Write for us

Submission process for The Big Smoke

Since the concept of The Big Smoke was conceived, writers – especially emerging ones – made it clear that they were longing for a balanced and dynamic platform through which to have their work exhibited. This validated for us that TBS was needed in Australia and needed now.

We at TBS are after one thing, and one thing only – fine, edgy, opinion writing. It doesn’t have to be grandiose – some of our favourite articles are under-the-radar pieces that resonate with the secret lives we all have. But we also like big articles – pieces that deal with the pressing questions of our age. Gay Marriage. Labor reform. Reconciliation. Kyle Sandilands.

If your piece is simply an angry rant without substance, then we will treat you like a noisy toddler in a café – you will be dead to us. So, don’t send us pieces about ‘WTF Jacqui Lambi’ or ‘pornography is actually liberating’ or ‘I hate right wingers because yolo’ or ‘why young people are disengaged with the political process’ unless you’re prepared to actually add something dynamic to these well-worn themes.

Our readers are smart, switched on, sophisticated and don’t have lots of time. So, we want writers who grab readers from the first word and leave them changed. You can be an absolute a-hole and that’s fine with us, because we’re not here to tell you what to think. But we also don’t wanna have to tell you how to write either.

Please pitch to us first to editor@thebigsmoke.com.au. Pitches should be succinct but informative, giving a clear scope to your intended work. A small paragraph per idea should do it. If we like it, we’ll let you know. If you haven’t heard from us in a week, then you may send a follow up email.

After submitting an article, we will require you to sign our licensing form and email us the following: a headshot (in JPEG format), a twitter username (if applicable) and a 2-3 line bio in the third person. (Please note: if your article has been accepted, and you have submitted the ‘Licence to publish form’, there is still no guarantee of publication)

We’re looking for 600-800 word articles (or thereabouts). Please format articles in Times font, 1.5 spacing and in DOC or DOCX format. No photographs are required unless negotiated with editor.

Content submitted must fall within the Terms and Conditions for all users of The Big Smoke.

A special note to illustrators: We want you too!

 Email editor @ thebigsmoke.com.au
