April 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece, Athens : Responsibility Claim on 28.3.19 by Group for the Reconstruction of the Mediterranean Anarchist Triangle

Greece, Athens : Responsibility Claim on 28.3.19 by Group for the Reconstruction of the Mediterranean Anarchist Triangle

Responsibility Claim
At the beginning of February the eviction of the squat ASILO OCCUPATO was ordered, a structure of the movement in the city of Turin, with a history of 24 years. The police don’t ‘play’ alone and the evacuation lasts one and a half days because of the resistance from the interior of the squat. Simultaneously all over the city gatherings, meetings, violent protests are being carried out. The carabinieri, in order to silence the reactions, transform entire neighbourhoods into quarantine zones, with blockades, arrests and the prohibition of circulation of traffic. Finally the authorities, as well as the eviction, arrest 6 comrades on charges of subversive activity based on actions against the CIE/CRP [detention centres for immigrants] as well as for solidarity with the revolts that have broken out inside them.
 It is clear that there are many more reasons for this operation. ASILO OCCUPATO has taken part in a lot of struggles which bothered the State mechanisms and the bosses. It opposed the destruction of the Val di Susa valley, participating in the movement NO TAV. It gave fights against the detention centres, against the repression and control and the regeneration and gentrification of entire neighbourhoods of the city. Neighbourhoods whose transformation into sterilized regions of consumption and amusement is desired by the bosses. For the above reasons the occupation and the 6 comrades were targeted by the repression.

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April 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece : Attack on a police station and on a Turkish consulate

Greece : Attack on a police station and on a Turkish consulate

On 2nd and 3rd March revolutionaries carried out attacks on a police station in Athens and on the Turkish consulate in Thessaloniki.
On 2nd March about forty masked comrades attacked the police station in the neighbourhood of Koukaki, Athens, and threw at least four Molotov bottles. The entrance to the building and two police cars parked outside were damaged. The police arrested 10 people.
On Sunday 3rd March, at around 2:40am, about 50 revolutionaries attacked the police while the latter were defending the Turkish consulate in Thessaloniki, and threw Molotov bottles and stones. The police reacted with teargas and deafening grenades, but the militants managed to go away without arrests being carried out. 
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

April 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece,Athens: Some words on the riots of 29th of March

Greece,Athens: Some words on the riots of 29th of March

Some words on the riots of 29th of March 2019
Jasmins and almond trees bloom from the bullet wounds and scars in the bodies of our fallen ones. The coming seeds of self-redress perch on the branches, ready to nourish those greedy-for-life. Drawn in blood; bitterness flows out, becomes fertilizer for the rage.
The pine needles fall down embracing the honour of living as negator of servitude. Waves break, embracing the honour of dying fighting. Waters respond to the call of silence, they turn into fire, and a night like the 29th of March make a salutary spill-over. It’s exactly there that our dead friends accompany each of our step. It’s there that Sebastian Oversluij, Lambros Fountas, Mauricio Morales, Spiros Dravilas, Anna Campbell, Dimitris Armakolas, Javier Recabarren, all our comrades that left away, are bursting out of fire caressing eternity.

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April 2, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Secours Rouge Members Testify in Defense of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Secours Rouge Members Testify in Defense of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Two members of Secours Rouge International testified in defense of Revolutionary Struggle at the trial of anarchist prisoners Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis in Athens.
The following is a statement by Secours Rouge:
“It was with great joy that we again met Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, the imprisoned fighters of the Revolutionary Struggle organization this morning in Athens. Two Secretaries of Secours Rouge International have testified at the trial to defend “Revolutionary Struggle,” the legitimacy of its political-military strategic project, and the means that the organization has set itself to implement its objectives. Our delegates stressed that revolution is not merely a utopia since it is already a reality in Rojava. To the judge’s question “When will the violence end?”, our delegate returned the question “When will your class violence stop?”
from : Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa

March 31, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Op. ”Panico”Paska has been transferred toViterbo

Italy : Op. ”Panico”Paska has been transferred toViterbo

News came this morning 22/3/19 that Paska has been transferred to Viterbo. The reason for the transfer is not known, nor how long he will remain there. We don’t know if he is still in 14-bis regime. Updates to follow.
Pierloreto Fallanca
Strada SS. Salvatore n. 14/b,
01100 , VITERBO (VT)
Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 31, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Berlin, Germany: Action Days Against Rent Madness Begins

