Latest News from around the world

"Abortion rights activists protest in Mexico City, where abortion is decriminalised. However, abortion is illegal in much of the country." (Photo: Henry Romero / Reuters/Reuters)

When a miscarriage means you go to jail

22 March 2019 | El Salvador

New Zealand is latest nation to repeal 'blasphemy' laws

5 March 2019 | 406-395 Rock Rd, Pahiatua 4987, New Zealand

Humanists thankful for life of Barrie Berkley

21 December 2018 | United Kingdom

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Our work focuses on those rights that are threatened, abused or undermined by harmful traditional, cultural and religious practices. We have a specific concentration on freedom of expression, freedom of religion or belief, the rights of women, LGBTI equality and the rights of the child.

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