Category: Robbery Offences

Authorising the Unlawful: The Powers of Undercover Police in NSW

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim An unidentified man was sentenced to more than 10 years in prison last February for his part in the robbery of an Armaguard truck outside a Sydney shopping centre back in March 2013. However, police were initially concerned they didn’t have enough evidence to see him convicted. When the man ...

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter such as drug possession, drink driving or common assault, or accused of something as serious ...

Informed Public Prefers Rehabilitation Over Punishment

By Ugur Nedim and Zeb Holmes Politicians often invoke ‘tough on crime policies’ to win votes, and mainstream media outlets frequently publish sensationalised and highly misleading crime reports to muster an audience. The popularist rhetoric invoked by these power structures is often designed to create hysteria, demonise an ‘undesirable’ group and create an ‘us versus ...

Criminalising Sex Workers Leaves Them Vulnerable to Attack

At around 12.30 am on June 24, a security guard opened the door to an apartment in Enfield, north London, and a group of five men wielding knives entered the premises. Ms Maria Benito (not her real name) was taken into a room by one of the men, who demanded she give him money. The ...

NSW Crimes Rates are the Lowest in 40 Years

By Zeb Holmes and Ugur Nedim Crime rates across NSW have dropped to their lowest in 40 years. The latest annual report by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) has found that most major categories of crime have fallen or remained steady over the 24 months to December 2016. Specific Crime Rate ...

Preventative Programs are Primarily Responsible for Decline in NSW Crime

By Zeb Holmes and Ugur Nedim A Sydney criminologist believes that the implementation of preventative and diversionary strategies is the primary reason for most categories of crime declining across the state in recent years. Dr Garner Clancey, a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, points out that many offences have fallen by as much ...

Government to Deport Alleged Apex Gang Members

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim According to Victoria police, a good way to deal with the state’s crime problem is to deport young adult gang members. A parliamentary body is also considering whether those under the age of 18 can also be turfed out of the country. A list of people who are said ...

High Court Rules that Police Interview is Inadmissible

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim Richard Filihia was armed with a bowie knife when he entered a brothel on the night of October 24 2012. He stabbed the establishment’s receptionist Brian Gaudry, before fleeing with the cash he’d taken from the man’s back pocket. The receptionist subsequently died from his wounds. On the street, Filihia ...

Objection! That’s Hearsay.

We’ve all heard rumours which don’t seem to originate from the person who actually observed the subject event. And while we all have a general understanding of what hearsay means – information received from others which cannot be substantiated- the term has a precise and technical meaning in the legal context. Although hearsay evidence is ...

Neddy Smith: A Career in Crime

Standing at 6ft 6in, Arthur “Neddy” Smith – the infamous standover man – had a menacing aura. He was a leading underworld figure during the mid-1980s Sydney drug wars. And he drove fear into all he encountered. Today, the 72-year-old former armed robber and heroin dealer is serving two life sentences in Lithgow prison and his ...