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Labor’s patchwork climate policy a retreat from past bravery

Labor has retreated to a shopping list of emissions abatement measures rather than attempt a more economically efficient solution. And its mates will be looked after, as always.

Resentment brews against a Brexit border in Northern Ireland

There is Brexit anger in the Irish borderlands, where protesting locals remember what a hard border really looks like.

Australia gets new Beijing envoy as Morrison tries second China ‘reset’

After a tumultuous few years, incoming ambassador Graham Fletcher inherits a job that will require the navigation of some fraught waters

What will happen to the orphans of Australia’s Islamic State fighters?

Western governments are scrambling to distance themselves from the families of Islamic State fighters. And as more children emerge from the ruins, the problem is only going to get worse.

How populism is robbing India’s election of the robust reporting it needs

How can journalism remain objective when faced with carefully curated social media instead of press conferences, and an attitude that criticism makes you an enemy of the people?

How did the lucky country end up with an energy crisis?

Australia is a continent full of abundant energy resources. Yet it seems we are facing an energy crisis. Exactly how has it all gone wrong?

Cut and paste your national security hype HERE

Another budget, another drop to a News Corp journalist about amazing extra funding being given to our security agencies.

One Nation NRA scandal shows the limits of spin

Crikey readers discuss Al Jazeera's One Nation expose and the apparent dangers of donating to the LNP.

Trending news

The Project is one of Ten’s few winners, but who’s watching (and where)?

Ratings have been slipping for The Project (and other news programs) for years now — but the numbers alone don't tell the full story.

Changing of the guard at the ABC as high profile presenters retire

With prime hosting gigs soon to open at Insiders, Q&A and ABC radio, who will the ABC be considering for its next generation of star hosts?

How The Project started setting the news agenda

The Project has grown up from a scrappy panel show on the sidelines to setting the news agenda, landing exclusive interviews with two prime ministers in a week.

How blaming the Greens went from far-right talking point to mainstream debate

The post-Christchurch culture war has seen a backlash against the Greens. The latest attack, which has its roots in the bowels of the internet, is nothing new.

Morrison refuses to rule out One Nation preference

Good morning, early birds. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has not ruled out preferencing One Nation despite the party's US gun-lobby scandal, and carbon emissions hit record highs in 2018 partially due to increased coal use. It's the news you need to know, with Chris Woods.

Morrison wanted mass detention centres for refugees

Good morning, early birds. Scott Morrison allegedly planned to build mass-detention centres for asylum seekers on community bridging visas, and the Coalition and Greens push for respective media reforms. It's the news you need to know, with Chris Woods.

Radicalisation is thriving through both old and new media

The flurry of finger-pointing between social and traditional media regarding the amplification of hate-speech misses the point.

While New Zealand heals, Australia’s culture war rolls on

The Christchurch attacks have brought New Zealand together. But in Australia, the home of the alleged killer, we keep fighting, and refuse to change.

Also trending

Does the ABC need conservative voices?

At the launch of his new book, Jonathan Holmes asks if more right-wing voices are needed at our national broadcaster.

How blaming the Greens went from far-right talking point to mainstream debate

The post-Christchurch culture war has seen a backlash against the Greens. The latest attack, which has its roots in the bowels of the internet, is nothing new.

Pauline and the paranoid style in Australian politics

For Pauline Hanson, everything can be blamed on a conspiracy theory. In fact, paranoia is fundamental to her political existence.


They really said that?

We fully understand this decision might upset millions of people but boring seems to be what people want so we’re happy to accommodate the lust for boringness.


The NT News ($) editor announces the paper will stop doing front-page gags. And why yes it is April 1, why do you ask?

 Suck it and see

Suck it and see

Welcome to For Your Information. This week, Helen cleans out the bulldust about vacuum cleaners.

 Sustaining the swamp

Sustaining the swamp

This week: how significant should significance be, lucky Aussie philosophers take on the world, Trump is only the start of corruption in the US, and getting to grips with white supremacist ideologies.

Morrison’s world of hurt over One Nation preferences

Scott Morrison tried — belatedly — to do the right thing on One Nation preferences, but the issue has turned toxic for him within his own ranks.

The Coalition will need a huge budget upset to shift the polls

Contrary to what you read in the press, voters don't shift dramatically every fortnight in their support for political parties. That requires something genuinely massive, which is what Josh Frydenberg will need to produce on Tuesday.

New report on the economic impact of climate change policy is total garbage

With the release of a new report, questions need to be asked about the fossil fuel lobby, where our information about climate change comes from, and how biased views are detrimentally affecting our future.

Is Australia’s gun lobby as big as the NRA?

A new report says Australia's gun lobby is as big as America's notorious National Rifle Association. Do the numbers all stack up?

How the major parties can win over Chinese-Australian voters

Finely tuned messaging will be the key in tipping over undecided Chinese voters — and it is harder than it looks.

What is the ABC for?

Crikey tries to unravel and distill some of the crucial questions we think the ABC should be asking itself in this post-Guthrie/Milne era.

Coalition announces major road spending splurge

The Coalition has announced a cash injection into its Roads of Strategic Importance highway program, as Labor announces its major emissions package will not use Kyoto Agreement carry-over credits. It's the news you need to know, with Chris Woods.

Get ahead of the headlines with The Worm.
Free to your inbox every weekday morning.

The Project is one of Ten’s few winners, but who’s watching (and where)?

Ratings have been slipping for The Project (and other news programs) for years now — but the numbers alone don't tell the full story.

Al Jazeera’s One Nation sting wasn’t just legally solid, it was ethically responsible too

Al Jazeera's expose of One Nation's NRA designs was a masterclass in the power — and responsibility — of journalists to keep democracy transparent.

How The Project started setting the news agenda

The Project has grown up from a scrappy panel show on the sidelines to setting the news agenda, landing exclusive interviews with two prime ministers in a week.

Does the ABC need conservative voices?

At the launch of his new book, Jonathan Holmes asks if more right-wing voices are needed at our national broadcaster.

Anatomy of a sting: how Al Jazeera blew the lid off One Nation

How does an undercover sting go from investigating a powerful gun lobby to upsetting a minor party on the other side of the world? Crikey takes a look at how sting operations unfold.

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