open source

Open Source Circular Economy in Rome, here is the programme

Here is the (not 100% definitive yet!) of the "Local,Circular, Exponential" event, already announced here, that will take place on June 9th 2018 in Rome as part of the worldwide OSCE Days (please remember that free but mandatory registration is needed, and that you may share the news also through this Facebook event)

Open Source Circular Economy meeting in Rome

This is the challenge of the meeting named "Locale, Circolare, Esponenziale" (Local, Circular, Exponential) that will take place from 10am to 6pm on June 9th, 2018 in Rome as part of the worldwide "OSCE Days 2018". The meeting is organized by OuiShare Italia, Makesense Roma, Free Knowledge Institute and coworking space Millepiani.

CommonsCloud in action!!

Since long that we wanted to start an alternative to the dominant proprietary web platforms, and today FemProcomuns (of which FKI is a founding member) is opening a campaign at the Goteo crowdfunding platform to put into action the CommonsCloud and involve, share and call for support from all people and collectives that share concern for privacy and collective self-organisation of online platforms.

After the DiDIY Project: future FKI work on Digital DIY

DiDIY (Digital Do-It-Yourself) is a complex sociocultural phenomenon, still at its beginnings and rapidly evolving. FKI and the other members of the DiDIY Consortium studied DiDIY in depth from 2015 to 2017, in the context of the Horizon2020 DiDIY Project. During that research, FKI looked at DiDIY mainly, but not exclusively, from the points of views summarized in these documents: