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President Donald Trump didn’t want to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court last year because he was waiting for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to die first. In bizarre logic...

Trump vows to help ‘future generations’ by opening new investigation into the Russia ‘hoax’

President Donald Trump is singing his own praises for a plan to investigate the investigation into him.

Sword-wielding Trump fan wearing MAGA hat attacks skater outside San Francisco roller-rink

According to a witness, the attacker was yelling homophobic slurs before the bloody altercation began.

The 2020 election might have the highest turnout in a century — and we’re not ready

One of the most underreported stories of 2018 was the unbelievable turnout during a midterm election in the last 100 years, EclectaBlog wrote Sunday, and 2020 will likely be the same. But are we ready for it?

Voters rip GOP senator at town halls for not standing up to Trump — and now she might lose re-election

“Is there no line Trump can cross that would cause you to break ranks with him?”

Mussolini granddaughter defends Trump in attack on Jim Carrey over Twitter post about ‘fascism’

In a series of tweets on Sunday morning, the granddaughter of Italian strongman Benito Mussolini lashed out at actor Jim Carrey -- and defended Donald Trump.

Former Manafort associate helping African politicians accused of corruption meet with DC lawmakers: report

Meetings being held at at the Trump International Hotel near the White House.

Conservative writer suffered white-hot meltdown after embarrassing story about her marriage spread online

Far-right personality DC McAllister repeatedly lashed out at critics on Saturday after posting an embarrassing story about her marriage on Twitter.

White House staffers rebelling against Trump’s ‘terrible and unworkable’ border shutdown: report

According to sources working within the White House, close aides to Donald Trump are stumped on how the government will implement the president’s demand to close the U.S./Mexico border and are crossing their fingers he abandons the plan.

Trump’s ‘fake economy’ has finally been exposed

Donald Trump's "strong economy" is a fake economy, one based on disjointed factoids and zero analysis

Fox News viewers explode at Chris Wallace for asking Kellyanne Conway about her dysfunctional marriage

Possibly what elicited the anger against Wallace was Conway’s curious answer about her husband being “jealous” of her high profile which led her to mount a defense that may raise even more questions about the real state of her marriage.

Kremlin responds to Mueller report: Moscow wins and the US is a ‘pain in the ass’

“A mountain has given birth to a mouse. The ‘Russian affair’ falls to pieces before our eyes.” So pronounced the Russian news site Gazeta.ru, as word of the completed Mueller report swept around the world.