Berlin, Germany: Action Days Against Rent Madness Begins

Arson Attack Against Property Company Deutsche Wohnen
27.03.19: The Action Days Against Rent Madness have begun in earnest in Berlin with an arson attack against the vehicle fleet of property company Deutsche Wohnen. The attack carried out by an Autonomous Groups cell destroyed 3 vehicles. The action days are part of an ongoing struggle against rising rents, lack of affordable housing and gentrification of working class districts. The campaign has involved a diverse set of tactics ranging from public demonstrations to militant direct action. Here is an excerpt from the claim of responsibility that was posted on German Indymedia:
“We dedicate the ashes of the three burned-out cars to all those affected by letters of termination, evictions and rent increases. We devote the blazing flames to those who have been abandoned by the system, the victims of daily marginalization, and our fighting comrades, who are either in jail or on the run.”

March 31, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile : 29 de Marzo – Dia de lxs Jovenes Combatientes

Chile : 29 de Marzo – Dia de lxs Jovenes Combatientes

El 29 de marzo es el día en que la memoria combativa se vuelve acción a través del presente contínuo de la confrontación anárquica con el mundo del poder y la autoridad. Es un momento en que el choque con las fuerzas del dominio recuerda que en dictadura y democracia el Estado oprime, tortura, asesina y encarcela y que en todo contexto histórico las voluntades indomesticables acechan los planes de los opresores para ponerlos en peligro y forjar su destrucción.
Desde su origen en dictadura conmemorando a los hermanos Vergara Toledo, el 29 de marzo constituye una fecha que no ha podido ser pacificada, recuperada ni exterminada por la institucionalidad y el reformismo, por lo que el poder y su prensa servil intentan despolitizar su conmemoración. A la vez, cada año se levantan actos conmemorativos, barricadas y ataques a la policía en los que participan enemigxs declaradxs del poder junto a la juventud salvaje de barrios y poblaciones.

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March 30, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Paris, France: Spreading RAGE Arson Attack in Solidarity with Imprisoned Comrade ‘S’

Paris, France: Spreading RAGE Arson Attack in Solidarity with Imprisoned Comrade ‘S’

S. has been in prison for a year. He is acccused of setting fire to several gendarmerie vehicles in Limoges on September 18th, 2017, during the Quai de Valmy / Burnt Cop Car trial.
We are among those who do not remain silent in the face of this repression. We will not forget any comrade who is in the hands of the State.
As a small gesture of solidarity with him, on the night of March 26th, two trucks and a car belonging to Paris City Hall were torched on Rue Corvisart (13th arrondissement).

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March 29, 2019
by actforfreedom


It is a 100% benefit event in solidarity with all who find themselves imprisoned for their ideas and actions within the prison society. All proceeds go to related active groups and/or individuals.
There will be a per-bookings night for tattoos at 7.30-9.30pm on the 29th Marth oat New River Studios, 199 Eade Rd, Harringay Warehouse District, London N4 1DN. SO come down and find out which artists will be there and make sure you get an appointment!
This site will be constantly updated as we will have more details and specifics. Check the Program Page to find out starting times of workshops and performances etc. AND VENUE INFORMATION!
Keep checking this page and get the word out!

March 29, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: Initiative in solidarity with anarchists from Russia to Italy (29/03/2019)

Italy: Initiative in solidarity with anarchists from Russia to Italy (29/03/2019)

FRIDAY 29 MARCH in IMOLA(BO)- Italy meeting at 4 PM at the city center, under the clock tower (for those who come by train, just exit to the front of the station and go straigh on until you cross the clock), from there we will move to a nearby place for a chat about state repression against anarchists. From Italy to Russia the “internal enemy” is represented by all those who choose to oppose this world of control in an increasingly perfected police state.
There will be updates on the latest operations and a following benefit dinner for ABC Russia and a live show with Unicorn Partisans.
high-resolution poster

March 29, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Germany :8 march demonstration in Berlin from Liebig34 squat together with a video invitation

Germany :8 march demonstration in Berlin from Liebig34 squat together with a video invitation

mobi video L34 from Bill Renders on Vimeo.

We are here today, on the 8th of March, to bring our fights to the street.
And as much as we are happy to take the streets together to make our fights visible, one day is not the measure of our resistance, when Patriarchy is oppressing us historically and systematically every day.
This is not a single celebratory day of fighting.
Every day is a fighting day for women* and queers against patriarchal oppression.
Every day women, queer, trans people are oppressed, raped, abused and discriminated against.
Every day patriarchy gives us a reason to be angry.

