
The new Game of the Economy of the Commons

We introduce to you the new Game of the Economy of the Commons, a card game that allows to understand, in a playful way, the dynamics of this economy which puts the focus on the "sharing" instead of in the transaction and profit-making. This economy is different from that of the market and is articulated around a communal resource and the community that produces it and benefits from it.

Comunificadora second edition, here are the chosen projects

La Comunificadora is the Commons and Collaborative Economy projects support programme by Barcelona Activa, developed by Free Knowledge Institute and others, which launched its second edition a few weeks ago. The projects chosen this time show the scope of La Comunificadora, and how the same programme may be deployed in any other country. More complete descriptions of the several projects are available in Catalan and Spanish.

DIY for expanding the Commons Collaborative Economy

There are a growing number of initiatives supporting entrepreneurial projects to explore the viability of a commons collaborative economy. In January La Comunificadora programme, closed its first experience in Barcelona (co-produced by Platoniq, Foundation Goteo, the Free Knowledge Institute), looking at the social impact of the Commons Collaborative Economy and... (ESPAÑOL - CATALÀ)

La Comunificadora: The Story Continues

La Comunificadora programme, at Barcelona Activa, jointly managed by Free Knowledge Institute (FKI), Platoniq and Goteo has reached the end of its first phase, but the story continues. The final Meetup was held on 27 January at MediaTIC building, and attended by leaders of the fifteen projects, tutors and mentors. (ESPAÑOL- CATALÀ)

Let’s Communify the Collaborative Economy!

Fifteen projects have been taking part in the La Comunificadora programme at Barcelona Activa, since mid-November. They are exploring the viability of a collaborative economy which considers the commons, looks at the social impact and seeks to establish fair relationships among agents.    ESPAÑOL-CATALÀ)

Collaborative Economy, Principles and Case Studies

Last week the new collaborative economy support programme, La Comunificadora (the “Commons Makery”), was launched at an open session in the Convent de Sant Agustí (Barcelona). Several projects with the potential to participate in the support programme were presented... (ESPAÑOL - CATALÀ)


Commons Startup Support Programme “La Comunificadora” launches in Barcelona

La Comunificadora is a programme from Barcelona Activa realised together with Platoniq, Foundation Goteo and the Free Knowledge Institute, and a large group of people and organisations working for the collaborative economy, free culture and commons movements. We seek to support collaborative economy projects that have a clear focus on the commons. Selected projects get a face-2-face training and mentoring programme supported by online platforms and several meetups to mature and make their projects more successful.

Open Source Circular Economy Days

The OSCE Days have evolved in a powerful worldwide event, this year taking polace in more than 70 cities on all continents. The concept is powerful in that it reaches out to various different communities, strengthening relationships, understanding and forstering new collaborations. To name a few ccommunities or movements, it connects people from the Free Software movement (a.k.a. open source software),...

Can we liberate the market through commons governance?

In the Barcelona-based Escola dels Commons we study the commons and right now we are discussing about the market, how current markets work and how they could work, if redefined under commons logic. Monday 17th December we hold a public debate about this in the offices of the Xarxa d'Economia Solidaria (XES) a Barcelona.