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VWL sponsors events and publications on issues and topics of interest to its members. To apply for sponsorship or support from VWL:
• Read VWL Policy on Sponsorship and requests for support • Submit a written application, addressing the principles contained in the Policy, to



The generous support of project sponsor the Law Institute of Victoria and the sponsor firms below allows VWL to provide a diverse and engaging annual program of events, contribute to policy reform initiatives, and meaningfully pursue its central mission of protecting women's rights.

Those interested in sponsoring VWL, or its projects or events, should contact our Sponsorship Officer.

VWL members within our sponsor firms support us through active participation in the VWL community - attending events, joining committees and working groups, contributing to publications and submissions, and adding their voice to the conversation.

VWL likes to highlight the work of these women lawyers, and to share their thoughts with our members. Each month we profile one of these women on this page.

This month we spotlight: Meg Aitken of K & L Gates
Allens Minter Ellison Maurice Wotton+Kearney Clayton UTZ Maddocks K&L Gates

Sigma Law in Order Nicholes Keypoint Law Justitia KHQ Svenson