
It is Time to Get Serious About Security At Events

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and when they catch you, they will kill you... but first they must catch you." -Watership DownAlong with many people that surely...

Two Weddings, 400,000 Funerals: “Sometimes We Have to Celebrate”

I went to a wedding in QamiÅŸlo this week, but the groom was not there. He is in Germany, and following the arranged marriage his bride will travel out to join him. I know...

Otherworlds Review: Afterwords

Check Out the Book Version of The Otherworlds Review HERE The Orphic initiators of antiquity, the Orpheotelestai, were said to travel from city-state to city-state healing ancestral curses, performing initiations, offering deliverance by way of...

VANDALISMS: One Last Hurrah

In their final column, VANDALISMS has prepared their most extensive writing to date, including a version of the text formatted as a zine. Instead of embedding social media posts for imagery, images are now...

Right Wing Death Squad: The Ticking Time Bomb of Trumpism

In Southaven, Mississippi, during a rally held on October 2nd, the president got on stage to mock Dr. Christine Blasey Ford over her testimony during the Kavanaugh hearings. Later, on the 8th, despite previously...

Rojava: Between City and Village, Between War and Ecology

The Rojava Revolution is an event deeply rooted in a specific place; a place that exists on a scale that’s both personal and dauntingly immense. Rojava, or western Kurdistan, is part of the fertile...

Making Monsters: Pony Ma, the “Communist” Billionaire

Ma Huateng, also known as Pony Ma,  is the second richest man in China, according to the Forbes World's Billionaires list, which also lists him as the 21st richest person in the world. Ma...

After Harassing Black Teens In Austin, Patriot Prayer is Coming to Providence, RI to...

Several weeks ago in Austin, Texas, far-Right militia members, Trump supporters, Proud Boys, and fans of the far-Right conspiracy web site InfoWars, held a rally to "Free Alex Jones." Ironically, Jones was not imprisoned, but...

Thunder for the Wicked: Building Feminist Justice in Rojava

Photos used with permission from Revolutionary Youth of Til TemirThe case is thus: a 57-year-old man has hunted down and shot dead his 20-year-old wife and his 23-year-old son, her lover, after they eloped...

Autonomous Struggle Vs the Political Party Machine

In a recent op-ed piece in the Mexican liberal newspaper, La Jornada, professor at the College of Mexico, Soledad Loaeza, writes that, “History teaches us that political regimes without parties quickly become dictatorships that...