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The Art of the Interview

The Art of the Interview

The art of the political interview: tips for news players

The art of the political interview: tips for news players

Young journo? Newbie politician? Crikey talked to the experts for tips on how the get the best out of an interview (or at least, avoid the worst).

The Crikey Awards for Best Blunders and Backfires in political interviews

The Crikey Awards for Best Blunders and Backfires in political interviews

We've scoured back through the archives to hand out some overdue awards. The top prize should not come as a surprise.

Introducing the Crikey Awards for Excellence and Hilarity in Political Interviews

Introducing the Crikey Awards for Excellence and Hilarity in Political Interviews

We've scoured our memories and the archives to hand out some overdue awards to the best, worst, most embarrassing and just generally funny political interviews.

The art of the political interview: how to survive a bollocking from Barrie Cassidy

The art of the political interview: how to survive a bollocking from Barrie Cassidy

Wayne Swan, Nick Minchin and Anne Aly discuss courage under (journalistic) fire, and the dreaded He Who Shall Not Be Named (SPOILER: it's Laurie Oakes).

The art of the political interview: the interrogators reveal their hand

The art of the political interview: the interrogators reveal their hand

How do you break down obstinate stonewalling? How do you catch an evasive pollie? Find out, in part one of our brand-new mini-series.