From the blog

An appreciation of Amos Oz z”l by Yehuda Erdman Posted Jan 13, 2019 By Lawrence Joffe

Picture above of Amos Oz, taken by Mariusz Kubik, 2005 Tribute below by Yehuda Erdman, outgoing Chair of Meretz UK   I am writing an

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About Sana Knaneh, our Hanukkah 2018 speaker Posted Dec 05, 2018 By Lawrence Joffe

Meretz UK is holding our annual Hanukkah party on Sunday, 9 December, starting 7 pm. And we are delighted to have as our special guest Sana Knaneh,

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More about Vivi Lachs and Whitechapel Noise Posted Jun 27, 2018 By Lawrence Joffe

Vivi Lachs will be speaking at Meretz UK on Sunday, 22 July, about Whitechapel Noise: Sex, politics and religion on the streets of London’s East

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