Philip Kenny told his victim to ‘go back to the jungle’ before he hit him in the face with a glass

A thug told a doorman to “go back to the jungle” in a torrent of racial abuse before he hit him in the face with a glass.

Philip Kenny was jailed for six years after he was convicted of racially aggravated wounding with intent following the incident at Fountains in Llandudno .

The 42-year-old, of Charlton Street, Llandudno, had denied the charge but was convicted by a jury at Mold Crown Court on Friday afternoon.

Judge Niclas Parry told him: “You are clearly a violent and aggressive man and a danger to the public, including males and females.”

The judge said Kenny had used “vile racial abuse” in the cowardly attack which could be seen “as clear as day” on CCTV footage.

But he said he took into account that the defendant himself suffered serious injuries “by way of summary justice” at the bar.

Judge Parry said the sentence would have been one of five years, but an additional 12 months had been imposed to reflect the racial element of the offence.

The court heard the defendant had a number of previous convictions for violence, including racially aggravated offences, and had been jailed for robbery in 2004.

In 2007, he had received an indeterminate sentence for GBH upon his then girlfriend, which meant that he was effectively “on life licence” and had been recalled.

Prosecuting barrister Elen Owen said the victim was Sarjo Manneh, a British citizen who was black African by descent and had worked as a licensed doorman for about 13 years.

On April 14, 2018, he was working at Fountains and the defendant was there with a friend of his and the friend’s wife, having been out drinking since mid-afternoon.

Mr Manneh became aware of an argument between the couple inside the pub, and then went outside to man the entrance door.

He saw the defendant’s friend come outside with what appeared to be his wife’s handbag, which he placed on a table.

The defendant came out and both men were drinking from glasses which they brought outside with them.

The woman then came out, picked up the bag and walked away, shouting and swearing at her husband.

The court heard this appeared to make her husband angry, and he appeared to want to follow her.

Mr Manneh told him he could not leave with the glass, but the man told him that he couldn’t tell him what to do and racially abused him.

Kenny then joined in, saying “f*** you”, and used the N-word.

He told Mr Manneh: “You can’t f***ing come to my country and tell us what to do. Go back to the jungle.”

The defendant said the doorman should Google his name and that he was from Manchester.

When Mr Manneh said he wasn’t interested, the defendant’s response was another torrent of racial abuse, including reference to him being a cannibal.

Mr Manneh was holding a hot drink which he decided at that point to put down.

As he had his face turned away from the defendant, he felt what he described as a spark on the left side of his face, causing his vision to go blurry.

The defendant had used his glass to hit Mr Manneh, and he was then restrained by another doorman, said Miss Owen.

Kenny himself was badly injured during what followed and later made a complaint that he had been unlawfully assaulted, which was investigated but no charges were brought.

Mr Manneh returned to the bar and saw that he had cuts to his left cheek and his left ear.

Police officers went to the scene after CCTV operators informed them of an ongoing disturbance outside the bar.

On arrival, they were told the two men had left and that Mr Manneh had gone after them in the direction of Wetherspoons.

The officers saw Mr Manneh outside the pub and noticed cuts to his cheek and ear.

Shortly afterwards, the defendant and his friend were seen walking further down Madoc Street.

Kenny was arrested and taken to Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, where he was said to be extremely abusive to hospital staff and police.

He was described as “shaking with rage” and refused treatment, saying that he would spit in the face of anyone who tried to treat him.

During interview, he denied racially abusing Mr Manneh, and said he had thrown the contents of his glass at him but denied hitting him with the glass.

He said his recollection was affected by the head injury he sustained after the incident when he claimed he was assaulted by the complainant.

Defending barrister Martine Snowdon said that, following the conviction, Kenny had been recalled to prison because of the earlier indeterminate sentence and had served the equivalent of a 20-month sentence, which would not count against the sentence now to be imposed.

Daily Post

A man who deliberately drove at worshippers leaving an Islamic community centre has been jailed.

