Featured Stories

From the latest Tell Your True Tale workshop

Feature Section 1, Uncategorized


/ 12 Nov 2017

By Jian Huang

"...The motel seems gigantic, with 28 rooms and two floors. The ocean blue paint underneath the stairwell is chipping. I rarely see the same customer more than once. There are so many rooms, and not one is filled with anyone I know. A couple of weeks ago, a little girl about my age named Annie checked in with her mama. A few days later I noticed that somebody drew hearts and flowers in pink chalk on the ground. ...

City in Flames
California, Feature Section 1, Home Page Slider, Los Angeles

City in Flames

/ 12 Nov 2017

By Cristian Vasquez

"... Our drive home from the freeway usually took 10 minutes, but that afternoon the streets overflowed with angry people armed with rocks, bottles and milk crates. The red light at Main Street and Century Boulevard was the first to trap us. The mob hurled bottles, rocks and any heavy object at our car. An uncoordinated “No justice, no peace!” chant pierced our closed windows. Dad and Uncle Heli looked in every direction, scanning for anyone trying to approach the car. A rioter tried opening the door to the car in front of us. ..."

From the TYTT Archive …

Mabe’s Dream
Feature Section 2, Tell Your True Tale

Mabe’s Dream

By Tené Harris

"... Mabe had arrived in east Texas from Georgia, a freed man, in about 1859. He was a skilled carpenter, shoemaker, blacksmith and farmer. Over the years this man somehow amassed close to one thousand acres, 600 of which remain in our family. No one knew much about his parents. Some speculate that his father was a slave owner and that had something to do with his ability to purchase and retain so much land in east Texas. ..."

0 / / Nov 13, 2017
La Curandera
California, Feature Section 2, Storytelling, Tell Your True Tale

La Curandera

By Monique Quintero

"...I must have been about 2 years old when my parents and I stayed overnight at my maternal grandparents’ house. It was early morning, my parents were still asleep, but I was awake in my playpen. I looked up to see Angie standing in the hallway. As I called out to her, she turned and walked away. I managed to climb out of the playpen, but by the time I reached the living room, there was no sign of Angie. I later told my mother what had happened, to try to figure out how Angie had disappeared so quickly, but she just shook her head and told me, “You must have dreamt it. ...”

0 / / Nov 12, 2017
Desert Sea
Feature Section 2, Mexico

Desert Sea

By Jessica Gonzalez

"... Dad would not have approved of Jose or anyone else for that matter, but he was not involved enough in my personal life to accidentally find out. Secretly, I felt empowered at 16 to take control of a part of my life, to live in one small space for myself. Jose was more than a boyfriend; he was freedom. Mom knew and supported me. On paper he looked great. He was handsome, worked at a bank, dressed well and had a nice car. ..."

0 / / Nov 12, 2017

What is TYTT?

Tell Your True Tale is a forum for writers to submit, polish and have posted stories of their own lives, or those of people close to them.

Run by long-time journalist Sam Quinones, TYTT aims for tales, for stories of some telling moment or event - each with a beginning, middle and ending.

Nonfiction that reads like fiction.

We don't pay for stories, but we do edit. Our motto is: Write Then Rewrite.

Read the stories. Comment on them.

Then click on Contact and send one of your own.


We're thrilled to announce a new partnership between TYTT and the Los Angeles Review of Books, the region's premier literary website.

LARB will feature TYTT stories, as well as news of upcoming volumes, book presentations, interviews with authors and more.

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