Mick Mulvaney tells outrageous lie guaranteeing everyone will keep health coverage if Obamacare is repealed

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on Sunday promised that no one would lose health care insurance if the Trump administration is successful in striking down the Affordable Care Act in federal court.

“There are 8.5 million people enrolled in Obamacare in 2019,” ABC host Jonathan Karl told Mulvaney during an interview on Sunday. “You also have another 61 million who have preexisting conditions and have been able to get health insurance in part because of the guarantee that they can get heath coverage under Obamacare. And also about 6 million Americans who are 26 and younger are on their parents health plans because of Obamacare.”


“Can you guarantee that if you succeed in court that all of those tens of millions of people who have health coverage guaranteed because of Obamacare will not lose their coverage?” Karl asked.

“Yes,” Mulvaney replied. “Every single plan that this White House has put forward since Donald Trump has been elected has coverage of preexisting conditions. Every plan that Republicans in the House voted on in the previous Congress covered preexisting conditions.”

“The debate about preexisting conditions is over and both parties support them,” he continued. “And anyone telling you anything different is lying to you for political gain.”

Mulvaney, however, did not explain why Republicans have not already put their health care law in place ahead of Obamacare’s potential repeal.


Watch the video below from ABC.

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