
Free Open-Source participatory democracy for cities and organizations

Decidim is a digital platform
for citizen participation

Free and safe technology.
With all democratic guarantees.
Reprogramming democracy is now possible with Decidim.

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Decidim helps citizens, organizations and public institutions self-organize democratically at every scale.

Gala Pin
Gala Pin Barcelona City Hall

Thanks to Decidim, in Barcelona we have managed to co-produce a strategic city plan together with the citizens. In 2016 we inaugurated the Municipal Action Plan in the form of a participatory process through Decidim Barcelona. Currently, this plan includes almost 7 thousand citizen proposals. One of the advantages of using this platform is that you can monitor at all times the state of implementation of the approved proposals.


It analyses the submitted proposals and promotes a new way of distributing common resources.

Citizen’s initiatives
and consultations

Empower your community through citizen initiatives. Promote relevant voting through consultations.

The power
of a political network

It takes deliberation, collaboration and decision to a massive dimension, with thousands of people participating in real time.

Yaiza Blanch
Yaiza Blanch Som Energia

With the implementation of Decidim in Som Energia we have generated a kinder space for participation. We released the tool in 2018, hosting the General Assembly of the Cooperative and months later we debated the Image Redesign and collaborative development of the School of Som Energia, among other participatory processes. In a few months, more than 3,500 participant people have registered, 5 participatory processes, 3 assemblies operating and more than 1,300 votes in the last General Assembly vote.

They are already using Decidim

Ismael Peña
Ismael Peña Generalitat de Catalunya

Decidim is a key tool in the strategy of citizen participation of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Beyond offering a platform to facilitate online participation, Decidim is a fundamental instrument of knowledge management and participation that, in addition, incorporates values, methodologies and a multipurpose set of tools with a high potential for transforming the relationship between the Administration and the citizen.

A democratic
and flexible system

Thanks to its modular architecture and scalable logic, you can configure a powerful system of democratic governance in all kinds of organizations.

We take democracy
very seriously

Decidim ensures transparency, traceability and integrity of information like never before. It provides security, privacy and confidentiality to all participants.

It's yours.
Share it. Improve it.

A platform designed entirely with free software, open and collaborative content thanks to the community Metadecidim.