European Trade Union Institute, ETUI.




Benchmarking Working Europe, the annual stock-take of European economic, labour market and social affairs is published today by the European Trade Union Institute. This year’s report calls for action to stimulate investment, as well as reforms to fiscal rules to allow policy to play a more active role in stabilising economies and securing sustainable growth.


Andrew Pendleton 03/2019

This Policy Brief analyses the main forms by which workers are able to share in the profits and ownership of the companies they work in. It also examines the risks and opportunities of financial participation for workers and poses some questions about how practice should be regulated. Its main recommendations are that, where financial participation schemes exist, worker representatives should be involved in their design and governanc...


Valeria Pulignano 02/2019

This Working Paper tackles two questions: what counts as work within a deregulated labour market; and what are the implications for the study of precariousness?


Jörg Bibow 02/2019

This Working Paper examines options for the design of a workable fiscal union for the euro area. It provides a comparative study of fiscal institutions in the US and euro area in order to supply lessons from the operation of the US fiscal regime that could inform the design of the, hitherto dysfunctional, euro regime.


Jan Drahokoupil (ETUI) and Agnieszka Piasna (ETUI) 01/2019

This paper presents a case study of the food delivery platform, Deliveroo, in Belgium in 2016-2018. The case offers insights on the nature of platform work, the workers who perform it, the preferences of workers, the strategy of the platforms, and the role of local regulations.


Edited by Bart Vanhercke, Dalila Ghailani and Sebastiano Sabato 12/2018

This year’s stock-take of Social Europe - Social Policy in the European Union: state of play 2018 - reports on recent EU and national social policymaking with a focus on the game-changing advent of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) one year ago.


Edited by Tony Musu (ETUI) and Laurent Vogel (ETUI) 11/2018

Occupational cancers account for more than 100,000 deaths a year in the EU, yet these could be avoided by eliminating carcinogens in the production processes.


Employment has risen in the EU, but Benchmarking Working Europe looks beyond the headline statistics at the reality of workers’ lives today

28 March 2019

Europe’s good run of economic growth and job creation masks deep structural problems and an increasingly divided labour market. These are among the main findings of the 2019 edition of the ETUI’s Benchmarking Working Europe, which was officially launched in Brussels at an event on 26 March. First appearing in 2000, the report analyses socio-economic developments in the European Union and this year posed the question: ‘what does it take to have an EU working for workers?’


New special issue of Transfer looks at refugees in the labour market

26 March 2019

The large number of asylum applicants and refugees in the last few years has sparked interest in how they are received and assimilated in European countries. A growing focus is on labour markets as efforts are stepped up to integrate asylum-seekers and refugees into society through the workplace. The topic is being lent greater urgency by exploitation of the ‘problem’ of absorbing asylum-seekers by populist and far right parties in the runup to the European elections in May.


Collective Bargaining February 2019

19 March 2019

Find below the highlights of the latest issue of the Collective Bargaining newsletter with the most important developments at European and member state level in February 2019:


ETUI celebrates International Women’s Day

12 March 2019

Women and men working at International Trade Union House marked International Women’s Day on Friday 8th March with strikes and speeches. Women’s Day is held every year across the world to raise awareness of women’s political and economic marginalisation.


Momentum builds behind a European minimum wage

7 March 2019

Momentum is building behind a European minimum wage policy, a topic which is expected to play a significant part in the 2019 European Parliament elections. Pressure for a European pay floor is part of a growing debate over the role of minimum wages for the concept of Social Europe.


Plastic – a human health crisis

21 February 2019

A recent report from a coalition of NGOs lead by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) reveals that plastic is a human health crisis hiding in plain sight. To date, research into the human health impacts of plastic have focused narrowly on specific moments in the plastic lifecycle, often on single products, processes, or exposure pathways. This approach fails to recognize that significant, complex, and intersecting human health impacts occur at every stage of the plastic lifecycle: from extraction of fossil fuels, to consumer use, to disposal and beyond. According to the report, uncertainties and knowledge gaps often impede regulation and the ability of workers, consumers and policymakers to make informed decisions. However, the full scale of health impacts throughout plastic’s lifecycle are overwhelming and warrant a precautionary approach.


Grigor Gradev scholarship 2019 is open for applications

14 February 2019

Applications have opened for the 2019 round of the Gridor Gradev scholarship for young researchers. The three month scholarship based at the ETUI was set up in honour of Grigor Gradev, the former Director of the CITUB research institute, who died in 2016.


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Publication of the month

  • Benchmarking Working Europe 2019

    Benchmarking Working Europe, the annual stock-take of European economic, labour market and social affairs is published today by the European Trade Union Institute. This year’s report calls for action to stimulate investment, as well as reforms to fiscal rules to allow policy to play a more active role in stabilising economies and securing sustainable growth. Read more

Video of the day

Improving Machinery Safety: from traditional risks to new technologies


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About ETUI

The European Trade Union Institute is the independent research and training centre of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) which itself affiliates European trade unions into a single European umbrella organisation. The ETUI places its expertise – acquired in particular in the context of its links with universities, academic and expert networks – in the service of workers’ interests at European level and of the strengthening of the social dimension of the European Union. Read more
