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Scott Morrison sends Pauline Hanson to the UN

The Courier Mail

In a shocking turn of events, Scott Morrison has sent Pauline Hanson to the United Nations. While it is clearly a solution to Morrison’s One Nation problem, should she be representing us?



Last week, many wondered what Scott Morrison was going to do about his One Nation problem. In case you missed it, it was a week of notable scandal. Pauline Hanson’s mob were victims of a sting by a news agency and a parasitic tick. In response to the Al-Jazeera piece, One Nation referred the matter to ASIO, before those starring in the video announced that lobbying the NRA for $20 million dollars only happened because they were drunk.

On Thursday, Morrison announced that he’d fix the voting preferences of his party, promising that he would certainly put One Nation last.

However, siding with the enemy to marginalise a common problem is seemingly not enough to sate Scott Morrison, as Monday finds Pauline Hanson on the move. In a move similar to Cory Bernardi back in 2016, the embattled One Nation leader will be representing this country at the United Nations for the next three months.

While the UN posting is usually a grace note to retiring politicians, it is clearly also (as Turnbull did in 2016) a move to get problem candidates of out the hair of the PM, and indeed, the minds of the electorate.

Hanson is yet to comment on the move, but Scott Morrison has mentioned that the move “will be a good thing for Australia”, and that he could “not think of someone more fitting to represent us in New York”.


April Fools.


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