Language Media in Australia: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities (2016). She is currently leading an Australian Research Council Discovery Project “Chinese-Language Digital/Social Media in Australia: Rethinking Soft Power (2018-2020). Wanning is also co-hosting (with Peter Fray) The Middle, a weekly radio program on Sydney 2ser on Australia-China relations.

Queensland lawmakers are refusing us access to our data

In Queensland, lawmakers are refusing citizens the right to access the personal data they hold on. This should bristle, considering the number of police officers misusing their databases.
