Category: Driving Without a Licence

NSW Police Set to Harass Traffic Offenders at their Homes

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim New South Wales police officers will be randomly “visiting” the homes of traffic offenders as part of a strategy which police commissioner Mick Fuller claims is designed to deter them from reoffending. Knock knock, it’s police Mr Fuller has directed officers to conduct “random” attendances at the homes of ...

Police Help Teens Learn to Drive

It’s not often we hear good news stories about police officers these days – with recent headlines dominated by reports of ‘bad cops’, bullying, police corruption and misconduct, right around Australia. But in an act of goodwill, officers in the Northern NSW town of Casino recently helped twenty disadvantaged youths to get their driver licences ...

Disqualified Drivers Can Now Apply to Get Their Licences Back

The Road Transport Amendment (Driver Licence Disqualification) Act came into effect on 28 October 2017, allowing certain disqualified drivers in NSW to apply to the local court for the removal of their disqualification periods. Who can apply? If you are a disqualified driver, you may apply for the removal of all disqualification periods where: Any ...

New Rules for Disqualified Driving

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim On 14 August, NSW attorney general Mark Speakman announced a suite of new reforms to driver licence disqualification laws. The changes, that will begin operation in late October, include pathways for driving whilst disqualified drivers to apply for their licence to be reinstated at an earlier stage. The minister said the amendments are ...

Disqualified Drivers: When Does An Additional Disqualification Period Commence?

By Jimmy Singh Traffic laws are complex and ever-changing, and our experience is that disqualified drivers are often misadvised about when any further disqualification period for a new offence (one committed while they were disqualified) will commence. That advice can lead to disappointment and frustration, as the driver may leave court under the misapprehension that ...

Drug Driving Charges Are On the Rise

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim Back in December 2015, the NSW government announced it was tripling the amount of roadside drug testing police were carrying out annually to 97,000 tests by 2017. And not surprisingly, the amount of people being charged with drug driving has more than tripled. Over the 24 months ending in June last year, ...

Man Set to Die in Prison for Traffic Offences

Marshall Wallace is an Aboriginal man from a remote outstation in the Northern Territory, who recently moved to Mount Isa with his wife, so he could undergo chemotherapy. Two weeks ago, he was pulled over by police and found to be driving without a licence. After a record check, police found that Mr Wallace had a ...

Do I Look Good in This? Man Sentenced for Stealing Barristers’ Outfit

The CCTV footage shows a man dressed as a barrister walking along the corridors of Geelong Magistrates Court, which would not normally cause any concern. But the problem is, it is the middle of the night, and the man in robes is not a barrister. It is a 33-year old Geelong man, Leigh Hansen, who ...

Facing Prison for Not Paying Road Toll

Imagine being slapped with a $50,000 fine for outstanding tolls – and being told you could face prison if you fail to pay. It might sound outrageous, but this is the situation confronting dozens of Victorian motorists each year – with many issued warrants to appear in court. But while desperate families struggle to pay ...

Operation ‘Arrive Alive’ Aims to Promote Safe Driving

As of Friday 18 December, police have invested extra resources into targeting drink driving, speeding and unlicensed driving in the lead up to Christmas. Police reported that on day one of the blitz, called ‘Operation Arrive Alive’, 48,916 breath tests were administered, 21 of which resulted in drink driving charges. Police issued 1273 speeding tickets ...