Submission guidelines

Crikey is always looking for sharp, interesting and thought-provoking stories. Here’s some information to help get your idea or tip to our readers.


Crikey’s aim is very simple: to bring its readers the inside word on what’s really going on in politics, government, media, business, culture, language, the arts, sport and other aspects of public life in Australia. 

Read more about us here.


Do you know something that Crikey’s readers should know? You can provide information anonymously at this link.


Crikey has a proud history of publishing new writers and voices outside the mainstream. We publish reportage, analysis and humour writing on the topics listed above.

The best way to understand Crikey‘s approach to news and opinion is to subscribe. You can do that here.

The average article length for freelance pieces is 700 words. While we are responsive to the daily news cycle we also accept many pitches that take a broader view or give context to an issue in the news.

To send a pitch, email a few short sentences explaining your approach, proposed interviews or sources and anything that might make you specially qualified to write the piece. You may also send completed pieces, which meet the word length.

Crikey pays a minimum of $150 per published, 700-word article, but rates may vary depending on the type of article.  

Please send pitches and articles to [email protected]. We endeavour to respond in a timely way, but it gets pretty busy around here and we are a small team.


  1. End of year wraps. If there’s a smart angle on the year that has been in our topic areas (politics in its broadest sense, media, business, technology or culture) we’d love to hear it. We would need these pitches by December 13 and filed by December 17.
  2. Culture pieces. From film and TV to comedy, online culture, theatre, music, food and visual art — we’re after big trend, comment and feature pieces that speak to a broad audience and reflect on power structures, history or a perspective that’s often overlooked. We would need these pitches by December 13 and filed by December 17.
  3. Summer reads. These are a big harder to define but here we’re looking for more personal stories set in places all over Australia that might suit the slower pace of January. A surprising, well-written story about your community or surrounds that would have a broader resonance. We would need these pitches by December 19 and filed over the Christmas/New Year period.
  4. Humour! Political and cultural ‘satire’ and nonsense, hit us with your jokes. We would need these pitches by December 19 and filed over the Christmas/New Year period.

Send those December pitches to [email protected]

Good luck!