Category: Consorting

Tasmania to Enact Anti-Consorting Laws

By Zeb Holmes and Ugur Nedim The Tasmanian government is pushing through new legislation to criminalise the act of consorting with those who have ‘served their time’. Restricting associations The proposal would make it a crime for a convicted offender to associate with with another within five years of being given an official warning notice. ...

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter such as drug possession, drink driving or common assault, or accused of something as serious ...

NSW Police Crackdown is Devastating the Nimbin Community

NSW police carried out a series of six raids in Nimbin and Lismore on June 28 last year. A total of eleven men between the ages of 21 and 35 were arrested and charged with supplying marijuana. These men are known locally as the Lane Boys, as they used to frequent Rainbow Lane. In early September last ...

Motorcycle Club Member in Court Over Brawl

A high-ranking motorcycle club member is facing court after a brawl at Wallsend in the Hunter Valley just before Christmas – and police are talking tough, promising to crackdown on club members in the region. Police attended the scene on December 9, where they say a group of men were fighting with weapons including a ...

Legalise It: An interview with Australian Hemp Party President Michael Balderstone

It’s been a big year for marijuana in Australia. In February, federal parliament passed the Narcotic Drugs Amendment Bill 2016 allowing for the legal cultivation, manufacture and distribution of medicinal cannabis. Under the new system – which came into effect on October 30 – businesses can apply for a licence to grow the plant for medicinal purposes. ...

Anti-Consorting Laws Coming to Canberra

Most Australian states and territories have passed laws which make it a crime to associate with anyone who has a criminal record. Now, the ACT looks set to follow NSW, Queensland, Northern Territory, Victoria and South Australia in passing its version of ‘anti-consorting’ laws. The ACT government released its model for the proposed laws in ...

Friends with Someone who has a Record? There’s a Law Against That!

Recent figures reveal that NSW police have issued over 8,500 warnings and charged 54 people with ‘consorting’ over the past four years, renewing concerns that the laws unfairly target individuals for simply associating with those who have ‘done their time’ and want to get on with their lives. Controversial ‘anti-consorting’ laws came into effect in 2012 ...

Pretty in Pink: Prisoners Wearing Pink Uniforms

Going to prison involves a lot of changes, which can be stressful and daunting for those who are sent away for the first time. One of those changes is that inmates must wear prison uniforms. If you happened to be a member of an ‘outlaw motorcycle club’, the former Queensland government led by Campbell Newman ...

Anti-Bikie Laws Make a Mockery of the Law

Imagine being charged with a criminal offence and facing a six months in prison for simply having a few drinks at the pub with your partner. It might seem incomprehensible, but this is exactly what happened to a couple and their friend after they decided to have a couple of beers together. Library assistant Sally ...

Laws Against Motorcycle Club Members – Necessary or Just for Votes?

In the latest round of his crackdown on members of motorcycle clubs, NSW Premier Mike Baird has promised a new package of laws to complement existing “consorting laws” and further restrict communications between club members. Under the proposals, police will be invested with greater powers to ban club members from attending certain events and locations, ...