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Yahoo! JAPAN - The Largest Portal Site in Japan

Plan to expand your business in Japan?  Yahoo! JAPAN delivers various advertising solutions to build your brand presence and provide the reach you want.


  • 81% of users using the internet from their offices or homes are unique users of Yahoo! JAPAN. Source: Nielsen NetView, Parent level data (Dec 2015, via PC access from both home & office (Apps not included))

    Able to reach 81% of entire Japanese internet users.

  • Yahoo! JAPAN also attracts nearly 65 billion page views per month. Source: Yahoo! JAPAN Financial Results Briefing Material(2015 First Quarter Settlement)

    Generates 2.1 billion page views per day and 65 billion page views per month.

  • The number of advertisers to 1.5 times from seven years ago. Source: Yahoo! JAPAN Research

    First choice of ad placement for marketers – the number of advertisers has grown 150% in last 7 years.

Comprehensive User Coverage

Attract wide-range of users by gender, age and occupation. Reach to people who matter to your business, delivering the right message.

The gender ratio of men to women is approximately 7:3.
Yahoo! JAPAN is utilized by wide range of people.
*All figures are based on the number of unique browsers with Yahoo! JAPAN user ID.
Source: Yahoo! JAPAN Research (August 2015)

Advertising Solutions

Offers a variety of custom solutions to build your brand, driving the response you want.

Promotional Ads

Advertising that triggers the user's action.
(Engaging prospective customers effectively)

Premium Ads

Advertising that remains in user's memory.

* Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited.

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