Category: Common Assault

Fraser Anning’s Reaction to Being Egged: Assault or Self-Defence?

Most agree that Queensland senator Faser Anning’s public response to the terrorist massacre in Christchurch where 50 defenceless Muslims – including children – were slaughtered as they prayed in two mosques, has been nothing short of disgraceful. As a result, the senator has been censured by parliament and both the prime minister and opposition leader ...

Ben Barba May Be Banned for Life after Being Accused of Domestic Violence

The NRL top brass have been taking an increasingly tough stance on players accused of criminal offences in recent times. Now, CEO Todd Greenberg has announced that star player Ben Barba faces a life-long ban from the game after being accused of domestic violence. The story so far In case you missed it, Ben Barba, ...

Criminal Charges Tarnish Rugby League’s Reputation

The Australian Rugby League Commission, which controls and administrator the game, has announced a trial of new rules for junior players in a bid to stem the tide of kids leaving the sport. The shake-up is being described as the “most radical” in the sport’s 110-year history, as the embattled code tries to rebuild its ...

Arguments Over Games Escalate to Physical Violence

24-year old Manly Sea Eagles Rugby League star Dylan Walker is facing Manly Local Court today charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and common assault against his fiancée of the same age, Alexandra Ivkovic, last Thursday evening. Emergency services were called to the couple’s Dee Why home after Walker allegedly yanked the mother of ...

Is Hazing a Criminal Offence?

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim As stories continue to emerge of dangerous and sadistic initiation rituals on University campuses, it’s interesting to explore where ‘hazing’ stands in terms of the law in New South Wales. Earlier this year, the Red Zone Report into Australian universities was published by the organisation ‘End Rape on Campus’, ...

Ambos Under Attack: Paramedics Twice as Likely as Police to be Assaulted

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim In the wake of a spate of violent attacks on paramedics and emergency service workers, the Health Services Union (HSU) is calling for frontline staff to be fitted with body cameras in an attempt to deter would-be offenders and capture incidents as they occur. Latest incident Paramedics were called ...

Hazing Alive and Well in Australia

By Zeb Holmes and Ugur Nedim Being encouraged to ejaculate into the shampoo bottles of females students, lighting pubic hair on fire, posting photos of the underwear of sexual ‘conquests’, and dangerous binge drinking are just some of the rituals outlined in the 211-page Red Zone Report into Australian universities, which is the product of an ...

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter such as drug possession, drink driving or common assault, or accused of something as serious ...

NSW Police Officer Found Guilty of Assault and Perjury

A New South Wales police officer who tasered a man three times and then lied about the circumstances in court has been found guilty of both common assault and perjury. The story so far In June 2013, former police sergeant Nigel Davey was on solo patrol in Nowra on the NSW South Coast, when he ...

Man Faces Prison for Allegedly Head-Butting Tony Abbott

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim The man accused of head-butting Tony Abbott during his trip to Tasmania last month has had his charge upgraded. Hobart DJ Astro Labe was originally charged with common assault, but the charge against him has now been upgraded to ‘causing harm to a Commonwealth public official’, which carries a ...