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March 29, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on It / En/ An update on “Renata” operation against anarchists in Trentino (Italy)

It / En/ An update on “Renata” operation against anarchists in Trentino (Italy)

via: roundrobin.info
And insuscettibilediravvedimento
[Below English translation].
Operazione “Renata”: Aggiornamento
Pubblichiamo, in ritardo per un disguido tecnico, questo aggiornamento ricevuto il 20/03 :
I giudici del riesame hanno considerato insussistenti le accuse di terrorismo, quindi il 270bis e le aggravanti. Il reato ipotizzato ora è quello di 270 ossia associazione sovversiva. Ad ogni modo le compagne e i compagni rimangono per ora in carcere.
Tutti liberi, tutte libere!
[Tratto da roundrobin.info].
An update on “Renata” operation against anarchists in Trentino (Italy)
[Note of roundrobin.info website]: We are posting, delayed due to a technical problem, this update received on 20/03:
The judges of the review [“giudici del riesame”, in Italian] considered the accusations of terrorism to be non-existent, therefore the 270bis accuse and the aggravating ones. The alleged crime is now of 270 or rather “subversive association”. In any case, the comrades remain in prison for now.
All free!

March 29, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on IT/EN,”Scintilla” repressive operation (Italy): Niccolò transferred to Cuneo prison

IT/EN,”Scintilla” repressive operation (Italy): Niccolò transferred to Cuneo prison

Niccolò Blasi, anarchist arrested 7.02.2019 in the context of the repressive “Scintilla” operation – which involved the eviction of the Asilo Occupato in Turin and the arrest of six people (two of whom were subsequently released from prison following the fall of the “subversive association” accusation) -, was again transferred, this time from the prison of Ivrea to that of Cuneo.

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March 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Ukraine : Who’s to judge? About the shooting attack on the courthouse in Kiev.

Ukraine : Who’s to judge? About the shooting attack on the courthouse in Kiev.

One of the windows  of Holosiivskyi courthouse.
The time has come to elaborate further on our attack  https://bo-ak.org/index.php/en/news/149-anarchist-attack-on-goloseevsky-district-court-building-in-kiev on Holosiivskyi district court in Kiev.
Among the commentaries on the attack, we’ve read more than once that some people don’t understand our motives. They don’t get how does Azat Miftakhov’s arrest in Moscow have anything to do with a courthouse in Kiev. We’ll try to explain, because it’s important to get this seemingly obvious message across.
Choosing the target:
We decided to go for a government court building. A lot of us have a good idea of what exactly is a courthouse today. Who among us hasn’t been in court? Who’s never had a friend or acquaintance on trial? Everyone felt this utter disdain for judicial robes, those who are fainter of heart – even fear. Why do we have to respect and accept them? Someone gave them the right to take our freedom and our lives, so now they sit there, up high, when you are languishing underneath, behind bars, with a watchdog in uniform hovering over you.
Court, as every other body of legislative, executive or judicial power, is a tool in the hands of the State. A tool for suppression of any civilian activities that pose a threat to the government.
All authoritarian states (and all states are) allow protest activities right up until the moment they become a real danger, or until the capitalist system can still sell this protest at a profit.

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March 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Turin, Italy : Expulsion orders following the latest hearing of the ”Scripta Manent” trial 

Turin, Italy : Expulsion orders following the latest hearing of the ”Scripta Manent” trial 

Yet another expulsion order from Turin delivered following one of the numerous actions of solidarity with those who struggle and those who are struck by repression.
In particular this order refers to the presence in the bunker court on 11th February in solidarity with those on trial for Scripta Manent; but it should be seen in the whole month of struggle following the arrests in Turin and Trento and the eviction of Asilo. 
That day, during a pause in public prosecutor Sparagna’s statement, the 62 people present in court read a communique that said:

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March 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Argentina: Update on the Cruel and Inhumane Treatment of Anarchist Prisoner Anahi Salcedo

Argentina: Update on the Cruel and Inhumane Treatment of Anarchist Prisoner Anahi Salcedo

Anahi Salcedo has been held in Ezeiza Prison since January 10th. She is on remand accused of the explosive attack against the tomb of the infamous, genocidal torturer, Commissioner Ramón Falcón, Chief of the Argentine Federal Police that took place on November 14th, 2018 – 109 years since Falcón was executed by Anarchist comrade Simón Radowitzky.
Anahi received serious injuries to her hand and face, allegedly following the premature detonation of a homemade explosive device at the tomb. At the time of her arrest, Anahi lost three fingers on one hand and suffered serious injuries to the rest of her body including a fracture of the clavicle on her other arm.