Three people were hurt when Martin Stokes drove into crowds leaving the Al-majlis Al-Hussaini centre in Cricklewood, north London on 19 September 2018.

Stokes, of Wembley, admitted dangerous driving, causing serious injury by dangerous driving and harassment.

At Harrow Crown Court on Wednesday he was jailed for five years.

Police said 25-year-old Stokes and others had parked outside the community centre on Horseshoe Close after a night of drinking.

The group were asked to move on by event stewards, who said they were causing a disturbance as there was a private event taking place.

Martin Stokes, 25, has been jailed for five years ( Metropolitan Police )

Martin Stokes, 25, has been jailed for five years ( Metropolitan Police )

In response, Stokes shouted racist abuse and then deliberately drove at worshippers leaving the community centre, before fleeing the scene, according to Scotland Yard.

Three people were injured, including a 50-year-old man who was hospitalised for three weeks due to serious hip and leg injuries.

Mohammed Al Bayati, from the Al Hussaini Association, said: “Our members were subject to racist and anti-Islamic taunts followed by a violent attack.

“The attack, against men, women and children and which resulted in serious injuries to the victims, took place at night during Muharram, a sacred month of the Islamic calendar.”

After sentencing, Det Sgt Kelly Schonhage said: “Stokes selfishly drove his car at a group of innocent pedestrians and had no regard whatsoever for their safety.

“It is very fortunate that no lives were lost in this incident and we are pleased that Stokes has now been brought to justice.”

Stokes was also banned from driving for seven-and-a-half years.

Michael O’Donnell, 20, and Thomas McDonagh, 20, both from Wembley, were charged in connection with the incident but their cases were discontinued.

BBC News

Martin Stokes hurled ‘racist and anti-Islamic taunts’ in religiously aggravated attack

Martin Stokes, 25, has been jailed for five years ( Metropolitan Police )

Martin Stokes, 25, has been jailed for five years ( Metropolitan Police )

A man who deliberately drove a car into a group of pedestrians outside a Muslim community centre has been jailed for five years.

Martin Stokes, 25, injured three people when he hurled “racist and anti-Islamic taunts” while he veered into the group outside the Hussaini Association hall in Cricklewood, northwest London, last September.

One man, in his 50s, sustained a serious leg and hip injury that kept him in hospital for nearly a month, the Metropolitan Police said.

Harrow Crown Court was told how at about 12.30am on 19 September Stokes and others were smoking and drinking inside a car parked in a lot close to the community centre.

Stewards for a private event being held there asked them to move on.

But in response “Stokes shouted racist abuse and then deliberately drove his car into a group of people who were leaving the community centre” before speeding away, the Met said.

He was arrested on 23 October following an investigation by Brent police.

On Wednesday he was jailed for five years and banned from driving for seven and a half years.

Stokes, of Lynton Close in Wembley, had admitted dangerous driving, causing serious injury by dangerous driving and a religiously aggravated offence.

Mohammed Al Bayati, from the Al Hussaini Association, said: “Our members were subject to racist and anti-Islamic taunts followed by a violent attack in which a vehicle was deliberately driven onto the pavement and aimed at the crowd of worshippers leaving the mosque.

“The attack, against men, women and children and which resulted in serious injuries to the victims, took place at night during Muharram, a sacred month of the Islamic calendar.”

The Independent

A Tommy Robinson supporter and convicted rapist has been jailed for 28 days for posting threatening and abusive comments about home secretary Sajid Javid.

Wayne Kirby, 49, was handed the sentence after leaving remarks on Mr Javid’s Facebook page last summer.

The Northolt man called for the Tory politician to be “hung, drawn and quartered” if anything happened to the infamous far-right activist. He also called Mr Javid “a Muslim terrorist”.

He ended his post by saying Mr Javid should “legally get ready to die boy”.

Kirby served six years after being convicted for rape in 2007, Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard.

