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Coal is a killer and will poison Morrison's pork barrel

Coal is a killer and will poison Morrison's pork barrel

The Morrison government is promising to consider spending billions to build something that will kill large numbers of people in the communities around it.

Upturning the Monopoly board: Australian consumers need company merger reform

Upturning the Monopoly board: Australian consumers need company merger reform

Monopolies are increasingly forcing Australian consumers to settle for little choice, low quality and high prices. Tighter controls on mergers could flip the story.

Will consumers get a look-in when it comes to breaking up Big Tech?

Will consumers get a look-in when it comes to breaking up Big Tech?

The regulatory tide has turned against big tech companies with a vengeance — but will consumer interests be addressed in the rush to regulate?

FOFA II? Pushback from rentseekers begins anew

FOFA II? Pushback from rentseekers begins anew

A segment of the financial planning industry continues to see itself as the real victim of banking scandals and is desperate to stop any reform.

With friends like these: the Coalition's superannuation fail

With friends like these: the Coalition's superannuation fail

New data on superannuation fund assets shows just how spectacular a failure the government's superannuation agenda has been.

Morrison's 'soil magic' fund transformed to a fully-fledged pork barrel

Morrison's 'soil magic' fund transformed to a fully-fledged pork barrel

The Emissions Reduction Fund was used by Tony Abbott as a scam to channel pork to Coalition supporters while pretending it would address climate change. Now Scott Morrison faces the same problem, so he's doing the same thing.

Labor panders to dairy farmers with 'harebrained' milk proposal

Labor panders to dairy farmers with 'harebrained' milk proposal

Labor's proposal for a floor price for milk reflects an inability to see that agriculture is an industry like any other.

What Hayne should have done

What Hayne should have done

Kenneth Hayne failed to tackle the structural flaws of the financial industry in his royal commission recommendations. This is what he should have suggested.

Hayne can't turn an ASIC watchpoodle into an attack dog

Hayne can't turn an ASIC watchpoodle into an attack dog

Kenneth Hayne's retention of the current consumer protections for financial services will guarantee a repeat of ASIC's failings for a long time to come.

Beware vested interests on the 'credit squeeze' and property price spin

Beware vested interests on the 'credit squeeze' and property price spin

The Australian media is screaming about the sky falling but, once again, the facts don't really back that up.