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March 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on ”Operation Panico”, Italy : News from the hearing of 12th March 2019

”Operation Panico”, Italy : News from the hearing of 12th March 2019

Today there the hearing concerning the  consultants for the defence was held. Statements were given by forensic consultants, an explosives expert, and again the prosecutor’s geneticist, with the cross-examination of the defence. In order not to bore anybody we won’t write a detailed summary, but as a matter of fact it went pretty well; the prosecutor didn’t seem to cut a great figure.
In conclusion, the judges decided to examine the experts’ reports with their super partes experts, regarding forensic genetics (probably they will take DNA samples from Ghespe, as this hasn’t been analysed so far), statistic biology (given the perplexities that have emerged in connection with the statistical analysis of data which should not be valid in terms of evidence) and the legal-medical report. So the trial has been rescheduled as follows:
14th March – Official statements by the court/prosecutor/defence experts
4th April – Experts’ statements; prosecutor’s statement on environmental interceptions (which haven’t been submitted yet)
11th April – Prosecutor’s/civil parties’ summing up
12th and 18th April – defence’s summing up
The dates of repetitions and sentencing will be probably fixed at a later time.
Translated by act for freedom now!
via: :panicoanarchico.noblogs.


March 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Madrid, Spain : Attack on the structures of the city

Madrid, Spain : Attack on the structures of the city

In the context of the week of ‘Agitation and propaganda against gentrification and capitalist speculation, and in defence of squats’, two vehicles owned by the firms ‘E-Move’ and ‘Car to Go’ were set on fire in the neighbourhood of Arganzuela and Prosperidad.
We find ourselves in the face of the consolidation of the latest democratic reinvention and of the renewed illusion on the outworn structures of the State and on parliamentary institutions. The irruption of the ‘new politics’ on the political scene has been exploited by the system in order to renew its own structures of domination and to give them a new nourishment of legality, after they had been devastated in the years of the crisis.  As the electoral path was gaining strength, street agitation was decreasing. As always.
At the same time we had to face infiltrations and cohabitation in so called ‘social movements’ by politicians and leaders, who exploited all attempts at  struggle, amidst various white signs of Podemos intent to share the cake of municipal power. It is becoming more and more normal to see characters such as Errejón [one of the founders of Podemos] taking part in protests against migrants’ detention centres and members of parliament during evictions, as in Via Argumosa, and to see municipal councillors and other kinds of politicians infesting squatted or non-squatted social centres, one meeting or the other…

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March 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Czech Republic updates 27/03/2019 : What is Fénix 2 about

Czech Republic updates 27/03/2019 : What is Fénix 2 about

In April 2015, first accusations appeared and first part of Fénix started. In March 2018, Higher court in Prague dropped all the charges for all people involved in the case. Meanwhile, the second part of Fénix arrised and this article explains, what is it about.

From first to the second part

When the police started operation Fénix, some media claimed, that SRB (Network of Revolutionary Cells) was scattered. Yet sabotages and arson attacks continued and the amount of them raised. Soon, it became obvious, that it’s going to be hard to connect accused people with those activities, so the police started to “investigate”.
They focused on interrogations, analyses of materials seized in home raids and also on tracking people. Among them, there was also an anarchist Lukáš Borl, who decided to go underground at the end of the summer, because of harassment of him and his close ones by the police. In the winter 2016 police profiled Lukáš as “wanted” and claimed as dangerous and armed. Since this moment, we can talk about the beginning of Fénix 2.
On 4th of October, Lukáš was captured in Most by police officer Zdeněk Prošek. He told him the charges, which he was accused of several months ago, without his presence. At that moment he found out, what they were about.
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March 27, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Czech Republic: Trial against the accused of Operation Fenix 2

Czech Republic: Trial against the accused of Operation Fenix 2

On April 8th, 10th and 12th, 2019, the trial with 4 anarchists and one environmentalist accused in operation Fenix 2 will be taking place at the district court of Most, every day at 8:30 a.m. Come to support them at the courthouse or by any solidarity action. Let them know you are not apathetic to their future as you are not towards the freedom of all of us. Any way of expressing support is welcomed!
Ve dnech 8., 10. a 12. dubna 2019 proběhne soudní líčení se čtyřmi anarchisty a jedním environmentalistou obviněnými v kauze Fénix 2. Podpořte obviněné přímo u soudu nebo jinou solidární akcí. Dejte najevo, že jejich budoucnost, stejně jako svoboda nás všech vám není lhostejná. Jakékoliv vyjádření podpory je vítáno! Soud bude probíhat každý den od 8:30 u okresního soudu v Mostě.
via: 325