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Brexiteers ramble on in verdant home counties

Brexiteers ramble on in verdant home counties

Even ardent Leavers can't quite put their finger on what a successful Brexit would mean for their day-to-day lives. It seems Brexit is a liberation without content, a liberation that consists entirely of feeling liberated.

With nobody steering the ship, Brexit drifts into uncharted waters

With nobody steering the ship, Brexit drifts into uncharted waters

Despite eight votes on Brexit options (and a pledge from Theresa May to resign), nobody won in the House of Commons today.

Will Brexit be solved by tomorrow? Haha, no.

Will Brexit be solved by tomorrow? Haha, no.

Tomorrow, UK Parliament will debate and vote on a number of alternative Brexit proposals. But it's still highly unlikely that will resolve anything.

UK parliament is moving to take control of Brexit

UK parliament is moving to take control of Brexit

During a temporary absence of Theresa May, The House of Commons begins to hammer out some options to fix Brexit, writes Crikey's correspondent-at-large.

The many faces of the 'Put It To The People' Brexit march

The many faces of the 'Put It To The People' Brexit march

London is a city with one thing on its mind: Brexit. And it's not just the usual suspects marching in Theresa May's disintegrating England, finds Crikey's correspondent-at-large.

Panic (and confusion) on the streets of London

Panic (and confusion) on the streets of London

Crikey's correspondent at large, now on the ground in London, shares some street scenes from the unfolding Brexit catastrophe.

May and her cabinet should resign immediately

May and her cabinet should resign immediately

A "backstop" agreement has undone Theresa May's chances of avoiding further chaos. She should now resign.

Welcome to the new Milibandism

Welcome to the new Milibandism

While Bill Shorten's campaign has echoes of Ed Miliband's ill-fated 2015 UK Labour platform, Shorten has a secret weapon: Scott Morrison.

Corbyn's Labour facing trouble on all fronts after seven MPs defect

Corbyn's Labour facing trouble on all fronts after seven MPs defect

The breakaway "Independent Group" of Labor MPs have joined the crossbench to protest Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit stance. But apart from some lofty words, do they stand for anything?

Why it's simply impassable! Brexit deal enters an absurd Wonderland.

Why it's simply impassable! Brexit deal enters an absurd Wonderland.

With the latest moves on Brexit in the House of Commons, absurdity and governance have fused completely.