Officers from London’s Metropolitan Police discovered the post had been sent from a phone and Facebook profile linked to Kirby after the home secretary’s office reported the threat.

The Tommy Robinson supporter was also found guilty of possession of cannabis, which breached his conditional discharge of a previous class B conviction.

Sentencing chief magistrate Emma Arbuthnot said: “The use of the word ‘boy’ was to humiliate the politician and there was clear racial and religious undertones.

“It was deliberate and hostile and this is something I take very seriously. Why should politicians and their staff work in this threatening environment? You say you didn’t mean it, it was out of character and it was idle but the trouble is that some people do put this into effect, as we have seen in the past.

“You are a loner and have no relationships and I accept it was sent on the spur of the moment.”

Kirby, who said he had been due to start a new job cleaning out wheelie bins, was fined £250 in relation to the possession of cannabis and also ordered to pay £150 in costs.

Detective Inspector Phil Grindell, from Scotland Yard’s parliamentary liaison team said: “As this investigation shows, we take all reports of crimes from MPs very seriously and we will deal robustly with incidents of harassment and abuse that are brought to our attention.

“It is not right that anyone is harassed, intimidated or obstructed because of their job, and we will fully investigate any reports of crimes against MPs or their staff and look to bring those responsible to justice.”

The Independent

Kirby pleaded guilty to rape after 14 years.

Kirby pleaded guilty to rape after 14 years.

A RAPIST has been jailed for six years for a attack on a woman 14 years ago, after he was identified through advances in forensic technology.

Wayne Kirby, 37, of Dabbs Hill, Northholt, was arrested in October 2007 after being identified through DNA samples taken at the time of the attack.

Kirby pleaded guilty to rape on October 31 at Southwark Crown Court, and was sentenced yesterday to six years in prison.

He will also have to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

On May 18, 1993, the day of the attack, Kirby climbed through the window of his victim’s ground-floor hostel room in Dove House Court, Kittiwake Road, Notholt.

The victim, who was at home looking after her sick baby, had left the window open to let in some air when she went to bed, just before midnight.

She woke up a little later, fearing there was someone in her room.

Kirby then attacked and raped her, as her six-month-old baby slept in bed next to them.

Police arrested four suspects at the time, but their DNA profiles did not match any on the National DNA Database, and they were released.

DC Lana Kettel, who led the investigation for Greenwood Police, said: “I hope this case will give other potential victims the strength to come forward and report previously unreported offences to police.

“I’d like to reassure the community that the police will prosecute offenders for offences that have remained undetected for a number of years.”

In 2002 the Sapphire Cold Case Investigation Team was set up to investigate all unsolved rape allegations reported to the Met.

Ealing Times

From 2007

A “neighbour from hell” who waged a campaign of harassment against a couple on his street has been jailed after deleting potential evidence.

Preston Crown Court heard Barry Carr, 67, lied to officers and erased CCTV footage requested as part of the latest investigation into complaints made against him.

Just days after a failed appeal against his conviction for harassment saw his suspended sentence increased, he was caught on film “being obstructive” to police officers who had requested to see footage from one pf his many CCTV cameras.

Carr, of Rossall Gate, Fleetwood, Rossall, Fleetwood, was jailed 18 weeks after being found guilty of perverting the course of justice.

The court heard he showed “no remorse” for his crimes.

Sentencing him yesterday, Judge Robert Altham said: “This defendant had been engaged upon a campaign of harrassment against his neighbours. This was to make their lives extremely difficult.”

The court head how, on February 12 last year, a neighbour had returned home late and thought he saw an infra-red light from one of Carr’s CCTV cameras shining on him as he walked up his drive.

Police visited five days later and requested to take the CCTV footage from his hard drive, which Carr then deleted.

Judge Altham said: “The court saw 20 minutes of body camera footage of police at the scene and it’s fair to say that the defendant was obstructive and difficult from the beginning. The police officers could not have been more accommodating.

