Note: The 18th edition, January 2019, of the

Lubitz' Leon Trotsky Bibliography (LLTB) is now online!


The main sections of TrotskyanaNet:

Notes on abbreviations and transliterations

Technical notes about TrotskyanaNet website


The main subject of our TrotskyanaNet website, Leon Trotsky [Лев Давидович Троцкий], was born as Lev (or, Leib) Bronshtein [Лев Бронштейн] at Ianovka (Russian Empire) on Nov. 7, 1879 (=Oct. 26 according to the Julian calendar style, see also the Genealogy chapter within TrotskyanaNet), and murdered in Coyoacán (Mexico). He was an eminent Marxist revolutionary theoretician and uncompromising internationalist, protagonist of the Russian revolutions in 1905 and 1917, creator and chief of the Red Army, leader of the anti-Stalinist Russian and International Left Opposition, founder of the Fourth International, distinguished author, editor, journalist, essayist, polemicist, historian, and literary critic – of course one of the most enigmatic and controversial political figures of the 20th century. He was (and still is) the subject of an immense amount of scholarly, polemical and ephemeral literature as well as of films, dramas, novels and other fiction; for all those and similar materials we use the term "Trotskyana".

The photograph above (taken by P. Lubitz) depicts a portrait of Trotsky (oil on canvas, ca. 40x60 cm) which was painted by Eduard Panosian (Leipzig) in 2012 as a commissioned work based on photographs shot in Moscow in 1919/1920 portraying 40 years old Trotsky as People's Commissar of War; the painting forms part of our extensive private Trotskyana collection.

For a nice little slide-show (duration: 3'56") depicting Trotsky's life in photographs, caricatures, paintings etc. see the video Trotsky on YouTube.

Wolfgang and Petra Lubitz, 2004
last slightly rev. January 2019


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