Blog Articles

Privately-Run Prisons to be Returned to Public Management

The Queensland Government has announced that it will spend $111million over the next four years, returning two privately run prisons to state management. The Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre and the Southern Queensland Correctional Centre (SQCC), two high-security prisons, are currently run by private operators. However the Government will now take over these contracts in response ...

Company Director Accused of Multi-Million Dollar Fraud

A former director of cruise ship company Cruise & Maritime Voyages has been charged with multiple fraud offences arising from allegations she transferred a total of $2.4 million from a company bank account into her personal accounts without authorisation. 62-year old Susanne Hunter is required to appear in Downing Centre Local Court for allegedly making ...

Calls for Overhaul of Drug Driving Laws

Roadside drug testing was introduced into the NSW setting in 2007. Just like random breath testing (RBT) for alcohol, drug testing drivers was said to be brought in to improve safety on the roads. But, unlike RBT, it doesn’t test for driver impairment. It’s a trace-based program. The NSW testing regime was modelled on that ...

Coalition Re-Elected Despite its Assault on Civil Liberties. So What’s Next?

NSW has spoken. And at the polling booths the collective said that what it wants is another four years of the fun police. Premier Gladys Berejiklian is back with a majority, which means a resounding no to festivals, no to the night time economy and a “just say no” to drug decriminalisation. It’s been five ...

The Law on Filming a Private Act in New South Wales

A 36-year old tourist from Hong Kong is facing Waverley Local Court today over allegations he hid a camera inside a deodorant stick to film his roommate engaging in a private act at a Bondi hostel. Police allege the roommate – a 27-year old French tourist – noticed the device on the sink after she ...

Judges and Lawyers Must Assist Those Who Represent Themselves

Every year, tens of thousands of people represent themselves in courts across Australia. They may do this because they cannot afford a private lawyer, are not eligible for public legal assistance such as legal aid, or simply wish to present their own case without relying on another person. If you represent yourself in court, you ...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 18 to 24 March 2019

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: Right-Wing Extremists: The Real Terrorism Threat The slaughter of 50 innocent people in Christchurch has led to renewed calls for a focus on right-wing terrorists, posing as ‘nationalists’ and ‘patriots’. Click here to read the article Journalist Manhandled by Premier’s ...

Serial Hate Preacher Arrested Over Threats

Police have arrested and charged prolific hate preacher Nathan Sykes for allegedly making threats of violence against a Melbourne journalist. The ‘lieutenant’ of Australia’s most prominent white supremacist Jim Saleam, Mr Sykes has been charged with a number of offences including using a carriage service to threaten serious harm. The arrest comes after years of ...

The Stop the Adani Convoy: An Interview With Bob Brown

Adani announced last November that it plans to go ahead with a self-funded and scaled-down version of the overwhelmingly opposed Carmichael thermal coal mine in the central Queensland Galilee Basin. This is following the Indian mining giant’s inability to secure any private sector investment both here and overseas, after environmentalists successfully pressured financial institutions into ...

We Need Greater Police Accountability: An Interview With NSW Independent Bryn Hutchinson

Currently, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) is this state’s sole police watchdog. The statutory oversight body is charged with investigating allegations of serious police misconduct and monitoring NSW police critical incident investigations. The LECC replaced the functions of the Police Integrity Commission, the police division of the NSW Ombudsman and the inspector of the ...