“The officers legitimately wanted to seize the defendant’s CCTV recording equipment and the defendant had various objections, deliberately misunderstanding what the police wanted to do, suggesting that they would break the equipment by seizing it, when plainly that was entirely fanciful.

“He insisted on logging off the system before it was seized, and under the guise of doing that he re-formatted the hard drive.”

He added that Carr had then lied and said he had not deleted the footage.

He later admitted deleting it, but lied again when he said this was because he wanted to erase embarrassing footage of him around the house.

He was found guilty of one count of perverting the course of justice. He was found not guilty of two counts of breaching a restraining order, which had been imposed at an earlier hearing.

Daniel Harman, defending, said Carr, a retired fish and chip shop owner, had gone most of his life without a criminal conviction before being convicted of harassing his neighbours in October 2017.

He said: “Going to prison, for some people, is water off a duck’s back. Its an occupational hazard. Mr Carr has spent the past four days in prison, For a man of his age, that’s a life changing experience.

“The most important thing in his life is his dog, Snowy, a female dog 12 years of age. She is his life and they have never been apart.

“He has spent months trying to get the diet of Snowy down to a fine art, which he has managed to do. He’s clearly concerned about Snowy and is keen to see her again.”

Judge Altham said Carr was “just a lonely man who seems to spend his time with his dog, which is a perfectly normal use of his time, and bothering his neighbours, which is not”.

But he did not agree that a suspended sentence was an appropriate punishment for Carr’s crimes.

He said: “There was, it seems to me, an arrogant belief that he knows best, and he is not subjected to the rule of law. A keen desire not to engage with the police when investigating this matter shows the extension of the contempt he feels for the rights of his neighbours.

“There is an absolute lack of remorse, even today, from the defendant. At no point has he showed one shred of recognition of the seriousness of what he has done.”

Carr – who had previously told magistrates at a hearing in relation to earlier offences that he was being described as a “neighbour from hell” – was sentenced to eight weeks in prison for breaching his suspended sentence, and 10 weeks in prison for perverting the course of justice.

He sat with his face in his hands as Judge Altham read out his sentence.

PC Kevin Berry, who attended the sentencing, said: “Justice has been served today and the appropriate sentence has been given to Mr Carr.”

Blackpool Gazette

Carr is an ex BNP candidate.

A Tommy Robinson supporter branded the Home Secretary a “Muslim terrorist” and threatened to have him “hung, drawn and quarter” if anything happened to the far right leader, a court heard.

Wayne Kirby, 49, posted the comment on Sajid Javid’s Facebook page last summer threatening to kill him by the medieval death penalty technique.

The Facebook post was read out in court which stated: “You Muslim terrorist.

“If anything happens to Tommy Robinson you will die right after.

“You will be hung, drawn and quartered by the real British people under the constitution of the Magna Carta.

“Get ready to die.”

The far right supporter’s threat was picked up by the home secretary’s office manager Sophie Bolsover who reported it to the police who then raided his home in Northolt, West London.

Wearing jeans and a green jacket, Kirby appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court today (Mon) for sentencing.

He previously pleaded guilty to sending the racially fuelled threat to the Home Secretary on June 14 last year.

Defending, Mr Jonah Walker-Smith said Kirby’s threat was “silly and ignorant.”

He said: “Referencing to being hung, drawn and quartered under the constitution of the Magna Carta shows his ignorance and that it was a fantasy.

“It was idle and spur of the moment rather than premeditated.

“I’d think the Home Secretary is sufficiently robust.

“It was a silly comment during a moment of anger and he does show remorse.”

But Chief Magistrate, Emma Arbuthnot refuted this and said: “Why should politicians put up with this type of abuse?

“He might deny being a far right advocate but he obviously has extreme views.”

Kirby of Northolt, West London, was arrested on September 25 on suspicion of “sending an electronic communication namely a Facebook post which conveyed a threat for the purpose of causing distress or anxiety to the recipient.”

Kirby will be sentenced later.

London Economic.