Talking Points MemoПідтверджений профіль


Breaking news and analysis from the TPM team. “I’ll leave that to the geniuses at Talking Points Memo." —Tucker Carlson.

Дата приєднання: травень 2008


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  1. 4 хвилини тому

    Trump's favorite tabloid, National Enquirer, will be sold to former airport newsstand mogul after rocky year

  2. 13 хвилин тому

    As caucus mulls next moves post-Mueller drop, Pelosi: "Congress will not be silent"

  3. 21 хвилину тому

    Nadler: Subpoena for full unredacted report coming in "next couple of of hours"

  4. 8 годин тому

    Here are the (many) people in Trump's inner circle who had to reject Trump's requests to mess with Mueller's probe

  5. 9 годин тому

    Mueller's report gives us some telling quotes from the tight-lipped special counsel

  6. 10 годин тому

    Mueller actually did investigate rumors of the infamous "pee tape"

  7. 11 годин тому

    Read the "screed" Trump drafted with Stephen Miller to fire Comey

  8. 12 годин тому

    House majority leader throws water on potential Trump impeachment despite the Mueller report: “Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point”

  9. 13 годин тому

    Mueller's redacted report paints a picture of a Trump campaign deeply co-opted by a multi-prong Russian influence campaign

  10. 14 годин тому

    READ: The written Trump testimony that Mueller called "inadequate" and "insufficient"

  11. ретвітнув(ла)
    14 годин тому

    There's No Mystery Why Trump Lied, Hide Evidence and Did Everything in His Power to Obstruct the Investigation (membership required) via

  12. ретвітнув(ла)
    14 годин тому
  13. 14 годин тому

    TPM’s cameo appearances in the Mueller report (Prime access

  14. 14 годин тому

    Trump still pouting over Mueller report: "I could have fired everyone"

  15. 14 годин тому

    Mueller: Burr briefed White House on Russia probe days after 2017 gang of 8 reveal

  16. ретвітнув(ла)
    14 годин тому

    The Trump campaign was deeply co-opted, if not compromised, by the 2016 Russian influence operation

  17. ретвітнув(ла)
    14 годин тому

    It's been a long day, so here's the TLDR on the redacted Mueller report

  18. ретвітнув(ла)
    14 годин тому

    Great rundown from on some of the key quotes in the redacted Mueller report

  19. 15 годин тому

    In case you missed it: The biggest bombshells from the redacted Mueller report

  20. ретвітнув(ла)
    15 годин тому

    I added to this McGahn (for his previously reported refusal to fire Mueller) and Dearborn, who ignored Lewandowski's sketchy request that he pass along to Session's a Trump message that the AG narrow Mueller's probe.

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