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Frydenberg shapes budget in a statistical fog

Frydenberg shapes budget in a statistical fog

The Reserve Bank has the luxury of waiting for new data to clarify the state of the economy, but Josh Frydenberg has had to prepare the budget amid general confusion about whether the economy is slowing.

Coalition's big tax credentials confirmed by Reserve Bank

Coalition's big tax credentials confirmed by Reserve Bank

The Reserve Bank has confirmed that income taxes have risen far more quickly than usual in recent years, demonstrating the Coalition's claim to being the big tax party of Australian politics.

The party of open borders now says it will close the door? Unlikely.

The party of open borders now says it will close the door? Unlikely.

For nearly two decades the Coalition has been committed to an open-door policy for workers and foreign students in service to a neoliberal agenda. Now this, too, has backfired on them.

US example makes a mockery of Australia's wage denialists

US example makes a mockery of Australia's wage denialists

Claims that minimum wage increases hurt employment have now been completely discredited. Time for advocates of wage stagnation to find another argument.

What the Reserve Bank did — and didn't — say about climate change

What the Reserve Bank did — and didn't — say about climate change

The Reserve Bank has confirmed that banks, business and investors must think about the economic impacts of climate change — and that is what it is doing in its monetary policy decisions.

Shopping for ScoMo? Morrison kills consumer sentiment in NSW.

Shopping for ScoMo? Morrison kills consumer sentiment in NSW.

Retail sales figures show NSW consumers shutting their wallets from August last year, when Scott Morrison became Prime Minister.

Outbreak of the wage wars leaves Coalition and its apologists flat-footed

Outbreak of the wage wars leaves Coalition and its apologists flat-footed

Wages growth has surged onto the election agenda and the Coalition and business are visibly at a loss about how to respond to Labor's offensive.

Wage stagnation is the front line of a class war

Wage stagnation is the front line of a class war

Business' refusal to pay higher wages, and the indifference of policymakers towards the issue, is an act of economic warfare by wealthy elites against ordinary people.

Morrison's recession hysteria comes back to bite him as economy softens

Morrison's recession hysteria comes back to bite him as economy softens

Scott Morrison has been hysterically talking about a Labor recession. Instead, the economy has stalled since he became prime minister.

Australia's ruling class is in denial. The AFR's business summit proves it.

Australia's ruling class is in denial. The AFR's business summit proves it.

Australia's business elite remains convinced all it needs to do to restore community trust is offer a better "narrative". It's a view only the deeply delusional and out of touch could possibly hold.