Category: Driving Without a Licence

Top 10 Offences For Which People Go to Prison

When you think of prison inmates, you might conjure up images of ‘hardened criminals’ locked away for violent and abhorrent crimes, like murder and paedophilia; but the fact is that many are in prison for non-violent offences. Rising Prison Population The NSW prison population hit an historic high this year of 11,100 inmates – which ...

Drink Driving Detective was Unlicensed for Over 20 Years

They’re supposed to set the standard for other road users to follow – but in an incident that calls into question the effectiveness of checks within the NSW Police Force, it has been reported that a police officer who was caught drink-driving has been unlicensed for over 20 years. 46-year-old Detective Sergeant Andrew John Clarke, who ...

Should Cyclists be Charged in the Same Way As Car Drivers?

Driving negligently or drink driving in a motor vehicle can lead to harsh penalties, especially if someone is injured as a result. But many cyclists may not be aware that they can also be liable for criminal charges and severe penalties if they are found to be riding their bicycles dangerously or while drunk. Usually ...

When can Police Suspend my Licence on the Spot?

Sometimes police can suspend your driver’s licence on the spot if they allege you have committed a serious traffic offence. They can do this immediately after you have been pulled-over, or within 48 hours afterwards. Driving licence suspension notices take effect either from the day which you received the notice in the mail or, if ...

Do I Have to Answer Police Questions if I’ve been in an Accident?

If you have been involved in a traffic accident you need to report the matter to the police as soon as possible. Failing to report an accident can leave you facing criminal charges. If you are concerned that you may face legal repercussions if the accident is deemed to be due to negligence on your ...

How can I remove my habitual offender declaration?

What is a habitual offender declaration? A habitual offender declaration is an order made by the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) against people who are found guilty of 3 or more ‘relevant traffic offences’ within 5 years. It basically means that after your court case is finished, the RMS will hit you with an extra ...

What Happens if You Are Declared a NSW Habitual Traffic Offender?

Being convicted of a traffic offence can lead to a number of penalties, including disqualification from driving and heavy fines. If you are guilty of of three or more major traffic offences within a five-year period, you will be declared a habitual traffic offender. What does it mean to be declared a habitual traffic offender? ...

What Are The Penalties For Driving While Suspended in NSW?

Having your driving licence suspended can cause a lot of inconvenience, especially if you need to drive to work, or to drop your children off at school or need a licence for work purposes. Even the simplest of everyday things, such as grocery shopping or catching up with friends, can be extremely difficult if you’re ...

Can I Drive once my Disqualification Period has Expired?

When your licence disqualification period expires, you are not permitted to drive until you have attended the Roads and Maritime Services (the ‘RMS’, previously called the RTA) and re-issued with a fresh licence. This is the case even if you were not ordered to surrender your licence in court. If you are not re-issued with ...